Today's the day. I'm giving you the heads up. Our company is rolling up its new line of cell phones.
I can see you're excited about it. what's so special about the new products?
This line of phones has state-of-the-art technology and never-before-seen features.
It's been in development for over a year and it's been really hard keeping it under wraps.
I thought information was leaked weeks ago.
Those were just rumors, and the company put a clamp on those pretty quickly.
Wasn't the new line supposed to come out next month?
That was the original plan, but since McQ Corp. is coming out with tis own line of phones soon, we wanted to get a jump on them.
and steal their thunder.
Yes, and steal their thunder. We had to scramble to get the phones ready ahead of schedule, but I think it was worth it.
They're really going to make a splash.
I hope so. I hope all of this hype has been justified.
Oh, it will be. I'll know soon enough.
You'll be begging me to get you one.

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