

JDK 1.8 API帮助文档

JDK 1.6 API中文文档


第一次小组作业(一) 控制台版


• 双色球为红球和蓝球

• 用户从1-33中自选6个数字(不能重复)代表红球;从1-16中自选1个数字代表蓝球;


• 请自拟六个奖项对应的奖品。

  1. package GroupFirst; 

  2. import java.util.Scanner; 

  3. /** 

  4. * 第一次小组作业:模拟双色球彩票  

  5. * •游戏规则 

  6. * •双色球为红球和蓝球 

  7. * •用户从1-33中自选6个数字(不重复)代表红球;从1-16中自选1个数字代表蓝球 

  8. * •上图为中奖规则,如一等奖为中6个红球及蓝球,二等奖为仅中6个红球…… 

  9. * •请自拟六个奖项对应的奖品 

  10. */ 

  11. public class Balllottery 

  12. private int[] betRedBall = new int[6];//存放选择的6个红球 

  13. private int betBlueBall; //存放选择的1个蓝球 

  14. private Scanner scan = null; //扫描器对象 

  15. private int[] winningRedBall = {1,2,3,4,5,6};//红球中奖号码 

  16. private int winningBlueBall = 7; //蓝球中奖号码 

  17. public static void main(String[] args) 

  18. Balllottery lottery = new Balllottery(); 

  19. //从1-33中自选6个数字(不重复)代表红球 

  20. lottery.seletRedBall();//lottery.seletRedBall(); 

  21. System.out.println("--------红球选择完成-----------"); 

  22. //从1-16中自选1个数字代表蓝球 

  23. lottery.seletBlueBall(); 

  24. System.out.println("--------蓝球选择完成-----------"); 

  25. //投注并开奖; 

  26. int level = lottery.lotteryBetting(); 

  27. //显示奖品;  

  28. lottery.showResults(level); 

  29. public void showResults(int level) 

  30. System.out.println("---------------------------"); 

  31. System.out.print("您的投注为:"); 

  32. for (int i = 0; i < betRedBall.length; i++) 

  33. System.out.printf("%-3d",betRedBall[i]); 

  34. System.out.print(", " + betBlueBall + "\n"); 

  35. System.out.print("开奖号码为:"); 

  36. for (int i = 0; i < winningRedBall.length; i++) 

  37. System.out.printf("%-3d",winningRedBall[i]); 

  38. System.out.print(", " + winningBlueBall + "\n\n"); 

  39. //根据中奖等级分配奖品 

  40. switch (level) 

  41. case 0: System.out.println("抱歉,您没中奖!"); break; 

  42. case 1: System.out.println("一等奖,恭喜您获得自行车一辆!"); break; 

  43. case 2: System.out.println("二等奖,恭喜您获得保温杯一个!"); break; 

  44. case 3: System.out.println("三等奖,恭喜您获得新书包一个!"); break; 

  45. case 4: System.out.println("四等奖,恭喜您获得记事本一个!"); break; 

  46. case 5: System.out.println("五等奖,恭喜您获得签字笔一个!"); break; 

  47. case 6: System.out.println("六等奖,恭喜您获得黑铅笔一个!"); break; 

  48. System.out.println("\n---------------------------"); 

  49. // 从1-33中自选6个数字(不重复)代表红球 

  50. public void seletRedBall() 

  51. //用一个数组来存放33个红球并赋值1-33号 

  52. int[] redBall = new int[33];  

  53. for (int i = 0; i < redBall.length; i++) 

  54. redBall[i] = i + 1; // 1--33 

  55. // used表示已经出现过的红球 ; boolean数组默认初始为false 

  56. boolean[] used = new boolean[redBall.length]; 

  57. int count = 0; //统计下注红球个数 

  58. // 输入6个不重复的红球号码,并存放到bet数组 

  59. //Scanner scan = null; 

  60. scan = new Scanner(; 

  61. System.out.println("请输入6个红球号码(1-33):"); 

  62. while (scan.hasNext()) 

  63. int num = scan.nextInt(); // 获得输入 

  64. // 如果这个号码是1-33号,那么就重新选择 

  65. if (num < 1 || num > 33) 

  66. System.out.println("没有" 

  67. + num + "号,请选1-33号。您还需要选择" 

  68. + (6-count) +"个红球!"); 

  69. continue; 

  70. // 如果这个号码没有被选过,那么就放到bet数组 

  71. if (!used[num]) 

  72. betRedBall[count++] = num; 

  73. used[num] = true; 

  74. System.out.println("已选" 

  75. + num + "号!您还需要选择" 

  76. + (6-count) +"个红球!"); 

  77. else  

  78. System.out.println(num + "号已选过,您还需要选择" 

  79. + (6-count) +"个红球!"); 

  80. // 选完6个红球则跳出循环 

  81. if (count==6) break; 

  82. // 从1-16中自选1个数字代表蓝球  

  83. public void seletBlueBall() 

  84. // 输入1个蓝球号码 

  85. //Scanner scan = null; 

  86. scan = new Scanner(; 

  87. System.out.print("请输入1个蓝球号码(1-16):"); 

  88. while (scan.hasNextLine()) 

  89. int num = scan.nextInt(); // 获得输入 

  90. // 

  91. // 如果这个号码是1-16号,那么就重新选择 

  92. if (num < 1 || num > 16) 

  93. System.out.println("没有" + num + "号,请选1-16号!"); 

  94. continue; 

  95. else 

  96. betBlueBall = num; 

  97. System.out.println("已选" + num + "号!"); 

  98. break; 

  99. // 投注并开奖 

  100. public int lotteryBetting() 

  101. int correctRedCount = 0; // 猜中的红球个数 

  102. boolean correctBlueCount = false; // 是否猜中篮球 

  103. //遍历选择的红球;对比开奖结果 算出中奖的红球个数 

  104. for (int i = 0; i < betRedBall.length; i++) 

  105. for (int j = 0; j < winningRedBall.length; j++) 

  106. if (betRedBall[i] == winningRedBall[j]) 

  107. correctRedCount++; 

  108. continue; 

  109. // 判断是否猜中蓝球 

  110. if (betBlueBall == winningBlueBall) correctBlueCount = true;  

  111. /** 没中奖 返回 0 

  112. * 一等奖 中 6+1 

  113. * 二等奖 中 6+0 

  114. * 三等奖 中 5+1 

  115. * 四等奖 中 5+0 中 4+1 

  116. * 五等奖 中 4+0 中 3+1 

  117. * 六等奖 中 2+1 中 0+1 中 1+1 

  118. */ 

  119. System.out.println("Debug:" 

  120. + correctRedCount + "," + correctBlueCount); 

  121. if (correctRedCount == 6) 

  122. if (correctBlueCount) return 1; 

  123. else return 2; 

  124. if (correctRedCount == 5) 

  125. if (correctBlueCount) return 3; 

  126. else return 4; 

  127. if (correctRedCount == 4) 

  128. if (correctBlueCount) return 4; 

  129. else return 5; 

  130. if (correctBlueCount) 

  131. if (correctRedCount == 3) return 5; 

  132. //else if (correctRedCount == 2) return 6; 

  133. //else if (correctRedCount == 1) return 6; 

  134. else return 6; 

  135. return 0; 


第一次小组作业(二) 界面版

-------------------------2016-11-23 更新


  • JPanel面板的的建立与更新


  • 开奖号码的绑定与设置


  • 单击的变化与清空选择


  • 优化与改进

    (1) 所有的绘制在JPanel上, 故绘制的坐标也是基于JPanel;而JPanel面板又被添加到JFrame窗体上,又因鼠标坐标却是基于JFrame窗体的;这两套坐标不一致,但却要用鼠标的坐标去定位球的坐标,球的坐标相对固定,而JPanel的零点相对JFrame窗体的零点却可能不一致,比如窗体边框发生变化时;两套坐标的对应是个问题,我这里只是用到当前状态的相对差距(9,30),如果窗体发生变化,可能就会不能对应坐标,这样也就会产生 选球“失灵”的情况。

    (2) 设置开奖号码我这里只做了范围判断,并没有做重复判断,算是个小Bug。

    (3) 这里用的的是鼠标响应时间,加上代码可能效率不高,这样不可避免的有延时;其实这里的所有的球可以换作按钮,这样通过组件操作必然方便准确,这样只需重点考虑按钮美观的问题。

运行演示: 我这里已经打包可直接运行(需要jdk环境), 点击下载 .Jar

目录结构: 共享的源码只有5个类,有兴趣调试的可以参考此目录。

源码共享: 代码比较长,不在这里贴码了,有兴趣的同学可以点击下载 .rar

week7 Cylinder(二)

2个文件 cylinder_1.dat, cylinder_0.dat都放在项目根目录的resource包下,内容如下:


  1. package week7; 

  2. import java.text.DecimalFormat; 

  3. /** 

  4. * 7.1 创建 Cylinder类,以存储标签、半度; 

  5. * 方法包括获得及设置这些成员变量,计算直径、周长面积及体积。  

  6. */ 

  7. public class Cylinder 

  8. private String lable; //存储标签 

  9. private double radius; //圆柱半径 

  10. private double height; //圆柱的高 

  11. public Cylinder(String lable, double radius, double height) 

  12. this.lable = lable; 

  13. this.radius = radius; 

  14. this.height = height; 

  15. public String getLable() 

  16. return lable; 

  17. public boolean setLable(String lable) 

  18. boolean flag = true; 

  19. if (lable.isEmpty()) flag = false; 

  20. else this.lable = lable.trim(); 

  21. //String.trim()截去字符串开头和末尾的空白 

  22. return flag; 

  23. public double getRadius() 

  24. return radius; 

  25. public void setRadius(double radius) 

  26. this.radius = radius; 

  27. public double getHeight() 

  28. return height; 

  29. public void setHeight(double height) 

  30. this.height = height; 

  31. //返回圆柱底面直径 

  32. public double diameter() 

  33. return radius * 2; 

  34. //返回圆柱底面周长 

  35. public double circumference() 

  36. return diameter() * Math.PI; 

  37. //返回 表面积 = 圆柱底面积×2 + 底面周长×高 

  38. public double area() 

  39. return Math.PI * radius * radius * 2 

  40. + circumference() * height; 

  41. //返回 圆柱底体积 

  42. public double volumn() 

  43. return Math.PI * radius * radius * height; 

  44. @Override 

  45. public String toString() 

  46. String output = null; 

  47. DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.0##"); 

  48. output = lable 

  49. + " is a cylinder with radius = " + df.format(radius) 

  50. + " units and height = " + df.format(height) 

  51. + " units, " 

  52. + "\nwhich has diameter = " + df.format(diameter()) 

  53. + " units, circumference = " + df.format(circumference()) 

  54. + " units, " 

  55. + "\narea = " + df.format(area()) 

  56. + " square units, and volume = " + df.format(volumn()) 

  57. + " cubic units.\n"; 

  58. return output; 

  59. public static void main(String[] args) 

  60. Cylinder c1 = new Cylinder("Small Example", 4.0, 10.0); 

  61. Cylinder c2 = new Cylinder("Medium Example", 22.1, 30.6); 

  62. Cylinder c3 = new Cylinder("Large Example", 100.0, 200.0); 

  63. c1.setLable(""); 

  64. System.out.println(c1); 

  65. System.out.println(c2); 

  66. System.out.println(c3); 


  1. package week7; 

  2. import java.text.DecimalFormat; 

  3. import java.util.ArrayList; 

  4. /** 

  5. * 7.2 CylinderList类  

  6. */ 

  7. public class CylinderList 

  8. private String listName; 

  9. private ArrayList<Cylinder> cList; 

  10. CylinderList(String listName, ArrayList<Cylinder> cList) 

  11. this.listName = listName; 

  12. this.cList = cList; 

  13. //返回一个代表几何名字的字符串 

  14. public String getName() 

  15. return listName; 

  16. //返回代表集合中Cylinder对象的个数 

  17. public int numberOfCylinders() 

  18. return cList.size(); 

  19. //返回 所有的Cylinder对象的 高 的和 

  20. public double totalHeight() 

  21. double totalHeight = 0; 

  22. for (Cylinder cylinder : cList) 

  23. totalHeight += cylinder.getHeight(); 

  24. return totalHeight; 

  25. //返回 所有的Cylinder对象的 圆柱底面直径 的和 

  26. public double totalDiameter() 

  27. double totalDiameter = 0; 

  28. for (Cylinder cylinder : cList) 

  29. totalDiameter += cylinder.diameter(); 

  30. return totalDiameter; 

  31. //返回 所有的Cylinder对象的 面积 之和 

  32. public double totalArea() 

  33. double totalArea = 0; 

  34. for (Cylinder cylinder : cList) 

  35. totalArea += cylinder.area(); 

  36. return totalArea; 

  37. //返回 所有的Cylinder对象的 体积 之和 

  38. public double totalVolume() 

  39. double totalVolume = 0; 

  40. for (Cylinder cylinder : cList) 

  41. totalVolume += cylinder.volumn(); 

  42. return totalVolume; 

  43. //返回 所有的Cylinder对象 面积 的 平均值 

  44. public double averageArea() 

  45. double averageArea = 0; 

  46. if (cList.size()>0) 

  47. averageArea = totalArea()/cList.size(); 

  48. return averageArea; 

  49. //返回 所有的Cylinder对象 体积 的 平均值 

  50. public double averageVolume() 

  51. double averageVolume = 0; 

  52. if (cList.size()>0) 

  53. averageVolume = totalVolume()/cList.size(); 

  54. return averageVolume; 

  55. //返回 集合的名字及集合中每一个对象的toString方法 

  56. public String toString() 

  57. String output = "\n" + listName + "\n\n"; 

  58. for (Cylinder cylinder : cList) 

  59. output += (cylinder.toString() + "\n");  

  60. return output; 

  61. //返回 集合的名字及Cylinder对象个数, 

  62. //总面积,总体积,平均面积及平均体积 

  63. public String summaryInfo() 

  64. String output = null; 

  65. DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.0##"); 

  66. output = "-----" + listName + " Summary-----" 

  67. + "\nNimber of Cylinders: " + numberOfCylinders() 

  68. + "\nTotal Area: " + df.format(totalArea()) 

  69. + "\nTotal Volume: " + df.format(totalVolume()) 

  70. + "\nTotal Height: " + df.format(totalHeight()) 

  71. + "\nTotal Diameter: " + df.format(totalDiameter()) 

  72. + "\nAverage Area: " + df.format(averageArea()) 

  73. + "\nAverage Volume: " + df.format(averageVolume()); 

  74. return output; 

7.3 CylinderListApp 测试类

  1. package week7; 

  2. import; 

  3. import; 

  4. import java.util.ArrayList; 

  5. import java.util.Scanner; 

  6. /** 

  7. * 7.3 CylinderListApp 测试类 

  8. * (a) 打开用户输入的文件并读取第一行作为集合的名字;之后读取其他行, 

  9. * 依次生成Cylinder对象,最后生成CylinderList对象。 

  10. * (b) 输出CylinderList对象(调用toString方法),之后空一行, 

  11. * (c) 输出CylinderList对象的汇总信息(调用summaryInfo方法) 

  12. * 注意: 

  13. * 1)如果输入文件名后出现错误称找不到文件,此时可输出绝对路径 

  14. * 2)读取文件第一行作为集合名称后,使用以scanFile.hasNext() 

  15. * 为条件的while循环反复读入三行,然后创建Cylinder对象 

  16. * 3)输出结果必须与下面测试输出的结果完全一致 

  17. */ 

  18. public class CyliderListApp 

  19. public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException 

  20. String lable; 

  21. double radius; 

  22. double height; 

  23. Scanner scan0 = new Scanner(; 

  24. Scanner scan1 = null; 

  25. Scanner inputStream = null; 

  26. ArrayList<Cylinder> cList = new ArrayList<>(10); 

  27. CylinderList cylinderList = null;//new CylinderList(listName, cList) 

  28. System.out.print("Enter file name: "); 

  29. String fileName = scan0.nextLine(); // cylinder_0.dat 

  30. scan0.close(); 

  31. File file = new File("resource/" + fileName); 

  32. if(file.exists()) 

  33. inputStream = new Scanner(file); 

  34. String listName = inputStream.nextLine(); 

  35. while (inputStream.hasNextLine()) 

  36. String line = inputStream.nextLine(); 

  37. //使用逗号分隔line,例:Small Example, 4.0, 10.0 

  38. scan1 = new Scanner(line); 

  39. scan1.useDelimiter(","); 

  40. if (scan1.hasNext()) 

  41. lable =; 

  42. radius = Double.parseDouble(; 

  43. height = Double.parseDouble(; 

  44. //创建Cylinder对象并加入ArrayList<Cylinder>中 

  45. cList.add(new Cylinder(lable, radius, height)); 

  46. scan1.close(); //就近原则,以免出现空指针 

  47. inputStream.close(); 

  48. //初始化CylinderList对象 

  49. cylinderList = new CylinderList(listName, cList); 

  50. System.out.print(cylinderList.toString()); 

  51. System.out.println(cylinderList.summaryInfo()); 

  52. else 

  53. System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); 


week8 Cylinder(三)



导入使用的是7.1的Cylinder 类


参照 7.2 ;我这里贴出增加的部分;

  1. package week8; 

  2. import; 

  3. import; 

  4. import java.text.DecimalFormat; 

  5. import java.util.ArrayList; 

  6. import java.util.Scanner; 

  7. import week7.Cylinder; 

  8. /** 

  9. * 8.2 同7.2 CylinderList类,只是增加了4个方法 

  10. */ 

  11. public class CylinderList 

  12. private String listName = null; 

  13. private Scanner scan = null; 

  14. private Scanner inputStream = null;  

  15. private ArrayList<Cylinder> cList = null; 

  16. /** 

  17. *  

  18. * @param listName 

  19. * @param cList 

  20. */ 

  21. CylinderList(String listName, ArrayList<Cylinder> cList) 

  22. this.listName = listName; 

  23. this.cList = cList; 

  24. /***************************以下为新增方法***********************************/ 

  25. /** 

  26. * 接收一个代表文件名字的字符串参数,读入文件内容将其存储到集合名字变量及 ArrayList类型的集合变量中; 

  27. * 利用集合名字及集合变量生成 CylinderList对象;最后返回该 CylinderList对象; 

  28. * @param fileName 

  29. * @return 

  30. * @throws FileNotFoundException 

  31. */ 

  32. public CylinderList readFile(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException 

  33. CylinderList cylinderList = null; 

  34. String lable;  

  35. double radius;  

  36. double height; 

  37. String nameList = null; 

  38. //读文件并赋值 

  39. File file = new File(fileName);  

  40. if(file.exists())  

  41. {  

  42. inputStream = new Scanner(file);  

  43. nameList = inputStream.nextLine();  

  44. while (inputStream.hasNextLine())  

  45. {  

  46. String line = inputStream.nextLine();  

  47. //使用逗号分隔line,例:Small Example, 4.0, 10.0  

  48. scan = new Scanner(line);  

  49. scan.useDelimiter(",");  

  50. if (scan.hasNext())  

  51. {  

  52. lable =;  

  53. radius = Double.parseDouble(;  

  54. height = Double.parseDouble(;  

  55. //创建Cylinder对象并加入ArrayList<Cylinder>中  

  56. cList.add(new Cylinder(lable, radius, height));  

  57. cylinderList = new CylinderList(nameList, cList); 

  58. }  

  59. else  

  60. {  

  61. System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath());  

  62. System.out.println(fileName + " not exists!"); 

  63. return cylinderList; 

  64. /** 

  65. * 添加一个Cylinder对象到CylinderList对象中 

  66. * @param label 

  67. * @param radius 

  68. * @param height 

  69. */ 

  70. public void addCylinder(String label, double radius, double height) 

  71. cList.add(new Cylinder(label, radius, height)); 

  72. /** 

  73. * 接收一个代表 Cylinder的 label值的字符串,如果在 CylinderList对象中找到了该对象,则返回该对象并删除之; 

  74. * 否则返回 null; 

  75. * @param label 

  76. * @return 

  77. */ 

  78. public Cylinder deleteCylinder(String label) 

  79. Cylinder cylinder = null; 

  80. for (int i = 0; i < cList.size(); i++) 

  81. //如果找到 先赋值 后 删除 

  82. if (cList.get(i).getLable().equalsIgnoreCase(label) == true) 

  83. cylinder = cList.get(i); 

  84. cList.remove(i); 

  85. return cylinder; 

  86. /** 

  87. * 参数接收收一个代表 Cylinder的 label值的字符串,如果在 CylinderList对象中找到了该对象, 

  88. * 则返回该对象;否则返回 null; 

  89. * @param label 

  90. * @return 

  91. */ 

  92. public Cylinder findCylinder(String label) 

  93. Cylinder cylinder = null; 

  94. for (int i = 0; i < cList.size(); i++) 

  95. //如果找到 赋值 

  96. if (cList.get(i).getLable().equalsIgnoreCase(label) == true) 

  97. cylinder = cList.get(i); 

  98. return cylinder; 

  99. /** 

  100. * String类中两个方法的比较: 

  101. * equals:将此字符串与指定的对象比较。当且仅当该参数不为 null, 

  102. * 并且是与此对象表示相同字符序列的 String 对象时,结果才为 true。  

  103. * equalsIgnoreCase:将此 String 与另一个 String 比较,不考虑大小写。如果两个字符串的长度相同, 

  104. * 并且其中的相应字符都相等(忽略大小写),则认为这两个字符串是相等的。  

  105. */ 

  106. /***************************以上为新增方法*********************************/ 

  107. .... 


  1. package week8; 

  2. import; 

  3. import java.util.ArrayList; 

  4. import java.util.Scanner; 

  5. import week7.Cylinder; 

  6. /** 

  7. * 8.3 CylinderListMenuApp 

  8. * 包含 main 方法,呈现有 7 个选项的菜单 

  9. * (1) 读入文件内容并创建 CylinderList对象 

  10. * (2) 打印输出 CylinderList对象 

  11. * (3) 打印输出 CylinderList对象的汇总信息 

  12. * (4) 增加一个 CylinderList对象至 CylinderList对象中 

  13. * (5) 从 CylinderList对象中删除一个 Cylinder对象 

  14. * (6) 在 CylinderList对象中找到一个 Cylinder对象 

  15. * (7) 退出程序 

  16. * 设计: 

  17. * main方法中将先输出带有描述的 7个选项信息。 

  18. * 一旦用户输入了一个选项编号,则对应 的方法将被调用。 

  19. * 之后再次呈现选项信息,提示用户进行选择。 

  20. */ 

  21. public class CylinderListMenuApp 

  22. /** 

  23. * 显示菜单信息 

  24. */ 

  25. private static void showMenu() 

  26. //输出带有描述的 7个选项信息 

  27. System.out.println("Cylinder List System Menu"); 

  28. System.out.println("R - ReadFile and Create Cylinder List"); 

  29. System.out.println("P - Print Cylinder List"); 

  30. System.out.println("S - Print Summary"); 

  31. System.out.println("A - Add Cylinder"); 

  32. System.out.println("D - Delete Cylinder"); 

  33. System.out.println("F - Find Cylinder"); 

  34. System.out.println("Q - Quit"); 

  35. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException 

  36. //创建一个 Cylinder集合 

  37. ArrayList<Cylinder> clist = new ArrayList<>(); 

  38. String sName = "***no list name assigned***"; 

  39. CylinderList cylinderList = new CylinderList(sName, clist); 

  40. Scanner scan = new Scanner(; 

  41. char key; //输入的key值 

  42. showMenu(); //显示提示菜单 

  43. while (true) 

  44. //提示用户进行选择 

  45. System.out.print("\nEnter Code [R, P, S, A, D, F or Q]: "); 

  46. key = scan.nextLine().charAt(0); 

  47. switch (key) 

  48. case 'r'://resource/cylinder_1.dat 

  49. case 'R'://ReadFile and Create Cylinder List 

  50. System.out.print("\tFile name: "); 

  51. //读文件转化为CylinderList对象后重新赋值 

  52. cylinderList = cylinderList.readFile(scan.nextLine()); 

  53. System.out.println("\tFile read in and Cylinder List created"); 

  54. break; 

  55. case 'p': 

  56. case 'P'://Print Cylinder List 

  57. System.out.println(cylinderList); 

  58. break; 

  59. case 's': 

  60. case 'S'://Print Summary 

  61. System.out.println(cylinderList.summaryInfo()); 

  62. break; 

  63. case 'a': 

  64. case 'A'://Add Cylinder 

  65. System.out.print("\tLabel: "); 

  66. String labelA = scan.nextLine(); 

  67. System.out.print("\tRadius: "); 

  68. double radius = Double.parseDouble(scan.nextLine()); 

  69. System.out.print("\tHeight: "); 

  70. double height =Double.parseDouble(scan.nextLine()); 

  71. cylinderList.addCylinder(labelA, radius, height); 

  72. System.out.println("\t*** Cylinder added ***"); 

  73. break; 

  74. case 'd': 

  75. case 'D'://Delete Cylinder 

  76. System.out.print("\tLabel: "); 

  77. String labelD = scan.nextLine(); 

  78. if(cylinderList.deleteCylinder(labelD) == null) 

  79. System.out.println("\t\"" + labelD + "\" not found"); 

  80. else 

  81. System.out.println("\t\"" + labelD +"\" deleted"); 

  82. break; 

  83. case 'f': 

  84. case 'F'://Find Cylinder 

  85. System.out.print("\tLabel: "); 

  86. String labelF = scan.nextLine(); 

  87. if(cylinderList.findCylinder(labelF) == null) 

  88. System.out.println("\t\"" + labelF + "\" not found"); 

  89. else 

  90. System.out.println(cylinderList.findCylinder(labelF)); 

  91. break; 

  92. case 'q': 

  93. case 'Q'://Quit 

  94. return; 

  95. default: 

  96. System.out.println("\t*** invalid code ***"); 


week10 继承特性的练习: 货物


  • 谨记:重载增加了一个额外的方法,而覆盖取代了方法定义

  • 静态方法不能使用隐含(或明确的把this作为其调用对象) 的实例变量(或非静态方法)


  1. package week10; 

  2. /** 

  3. * 10.1 

  4. * 货物类:所有物品类的基类 

  5. */ 

  6. public class InventoryItem 

  7. protected String name; 

  8. protected double price; 

  9. private static double taxRate = 0; 

  10. public static void main(String[] args) 

  11. InventoryItem.setTaxRate(0.08); 

  12. InventoryItem item1 = new InventoryItem("Birdseed", 7.99); 

  13. InventoryItem item2 = new InventoryItem("Picture", 10.99); 

  14. System.out.println(item1); 

  15. System.out.println(item2); 

  16. /** 

  17. * 初始化 

  18. * @param name 

  19. * @param price 

  20. */ 

  21. public InventoryItem(String name, double price) 

  22. = name; 

  23. this.price = price; 

  24. @Override 

  25. public String toString() 

  26. return name + ": $" + calculateCost(); 

  27. /** 

  28. * 货物含税的价格 

  29. * @return 

  30. */ 

  31. public double calculateCost() 

  32. return this.price * (1 + taxRate); 

  33. public String getName() 

  34. return name; 

  35. /** 

  36. * 设置税率; 

  37. * 静态方法不能使用隐含(或明确的把this作为其调用对象) 的实例变量(或非静态方法) 

  38. * @param taxRateIn 

  39. */ 

  40. public static void setTaxRate(double taxRateIn) 

  41. taxRate = taxRateIn; 



  1. package week10; 

  2. /** 

  3. * 10.2 

  4. * 电子货物类:InventoryItem的派生类 

  5. */ 

  6. public class ElectronicsItem extends InventoryItem 

  7. protected double weight; //电子货物重量 

  8. public static final double SHIPPING_COST = 1.5;//每磅的货运费用 

  9. public ElectronicsItem(String name, double price, double weight) 

  10. super(name, price); 

  11. this.weight = weight; 

  12. @Override 

  13. public double calculateCost() 

  14. return super.calculateCost() + weight * SHIPPING_COST; 

  15. public static void main(String[] args) 

  16. InventoryItem.setTaxRate(0.08); 

  17. ElectronicsItem eItem = new ElectronicsItem("Monitor", 100, 10.0); 

  18. System.out.println(eItem); 



  1. package week10; 

  2. /** 

  3. * 10.3 

  4. * 在线文本商品类:InventoryItem的派生类 

  5. * 该类代表用户可购买的在线文本商品(如电子书或者电子杂志); 

  6. * 因为它只是概念级的、 代表物品的类,因此可以设置为抽象类; 

  7. */ 

  8. public abstract class OnlineTextItem extends InventoryItem 

  9. public OnlineTextItem(String name, double price) 

  10. super(name, price); 

  11. // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub 

  12. @Override 

  13. public double calculateCost() 

  14. return price; 


  1. package week10; 

  2. /** 

  3. * 10.4 

  4. * 电子类文本物品:OnlineTextItem的派生类 

  5. */ 

  6. public class OnlineArticle extends OnlineTextItem 

  7. private int wordCount; //记录字数 

  8. public OnlineArticle(String name, double price) 

  9. super(name, price); 

  10. this.wordCount = 0; 

  11. @Override 

  12. public String toString() 

  13. return name + ": $"+ price  

  14. + " " + this.wordCount;  

  15. public void setWordCount(int wordCount) 

  16. this.wordCount = wordCount; 


  1. package week10; 

  2. /** 

  3. * 10.5 

  4. * 电子书:OnlineTextItem的派生类 

  5. */ 

  6. public class OnlineBook extends OnlineTextItem 

  7. protected String author; //电子书作者 

  8. public OnlineBook(String name, double price) 

  9. super(name, price); 

  10. author = "Author Not Listed"; 

  11. public void setAuthor(String author) 

  12. = author; 

  13. @Override 

  14. public String toString() 

  15. return name + " - " 

  16. + author +": $" + price; 

  17. public static void main(String[] args) 

  18. OnlineBook book = new OnlineBook("A Novel Novel", 9.99); 

  19. System.out.println(book); 

  20. book.setAuthor("Jane Lane"); 

  21. System.out.println(book); 



  1. package week10; 

  2. /** 

  3. * 10.6 

  4. * 测试类: 

  5. * (1) 设置税率为 0.05 

  6. * (2) 初始化并输出 4个对象(item1、item2、item3、item4) 

  7. */ 

  8. public class InventoryApp 

  9. public static void main(String[] args) 

  10. InventoryItem.setTaxRate(0.05); 

  11. InventoryItem item1 = new InventoryItem("pen", 25); 

  12. ElectronicsItem item2 = new ElectronicsItem("apple phone", 1000, 1.8); 

  13. OnlineArticle item3 = new OnlineArticle("Java", 8.5); 

  14. OnlineBook item4 = new OnlineBook("Head first Java", 40); 

  15. item3.setWordCount(700); 

  16. item4.setAuthor("Kathy&Bert"); 

  17. System.out.println(item1); 

  18. System.out.println(item2); 

  19. System.out.println(item3); 

  20. System.out.println(item4); 

  21. System.out.println("All inventory:\n\n" + myItems); 

  22. System.out.println("Total: " + myItems.calculateTotal(2)); 


week11 继承的多态特性:货物列表




  1. package week11; 

  2. import week10.ElectronicsItem; 

  3. import week10.InventoryItem; 

  4. /** 

  5. * 11.7 

  6. * 存放InventoryItem对象的数组 

  7. */ 

  8. public class ItemsList 

  9. private InventoryItem[] inventory; 

  10. private int count; 

  11. public ItemsList() 

  12. inventory = new InventoryItem[20]; 

  13. count = 0; 

  14. /** 

  15. * 增加一个item 

  16. * @param itemIn 

  17. */ 

  18. public void addItem(InventoryItem itemIn) 

  19. this.inventory[count++] = itemIn; 

  20. /** 

  21. * 返回代表数组各元素价格的总和 

  22. * @param electronicsSurcharge,代表征收ElectronicsItem的附加费 

  23. * @return 

  24. */ 

  25. public double calculateTotal(double electronicsSurcharge) 

  26. double totalCost = 0; 

  27. /** 需要遍历 inventory数组的每一个元素,将价格 (cost)累加到和上。 

  28. * 如果元素为 ElectronicsItem类的引用变量 ,则激活calculateCost方法, 

  29. * 增加该的 方法的electronicsSurcharge 

  30. */ 

  31. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 

  32. if (inventory[i] instanceof ElectronicsItem) 

  33. totalCost += inventory[i].calculateCost() + electronicsSurcharge; 

  34. else 

  35. totalCost += inventory[i].calculateCost(); 

  36. return totalCost; 

  37. @Override 

  38. public String toString() 

  39. String output = ""; 

  40. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 

  41. output += inventory[i].toString(); 

  42. output += "\n"; 

  43. return output; 


  1. package week11; 

  2. import week10.ElectronicsItem; 

  3. import week10.InventoryItem; 

  4. import week10.OnlineArticle; 

  5. import week10.OnlineBook; 

  6. /** 

  7. * 11.8 测试类 

  8. */ 

  9. public class ItemListApp 

  10. public static void main(String[] args) 

  11. // a)初始化名为myItems的ItemsList对象 

  12. ItemsList myItems = new ItemsList(); 

  13. // b)通过InventoryItem的setTaxRate方法设置税率为 0.05 

  14. InventoryItem.setTaxRate(0.05); 

  15. // c)初始化以下4个货物并将其增加到myItems中 

  16. ElectronicsItem electItem = new ElectronicsItem("笔记本", 1234.56, 10); 

  17. InventoryItem item = new InventoryItem("机油", 9.8); 

  18. OnlineBook book = new OnlineBook("疯狂Java讲义", 12.3); 

  19. book.setAuthor("李刚"); 

  20. OnlineArticle article = new OnlineArticle("如何学好Java", 3.4); 

  21. article.setWordCount(700); 

  22. myItems.addItem(electItem); 

  23. myItems.addItem(item); 

  24. myItems.addItem(book); 

  25. myItems.addItem(article); 

  26. System.out.println("All inventory:\n\n" + myItems); 

  27. System.out.println("Total: " + myItems.calculateTotal(1.215)); 


week12 继承与多态:行程(一)



  • 参考13周的截图(修改)写的 toString 方法

  • 参考13周的截图,我将类Business的静态常量AWARDMILESFACTOR初始化为2


  • 泛型接口 Comparable<T> 的使用

  • java.util.Arrays 中排序方法sort的使用

说 明:


12.1 旅程类:Itinerary

  1. package week12; 

  2. /** 

  3. * 12.1 旅程类 

  4. */ 

  5. public class Itinerary 

  6. private String formAirport; 

  7. private String toAirport; 

  8. private String depDateTime; 

  9. private String arrDateTime; 

  10. private int miles; 

  11. public Itinerary 

  12. (String formAirport,String toAirport,String depDateTime,String arrDateTime,int miles) 

  13. this.formAirport = formAirport; 

  14. this.toAirport = toAirport; 

  15. this.depDateTime = depDateTime; 

  16. this.arrDateTime = arrDateTime; 

  17. this.miles = miles; 

  18. public String getDepDateTime() 

  19. return depDateTime; 

  20. public String getArrDateTime() 

  21. return arrDateTime; 

  22. public int getMiles() 

  23. return miles; 

  24. @Override 

  25. public String toString() 

  26. String output = "" 

  27. + "" + formAirport 

  28. + "-" + toAirport 

  29. + " (" + depDateTime 

  30. + " - " + arrDateTime 

  31. + ")" 

  32. + " " + miles; 

  33. return output; 

12.2 飞机票(抽象)基类:AirTicket

  1. package week12; 

  2. import java.text.DecimalFormat; 

  3. import java.text.Format; 

  4. /** 

  5. * 12.2 飞机票(抽象)基类 

  6. */ 

  7. public abstract class AirTicket implements Comparable<AirTicket> 

  8. private String flightNum; //航班号 

  9. private Itinerary itinerary; //行程 

  10. private double baseFare; //飞机票基本费用 

  11. private double fareAdjustmentFactor; //费用调整因素 

  12. public AirTicket(String flightNum,Itinerary itinerary,double baseFare,double fareAdjustmentFactor) 

  13. this.flightNum = flightNum; 

  14. this.itinerary = itinerary; 

  15. this.baseFare = baseFare; 

  16. this.fareAdjustmentFactor = fareAdjustmentFactor; 

  17. public String getFlightNum() 

  18. return flightNum; 

  19. public Itinerary getItinerary() 

  20. return itinerary; 

  21. public double getBaseFare() 

  22. return baseFare; 

  23. public double getFareAdjustmentFactor() 

  24. return fareAdjustmentFactor; 

  25. /** 

  26. * 自然比较方法:(忽略大小写)比较航班号 

  27. * @return 该对象小于、等于或大于指定对象 at,分别返回负整数、零或正整数。  

  28. */ 

  29. @Override 

  30. public int compareTo(AirTicket at) 

  31. return flightNum.compareToIgnoreCase(at.flightNum); 

  32. @Override 

  33. public String toString() 

  34. Format formater = new DecimalFormat("###,###.00"); 

  35. String output = "" 

  36. + "\nFlight: " + flightNum 

  37. + "\n" + itinerary 

  38. + " (" + totalAwardMiles() + " award miles)" 

  39. + "\nBase Fare: $" + formater.format(baseFare) 

  40. + " Fare Adjustment Factor: " + fareAdjustmentFactor 

  41. + "\nTotal Fare: $" + formater.format(totalFare()) 

  42. + "\t"; 

  43. return output; 

  44. public abstract double totalFare(); 

  45. public abstract double totalAwardMiles(); 

12.3 飞机票子类---经济舱机票:Economy

  1. package week12; 

  2. /** 

  3. * 12.3 飞机票子类---经济舱机票 

  4. */ 

  5. public class Economy extends AirTicket 

  6. private final static double AWARDMILESFACTOR = 1.5; 

  7. public Economy(String flightNum, Itinerary itinerary, double baseFare, double fareAdjustmentFactor) 

  8. super(flightNum, itinerary, baseFare, fareAdjustmentFactor); 

  9. @Override 

  10. public double totalFare() 

  11. return super.getBaseFare() * super.getFareAdjustmentFactor(); 

  12. @Override 

  13. public double totalAwardMiles() 

  14. return super.getItinerary().getMiles() * AWARDMILESFACTOR; 

  15. @Override 

  16. public String toString() 

  17. return super.toString() + " (class Economy)\n " 

  18. + "Includes Award Miles Factor: " 


12.4 飞机票子类---商务舱机票:Business

  1. package week12; 

  2. /** 

  3. * 12.4 飞机票子类---商务舱机票 

  4. */ 

  5. public class Business extends AirTicket 

  6. private final static double AWARDMILESFACTOR = 2; //这里我改为2(题目为1.5) 

  7. private double foodAndBeverages; 

  8. private double entertaiment; 

  9. public Business(String flightNum, Itinerary itinerary, double baseFare, double fareAdjustmentFactor, 

  10. double foodAndBeverages, double entertaiment) 

  11. super(flightNum, itinerary, baseFare, fareAdjustmentFactor); 

  12. this.foodAndBeverages = foodAndBeverages; 

  13. this.entertaiment = entertaiment; 

  14. @Override 

  15. public double totalFare() 

  16. return super.getBaseFare() * super.getFareAdjustmentFactor() 

  17. + foodAndBeverages + entertaiment; 

  18. @Override 

  19. public double totalAwardMiles() 

  20. return super.getItinerary().getMiles() * AWARDMILESFACTOR; 

  21. @Override 

  22. public String toString() 

  23. return super.toString()+ " (class Business)\n " 

  24. + "Includes Food/Beverage: $" + foodAndBeverages 

  25. + " Entertaiment: $" + entertaiment; 

12.5 飞机票子类---不可退的机票: NonRefundable

  1. package week12; 

  2. /** 

  3. * 12.5 飞机票子类---不可退的机票 

  4. */ 

  5. public class NonRefundable extends AirTicket 

  6. private double discountFactor; 

  7. public NonRefundable(String flightNum, Itinerary itinerary, double baseFare, double fareAdjustmentFactor, 

  8. double discountFactor) 

  9. super(flightNum, itinerary, baseFare, fareAdjustmentFactor); 

  10. this.discountFactor = discountFactor; 

  11. @Override 

  12. public double totalFare() 

  13. return super.getBaseFare() * super.getFareAdjustmentFactor() 

  14. * discountFactor; 

  15. @Override 

  16. public double totalAwardMiles() 

  17. return super.getItinerary().getMiles(); 

  18. @Override 

  19. public String toString() 

  20. return super.toString()+ " (class NonRefundable)\n " 

  21. + "Includes DiscountFactor: " 

  22. + discountFactor; 

12.6 飞机票子类---商务舱机票子类---精英类机票: Elite

  1. package week12; 

  2. /** 

  3. * 12.6 飞机票子类---商务舱机票子类---精英类机票 

  4. */ 

  5. public class Elite extends Business 

  6. private double cService; 

  7. public Elite(String flightNum, Itinerary itinerary, double baseFare, double fareAdjustmentFactor, 

  8. double foodAndBeverages, double entertaiment, double cService) 

  9. super(flightNum, itinerary, baseFare, fareAdjustmentFactor, foodAndBeverages, entertaiment); 

  10. this.cService = cService; 

  11. @Override 

  12. public double totalFare() 

  13. return super.totalFare() + cService; 

  14. @Override 

  15. public double totalAwardMiles() 

  16. return super.totalAwardMiles(); 

  17. @Override 

  18. public String toString() 

  19. return super.toString()+ " \n " 

  20. + "Includes: Comm Services: $" + cService; 

12.7 测试类: AirTicketProcessor

  1. package week12; 

  2. import java.util.Arrays; 

  3. /** 

  4. * 12.7 测试类 

  5. */ 

  6. public class AirTicketProcessor 

  7. public static void main(String[] args) 

  8. AirTicket[] airTickets = new AirTicket[4]; //四张 飞机票 

  9. Itinerary trip; // 临时行程对象 

  10. // 初始化 题目给出的 四张票 

  11. trip = new Itinerary("ATL", "LGA", "2015/05/01 1500", "2015/05/01 1740", 800); 

  12. Economy economy = new Economy("DL 1867", trip, 450, 1); 

  13. trip = new Itinerary("ATL", "LGA", "2015/05/01 1400", "2015/05/01 1640", 800); 

  14. Business business = new Business("DL 1865", trip, 450, 2, 50, 50); 

  15. trip = new Itinerary("ATL", "LGA", "2015/05/01 0900", "2015/05/01 1140", 800); 

  16. Elite elite = new Elite("DL 1863", trip, 450, 2.5, 50, 50, 100); 

  17. trip = new Itinerary("ATL", "LGA", "2015/05/01 0800", "2015/05/01 1040", 800); 

  18. NonRefundable nonRefundable = new NonRefundable("DL 1861", trip, 450, 0.45, 0.9); 

  19. // 将这4个对象添加到 airTickets  

  20. airTickets[0] = (economy); 

  21. airTickets[1] = (business); 

  22. airTickets[2] = (elite); 

  23. airTickets[3] = (nonRefundable); 

  24. //输出报告 

  25. System.out.println("----------Air Ticket Report-----------"); 

  26. for (int i = 0; i < airTickets.length; i++) 

  27. System.out.println(airTickets[i]); 

  28. Arrays.sort(airTickets); // 按航班号排序并输出报告 

  29. System.out.println("\n----------Air Ticket Report (by Flight Number)-----------"); 

  30. for (int i = 0; i < airTickets.length; i++) 

  31. System.out.println(airTickets[i]); 


week13 继承与多态:行程(二)



  • 读文件并分割参数我并没有使用Scanner类

  • 读文件的异常处理我没有放在 AirTicketApp 测试类中;(按照题意应在readAirTicketFile方法中throws异常,而不是直接try/catch)


  • java.lang.Comparable<T> 接口: 强行对实现它的每个类的对象进行整体排序

  • java.util.Comparator<T> 接口: 强行对某个对象collection进行整体排序的比较函数

  • java.util.Arrays 中方法sort,copyOf的使用

说 明:

a. 有6个类我是直接使用week12的,下面是3个新写的类

b. 题目所给CSV文件(air_ticket_data.csv)我放在工程目录的resource下,如下所示:

  1. B,DL 1865,ATL,LGA,2015/05/01 1400,2015/05/01 1640,800,450,2.0,50.0,50.00 

  2. E,DL 1867,ATL,LGA,2015/05/01 1500,2015/05/01 1740,800,450,1.0 

  3. F,DL 1863,ATL,LGA,2015/05/01 0900,2015/05/01 1140,800,450,2.5,50.0,50.00,100.00 

  4. N,DL 1861,ATL,LGA,2015/05/01 0800,2015/05/01 1040,800,450,0.45,0.90 

  5. B,DL 1866,LGA,ATL,2015/05/01 1400,2015/05/01 1640,800,450,2.0,50.0,50.00 

  6. E,DL 1868,LGA,ATL,2015/05/01 1500,2015/05/01 1740,800,450,1.0 

  7. F,DL 1864,LGA,ATL,2015/05/01 0900,2015/05/01 1140,800,450,2.5,50.0,50.00,100.00 

  8. N,DL 1862,LGA,ATL,2015/05/01 0800,2015/05/01 1040,800,450,0.45,0.90 


13.8 功能类: AirTicketProcessor

  1. package week13; 

  2. import; 

  3. import; 

  4. import; 

  5. import; 

  6. import java.util.Arrays; 

  7. import week12.AirTicket; 

  8. import week12.Business; 

  9. import week12.Economy; 

  10. import week12.Elite; 

  11. import week12.Itinerary; 

  12. import week12.NonRefundable; 

  13. /** 

  14. * 13.8 该类完成从数据文件中读取数据并声称报告的功能 

  15. */ 

  16. public class AirTicketProcessor 

  17. private AirTicket[] Tickets; 

  18. private String[] invalidRecords; 

  19. public AirTicketProcessor() 

  20. Tickets = new AirTicket[0]; 

  21. invalidRecords = new String[0]; 

  22. /** 

  23. * 以行为单位读取文件,常用于读面向行的格式化文件 (注意:这个读取文件并分割参数的方法没有使用题目给出的方法) 

  24. */ 

  25. public void readAirTicketFile(String fileName) 

  26. // 这里我设置为 工程 目录的 resource 下 

  27. String path = "resource/" + fileName; 

  28. File file = new File(path); 

  29. BufferedReader reader = null; 

  30. try 

  31. reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); 

  32. String tempString = null; // 每行的字符串临时变量 

  33. // 一次读入一行,直到读入null为文件结束 

  34. while ((tempString = reader.readLine()) != null) 

  35. try 

  36. String[] lineArr = tempString.split(","); 

  37. // 以 逗号 为分隔符, 并添加 票据信息 

  38. switch (lineArr[0]) 

  39. case "N": 

  40. addAirTicket(new NonRefundable(lineArr[1], 

  41. new Itinerary(lineArr[2], lineArr[3], lineArr[4], lineArr[5], 

  42. Integer.parseInt(lineArr[6])), 

  43. Integer.parseInt(lineArr[7]), Double.parseDouble(lineArr[8]), 

  44. Double.parseDouble(lineArr[9]))); 

  45. break; 

  46. case "E": 

  47. addAirTicket(new Economy(lineArr[1], 

  48. new Itinerary(lineArr[2], lineArr[3], lineArr[4], lineArr[5], 

  49. Integer.parseInt(lineArr[6])), 

  50. Double.parseDouble(lineArr[7]), Double.parseDouble(lineArr[8]))); 

  51. break; 

  52. case "B": 

  53. addAirTicket(new Business(lineArr[1], 

  54. new Itinerary(lineArr[2], lineArr[3], lineArr[4], lineArr[5], 

  55. Integer.parseInt(lineArr[6])), 

  56. Double.parseDouble(lineArr[7]), Double.parseDouble(lineArr[8]), 

  57. Double.parseDouble(lineArr[9]), Double.parseDouble(lineArr[10]))); 

  58. break; 

  59. case "F": 

  60. addAirTicket(new Elite(lineArr[1], 

  61. new Itinerary(lineArr[2], lineArr[3], lineArr[4], lineArr[5], 

  62. Integer.parseInt(lineArr[6])), 

  63. Double.parseDouble(lineArr[7]), Double.parseDouble(lineArr[8]), 

  64. Double.parseDouble(lineArr[9]), Double.parseDouble(lineArr[10]), 

  65. Double.parseDouble(lineArr[11]))); 

  66. break; 

  67. default: 

  68. addInvaildRecord(tempString); 

  69. break; 

  70. } catch (Exception e) 

  71. System.out.println("Line string split error!"); 

  72. } catch (IOException e) 

  73. System.out.println("Not find AirTicketFile!"); 

  74. // e.printStackTrace(); 

  75. } finally 

  76. if (reader != null) 

  77. try 

  78. reader.close(); 

  79. } catch (IOException e1) 

  80. /** 

  81. * 将AirTicket类数组的长度增加1,之后将传入的对象放入数组中 

  82. *  

  83. * @param airTicket 

  84. */ 

  85. public void addAirTicket(AirTicket airTicket) 

  86. Tickets = Arrays.copyOf(Tickets, Tickets.length + 1); 

  87. Tickets[Tickets.length - 1] = (airTicket); 

  88. /** 

  89. * 将invalidRecords数组的长度增加1,将传入的字符串放入数组中(每一行以代表机票种类的 字符开头(N, E, B和F是合法的机票种类), 

  90. * 如果开头字母不在此范围中,则此行为不合法记录) 

  91. *  

  92. * @param lineStr 

  93. */ 

  94. public void addInvaildRecord(String lineStr) 

  95. invalidRecords = Arrays.copyOf(invalidRecords, invalidRecords.length + 1); 

  96. invalidRecords[invalidRecords.length - 1] = (lineStr); 

  97. /** 

  98. * 返回 AirTickets报告 

  99. */ 

  100. public String generateReport() 

  101. String output = ""; 

  102. for (AirTicket airTicket : Tickets) 

  103. output += airTicket + "\n"; 

  104. return output; 

  105. /** 

  106. * 以航班号的升序 返回AirTickets报告 

  107. */ 

  108. public String generateReportByFlightNum() 

  109. String output = ""; 

  110. AirTicket[] orderT = Arrays.copyOf(Tickets, Tickets.length); 

  111. Arrays.sort(orderT); 

  112. for (AirTicket airTicket : orderT) 

  113. output += airTicket + "\n"; 

  114. return output; 

  115. /** 

  116. * 以行程的升序 返回AirTickets报告 

  117. */ 

  118. public String generateReportByItinerary() 

  119. String output = ""; 

  120. AirTicket[] orderT = Arrays.copyOf(Tickets, Tickets.length); 

  121. Arrays.sort(orderT, new ItineraryCompare()); 

  122. for (AirTicket airTicket : orderT) 

  123. output += airTicket + "\n"; 

  124. return output; 

13.9 自定义排序类: ItineraryCompare

  1. package week13; 

  2. import java.util.Comparator; 

  3. import week12.AirTicket; 

  4. /** 

  5. * 13.9 按照 Itinerary的tostring值由低到高排序 

  6. */ 

  7. public class ItineraryCompare implements Comparator<AirTicket> 

  8. /** 

  9. * @return 根据第一个参数小于、等于或大于第二个参数分别返回负整数、零或正整数。 

  10. */ 

  11. @Override 

  12. public int compare(AirTicket t1, AirTicket t2) 

  13. return t1.getItinerary().toString().compareTo(t2.getItinerary().toString()); 

13.10 测试类: AirTicketApp

  1. package week13; 

  2. import java.util.Scanner; 

  3. /** 

  4. * 13.10 测试类 

  5. */ 

  6. public class AirTicketApp 

  7. public static void main(String[] args) 

  8. // 1. 创建AirTicketProcessor对象 

  9. AirTicketProcessor atp = new AirTicketProcessor();  

  10. // 2. 判断命令行是否有参数(args.lengh的长度是否为0), 

  11. // 如果没有,则输出“命令行中没有提供文件名,程序终止” 

  12. Scanner scan = new Scanner(; 

  13. System.out.print("请输入文件名:"); // air_ticket_data.csv 

  14. String fileName = scan.nextLine(); 

  15. scan.close(); 

  16. if (fileName.length() == 0) 

  17. System.out.println("命令行中没有提供文件名,程序终止"); 

  18. System.exit(0); 

  19. // 3.调用 AirTicketProcessor的方法读入数据文件,输出三个报告。 

  20. atp.readAirTicketFile(fileName); 

  21. System.out.println("----------Air Ticket Report-----------"); 

  22. System.out.println(atp.generateReport()); 

  23. System.out.println("----------Air Ticket Report (by Flight Number)-----------"); 

  24. System.out.println(atp.generateReportByFlightNum()); 

  25. System.out.println("----------Air Ticket Report (by Itinerary)-----------"); 

  26. System.out.println(atp.generateReportByItinerary()); 

  27. // 期间有如果没有找到文件,则抛出异常“文件没有找到,程序终止” 

  28. // (我已经在AirTicketProcessor中捕获异常,故这里省略了。) 

  29. // (如果按照题目意思,需要将readAirTicketFile方法中 抛出异常,在这里捕获即可。) 




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