HDU1517 Multiply Game
InputEach line of input contains one integer number n.
OutputFor each line of input output one line either
Stan wins.
Ollie wins.
assuming that both of them play perfectly.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Stan wins.
Ollie wins.
Stan wins.
由于每次都是从p=1开始的,所以只要判断每个游戏中1为必败点还是必胜点即可。(以下各式 / 均为取上整)
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
ll n;
int main()
ll cnt=;
for(int a=;a;++a)
if(a&) cnt=cnt*9ll;
else cnt=cnt*2ll;
if(a&) puts("Stan wins.");
else puts("Ollie wins.");
return ;
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