
  现在还剩下两种数据类型: set, zset.

  本篇咱们继续来看redis中的数据类型的实现: set 相关操作实现。

  研究过jdk的hashmap和hashset实现的同学,肯定都是知道,set其实就是一个简化版的map,只要将map的 k->v 的形式变为 k->1 的形式就可以了。所以set只是map的一个简单包装类。

  同理,对于 redis的 hash 和 set 数据类型,我们是否可以得出这么个结论呢?(如果是那样的话,我们就只需看几个set提供的特殊功能即可)


  同样,我们从功能列表开始,到数据结构,再到具体实现的这么个思路,来探索redis set的实现吧。

零、redis set相关操作方法

  Redis 的 Set 是 String 类型的无序集合。集合成员是唯一的,这就意味着集合中不能出现重复的数据。可根据应用场景需要选用该数据类型。(比如:好友/关注/粉丝/感兴趣的人/黑白名单)


1> SADD key member1 [member2]
功能: 向集合添加一个或多个成员
返回值: 本次添加到redis的member数量(不包含已存在的member)

2> SCARD key
功能: 获取集合的成员数
返回值: set的元素数量或者0

3> SDIFF key1 [key2]
功能: 返回给定所有集合的差集
返回值: 差集的数组列表

4> SDIFFSTORE destination key1 [key2]
功能: 返回给定所有集合的差集并存储在 destination 中
返回值: 差集元素个数

5> SINTER key1 [key2]
功能: 返回给定所有集合的交集
返回值: 交集的数组列表

6> SINTERSTORE destination key1 [key2]
功能: 返回给定所有集合的交集并存储在 destination 中
返回值: 交集的元素个数

7> SISMEMBER key member
功能: 判断 member 元素是否是集合 key 的成员
返回值: 1:如果member是key的成员, 0:如果member不是key的成员或者key不存在

功能: 返回集合中的所有成员
返回值: 所有成员列表

9> SMOVE source destination member
功能: 将 member 元素从 source 集合移动到 destination 集合
返回值: 1:移动操作成功, 0:移动不成功(member不是source的成员)

10> SPOP key [count]
功能: 移除并返回集合中的一个随机元素(因为set是无序的)
返回值: 被移除的元素列表或者nil

11> SRANDMEMBER key [count]
功能: 返回集合中一个或多个随机数
返回值: 1个元素或者count个元素数组列表或者nil

12> SREM key member1 [member2]
功能: 移除集合中一个或多个成员
返回值: 实际移除的元素个数

13> SUNION key1 [key2]
功能: 返回所有给定集合的并集
返回值: 并集元素数组列表

14> SUNIONSTORE destination key1 [key2]
功能: 所有给定集合的并集存储在 destination 集合中
返回值: 并集元素个数

15> SSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count]
功能: 迭代集合中的元素
返回值: 元素数组列表

一、set 相关数据结构

  redis使用dict和intset 两种数据结构保存set数据。

// 1. inset 数据结构,在set数据量小且都是整型数据时使用
typedef struct intset {
// 编码范围,由具体存储值决定
uint32_t encoding;
// 数组长度
uint32_t length;
// 具体存储元素的容器
int8_t contents[];
} intset; // 2. dict 相关数据结构,即是 hash 的实现相关的数据结构
/* This is our hash table structure. Every dictionary has two of this as we
* implement incremental rehashing, for the old to the new table. */
typedef struct dictht {
dictEntry **table;
unsigned long size;
unsigned long sizemask;
unsigned long used;
} dictht; typedef struct dict {
dictType *type;
void *privdata;
dictht ht[];
long rehashidx; /* rehashing not in progress if rehashidx == -1 */
unsigned long iterators; /* number of iterators currently running */
} dict; /* If safe is set to 1 this is a safe iterator, that means, you can call
* dictAdd, dictFind, and other functions against the dictionary even while
* iterating. Otherwise it is a non safe iterator, and only dictNext()
* should be called while iterating. */
typedef struct dictIterator {
dict *d;
long index;
int table, safe;
dictEntry *entry, *nextEntry;
/* unsafe iterator fingerprint for misuse detection. */
long long fingerprint;
} dictIterator; typedef struct dictEntry {
void *key;
union {
void *val;
uint64_t u64;
int64_t s64;
double d;
} v;
struct dictEntry *next;
} dictEntry; typedef struct dictType {
unsigned int (*hashFunction)(const void *key);
void *(*keyDup)(void *privdata, const void *key);
void *(*valDup)(void *privdata, const void *obj);
int (*keyCompare)(void *privdata, const void *key1, const void *key2);
void (*keyDestructor)(void *privdata, void *key);
void (*valDestructor)(void *privdata, void *obj);
} dictType;



二、sadd 添加成员操作


// 用法: SADD key member1 [member2]
// t_set.c, 添加member
void saddCommand(client *c) {
robj *set;
int j, added = ;
// 先从当前db中查找set实例
set = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[]);
if (set == NULL) {
// 1. 新建set实例并添加到当前db中
set = setTypeCreate(c->argv[]->ptr);
} else {
if (set->type != OBJ_SET) {
// 对于n个member,一个个地添加即可
for (j = ; j < c->argc; j++) {
// 2. 只有添加成功, added 才会加1
if (setTypeAdd(set,c->argv[j]->ptr)) added++;
// 命令传播
if (added) {
server.dirty += added;
// 响应添加成功的数量
} // 1. 创建新的set集合实例(需根据首次的参数类型判定)
// t_set.c, 创建set实例
/* Factory method to return a set that *can* hold "value". When the object has
* an integer-encodable value, an intset will be returned. Otherwise a regular
* hash table. */
robj *setTypeCreate(sds value) {
// 如果传入的value是整型,则创建 intset 类型的set
// 否则使用dict类型的set
// 一般地,第一个数据为整型,后续数据也应该为整型,所以这个数据结构相对稳定
// 而hash的容器创建时,只使用了一 ziplist 创建,这是不一样的实现
if (isSdsRepresentableAsLongLong(value,NULL) == C_OK)
return createIntsetObject();
return createSetObject();
} // 1.1. 创建 intset 型的set
// object.c
robj *createIntsetObject(void) {
intset *is = intsetNew();
robj *o = createObject(OBJ_SET,is);
o->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET;
return o;
// intset.c, new一个空的intset对象
/* Create an empty intset. */
intset *intsetNew(void) {
intset *is = zmalloc(sizeof(intset));
is->encoding = intrev32ifbe(INTSET_ENC_INT16);
is->length = ;
return is;
} // 1.2. 创建dict 型的set
robj *createSetObject(void) {
dict *d = dictCreate(&setDictType,NULL);
robj *o = createObject(OBJ_SET,d);
o->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_HT;
return o;
// dict.c
/* Create a new hash table */
dict *dictCreate(dictType *type,
void *privDataPtr)
dict *d = zmalloc(sizeof(*d)); _dictInit(d,type,privDataPtr);
return d;
/* Initialize the hash table */
int _dictInit(dict *d, dictType *type,
void *privDataPtr)
d->type = type;
d->privdata = privDataPtr;
d->rehashidx = -;
d->iterators = ;
return DICT_OK;
} // 2. 添加member到set集合中
// t_set.c, 添加元素
/* Add the specified value into a set.
* If the value was already member of the set, nothing is done and 0 is
* returned, otherwise the new element is added and 1 is returned. */
int setTypeAdd(robj *subject, sds value) {
long long llval;
// 2.1. HT编码和INTSET编码分别处理就好
if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
dict *ht = subject->ptr;
// 以 value 为 key, 添加实例到ht中
// 实现过程也很简单,大概就是如果存在则返回NULL(即无需添加),辅助rehash,分配内存创建dictEntry实例,稍后简单看看
dictEntry *de = dictAddRaw(ht,value);
if (de) {
// 重新设置key为 sdsdup(value), value为NULL
return ;
// 2.2. intset 编码的member添加
else if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
// 尝试解析value为 long 型,值写入 llval 中
if (isSdsRepresentableAsLongLong(value,&llval) == C_OK) {
uint8_t success = ;
// 情况1. 可添加到intset中
subject->ptr = intsetAdd(subject->ptr,llval,&success);
if (success) {
/* Convert to regular set when the intset contains
* too many entries. */
// 默认: 512, intset大于之后,则转换为ht hash表模式存储
if (intsetLen(subject->ptr) > server.set_max_intset_entries)
// 2.3. 转换intset编码为 ht 编码
return ;
} else {
// 情况2. member 是字符串型,先将set容器转换为 ht 编码,再重新执行dict的添加模式
/* Failed to get integer from object, convert to regular set. */
setTypeConvert(subject,OBJ_ENCODING_HT); /* The set *was* an intset and this value is not integer
* encodable, so dictAdd should always work. */
serverAssert(dictAdd(subject->ptr,sdsdup(value),NULL) == DICT_OK);
return ;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
return ;
// 2.1. 添加member到dict中(略解, 在hash数据结构解析中已介绍)
// dict.c, 添加某key到 d 字典中
/* Low level add. This function adds the entry but instead of setting
* a value returns the dictEntry structure to the user, that will make
* sure to fill the value field as he wishes.
* This function is also directly exposed to the user API to be called
* mainly in order to store non-pointers inside the hash value, example:
* entry = dictAddRaw(dict,mykey);
* if (entry != NULL) dictSetSignedIntegerVal(entry,1000);
* Return values:
* If key already exists NULL is returned.
* If key was added, the hash entry is returned to be manipulated by the caller.
dictEntry *dictAddRaw(dict *d, void *key)
int index;
dictEntry *entry;
dictht *ht; if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d); /* Get the index of the new element, or -1 if
* the element already exists. */
// 获取需要添加的key的存放位置下标(slot), 如果该key已存在, 则返回-1(无可用slot)
if ((index = _dictKeyIndex(d, key)) == -)
return NULL; /* Allocate the memory and store the new entry.
* Insert the element in top, with the assumption that in a database
* system it is more likely that recently added entries are accessed
* more frequently. */
ht = dictIsRehashing(d) ? &d->ht[] : &d->ht[];
entry = zmalloc(sizeof(*entry));
entry->next = ht->table[index];
ht->table[index] = entry;
ht->used++; /* Set the hash entry fields. */
dictSetKey(d, entry, key);
return entry;
} // 2.2. 添加整型数据到 intset中
// intset.c, 添加value
/* Insert an integer in the intset */
intset *intsetAdd(intset *is, int64_t value, uint8_t *success) {
// 获取value的所属范围
uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value);
uint32_t pos;
if (success) *success = ; /* Upgrade encoding if necessary. If we need to upgrade, we know that
* this value should be either appended (if > 0) or prepended (if < 0),
* because it lies outside the range of existing values. */
// 默认 is->encoding 为 INTSET_ENC_INT16 (16位长)
// 2.2.1. 即超过当前预设的位长,则需要增大预设,然后添加
// 此时的value可以确定: 要么是最大,要么是最小 (所以我们可以推断,此intset应该是有序的)
if (valenc > intrev32ifbe(is->encoding)) {
/* This always succeeds, so we don't need to curry *success. */
return intsetUpgradeAndAdd(is,value);
} else {
/* Abort if the value is already present in the set.
* This call will populate "pos" with the right position to insert
* the value when it cannot be found. */
// 2.2.2. 在当前环境下添加value
// 找到value则说明元素已存在,不可再添加
// pos 保存比value小的第1个元素的位置
if (intsetSearch(is,value,&pos)) {
if (success) *success = ;
return is;
} is = intsetResize(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length)+);
// 在pos不是末尾位置时,需要留出空位,依次移动后面的元素
if (pos < intrev32ifbe(is->length)) intsetMoveTail(is,pos,pos+);
// 针对编码位不变更的情况下设置pos位置的值
is->length = intrev32ifbe(intrev32ifbe(is->length)+);
return is;
// 判断 value 的位长
// 2 < 4 < 8
/* Return the required encoding for the provided value. */
static uint8_t _intsetValueEncoding(int64_t v) {
if (v < INT32_MIN || v > INT32_MAX)
return INTSET_ENC_INT64;
else if (v < INT16_MIN || v > INT16_MAX)
return INTSET_ENC_INT32;
return INTSET_ENC_INT16;
} // 2.2.1. 升级预设位长,并添加value
// intset.c
/* Upgrades the intset to a larger encoding and inserts the given integer. */
static intset *intsetUpgradeAndAdd(intset *is, int64_t value) {
uint8_t curenc = intrev32ifbe(is->encoding);
uint8_t newenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value);
int length = intrev32ifbe(is->length);
int prepend = value < ? : ; /* First set new encoding and resize */
is->encoding = intrev32ifbe(newenc);
// 每次必进行扩容
is = intsetResize(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length)+); /* Upgrade back-to-front so we don't overwrite values.
* Note that the "prepend" variable is used to make sure we have an empty
* space at either the beginning or the end of the intset. */
// 因编码发生变化,元素的位置已经不能一一对应,需要按照原来的编码依次转移过来
// 从后往前依次赋值,所以,内存位置上不存在覆盖问题(后面内存位置一定是空的),直接依次赋值即可(高效复制)
_intsetSet(is,length+prepend,_intsetGetEncoded(is,length,curenc)); /* Set the value at the beginning or the end. */
// 对新增加的元素,负数添加到第0位,否则添加到最后一个元素后一位
if (prepend)
is->length = intrev32ifbe(intrev32ifbe(is->length)+);
return is;
/* Resize the intset */
static intset *intsetResize(intset *is, uint32_t len) {
uint32_t size = len*intrev32ifbe(is->encoding);
// malloc
is = zrealloc(is,sizeof(intset)+size);
return is;
// intset.c, 获取pos位置的值
/* Return the value at pos, given an encoding. */
static int64_t _intsetGetEncoded(intset *is, int pos, uint8_t enc) {
int64_t v64;
int32_t v32;
int16_t v16; if (enc == INTSET_ENC_INT64) {
return v64;
} else if (enc == INTSET_ENC_INT32) {
return v32;
} else {
return v16;
// intset.c, 设置pos位置的值,和数组赋值的实际意义差不多
// 只是这里数据类型是不确定的,所以使用指针进行赋值
/* Set the value at pos, using the configured encoding. */
static void _intsetSet(intset *is, int pos, int64_t value) {
uint32_t encoding = intrev32ifbe(is->encoding);
if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64) {
((int64_t*)is->contents)[pos] = value;
} else if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32) {
((int32_t*)is->contents)[pos] = value;
} else {
((int16_t*)is->contents)[pos] = value;
} // 2.2.2. 在编码类型未变更的情况,需要查找可以存放value的位置(为了确认该value是否已存在,以及小于value的第一个位置赋值)
/* Search for the position of "value". Return 1 when the value was found and
* sets "pos" to the position of the value within the intset. Return 0 when
* the value is not present in the intset and sets "pos" to the position
* where "value" can be inserted. */
static uint8_t intsetSearch(intset *is, int64_t value, uint32_t *pos) {
int min = , max = intrev32ifbe(is->length)-, mid = -;
int64_t cur = -; /* The value can never be found when the set is empty */
if (intrev32ifbe(is->length) == ) {
if (pos) *pos = ;
return ;
} else {
/* Check for the case where we know we cannot find the value,
* but do know the insert position. */
// 因 intset 是有序数组,即可以判定是否超出范围,如果超出则元素必定不存在
if (value > _intsetGet(is,intrev32ifbe(is->length)-)) {
if (pos) *pos = intrev32ifbe(is->length);
return ;
} else if (value < _intsetGet(is,)) {
if (pos) *pos = ;
return ;
// 使用二分查找
while(max >= min) {
mid = ((unsigned int)min + (unsigned int)max) >> ;
cur = _intsetGet(is,mid);
if (value > cur) {
min = mid+;
} else if (value < cur) {
max = mid-;
} else {
// 找到了
} if (value == cur) {
if (pos) *pos = mid;
return ;
} else {
// 在没有找到的情况下,min就是第一个比 value 小的元素
if (pos) *pos = min;
return ;
// intset移动(内存移动)
static void intsetMoveTail(intset *is, uint32_t from, uint32_t to) {
void *src, *dst;
uint32_t bytes = intrev32ifbe(is->length)-from;
uint32_t encoding = intrev32ifbe(is->encoding); if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT64) {
src = (int64_t*)is->contents+from;
dst = (int64_t*)is->contents+to;
bytes *= sizeof(int64_t);
} else if (encoding == INTSET_ENC_INT32) {
src = (int32_t*)is->contents+from;
dst = (int32_t*)is->contents+to;
bytes *= sizeof(int32_t);
} else {
src = (int16_t*)is->contents+from;
dst = (int16_t*)is->contents+to;
bytes *= sizeof(int16_t);
} // 2.3. 转换intset编码为 ht 编码 (如果遇到string型的value或者intset数量大于阀值(默认:512)时)
// t_set.c, 类型转换
/* Convert the set to specified encoding. The resulting dict (when converting
* to a hash table) is presized to hold the number of elements in the original
* set. */
void setTypeConvert(robj *setobj, int enc) {
setTypeIterator *si;
// 要求外部必须保证 set类型且 intset 编码
serverAssertWithInfo(NULL,setobj,setobj->type == OBJ_SET &&
setobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET); if (enc == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
int64_t intele;
// 直接创建一个 dict 来容纳数据
dict *d = dictCreate(&setDictType,NULL);
sds element; /* Presize the dict to avoid rehashing */
// 直接一次性扩容成需要的大小
dictExpand(d,intsetLen(setobj->ptr)); /* To add the elements we extract integers and create redis objects */
// setTypeIterator 迭代器是转换的关键
si = setTypeInitIterator(setobj);
while (setTypeNext(si,&element,&intele) != -) {
// element:ht编码时的key, intele: intset编码时的value
element = sdsfromlonglong(intele);
// 因set特性保证是无重复元素,所以添加dict时,必然应成功
// 此处应无 rehash, 而是直接计算 hashCode, 放置元素, 时间复杂度 O(1)
serverAssert(dictAdd(d,element,NULL) == DICT_OK);
// 释放迭代器
setTypeReleaseIterator(si); setobj->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_HT;
setobj->ptr = d;
} else {
serverPanic("Unsupported set conversion");
// t_set.c, 获取set集合的迭代器
setTypeIterator *setTypeInitIterator(robj *subject) {
setTypeIterator *si = zmalloc(sizeof(setTypeIterator));
// 设置迭代器公用信息
si->subject = subject;
si->encoding = subject->encoding;
// hash表则需要再迭代 dict
if (si->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
si->di = dictGetIterator(subject->ptr);
// intset 比较简单,直接设置下标即可
else if (si->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
si->ii = ;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
return si;
// dict.c, dict迭代器初始化
dictIterator *dictGetIterator(dict *d)
dictIterator *iter = zmalloc(sizeof(*iter)); iter->d = d;
iter->table = ;
iter->index = -;
iter->safe = ;
iter->entry = NULL;
iter->nextEntry = NULL;
return iter;
// t_set.c,
/* Move to the next entry in the set. Returns the object at the current
* position.
* Since set elements can be internally be stored as SDS strings or
* simple arrays of integers, setTypeNext returns the encoding of the
* set object you are iterating, and will populate the appropriate pointer
* (sdsele) or (llele) accordingly.
* Note that both the sdsele and llele pointers should be passed and cannot
* be NULL since the function will try to defensively populate the non
* used field with values which are easy to trap if misused.
* When there are no longer elements -1 is returned. */
int setTypeNext(setTypeIterator *si, sds *sdsele, int64_t *llele) {
// hash表返回key
if (si->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
dictEntry *de = dictNext(si->di);
if (de == NULL) return -;
*sdsele = dictGetKey(de);
*llele = -; /* Not needed. Defensive. */
// intset 直接获取下标对应的元素即可
else if (si->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
if (!intsetGet(si->subject->ptr,si->ii++,llele))
return -;
*sdsele = NULL; /* Not needed. Defensive. */
} else {
serverPanic("Wrong set encoding in setTypeNext");
return si->encoding;
// case1: intset直接叠加下标即可
// intset.c
/* Sets the value to the value at the given position. When this position is
* out of range the function returns 0, when in range it returns 1. */
uint8_t intsetGet(intset *is, uint32_t pos, int64_t *value) {
if (pos < intrev32ifbe(is->length)) {
*value = _intsetGet(is,pos);
return ;
return ;
/* Return the value at pos, using the configured encoding. */
static int64_t _intsetGet(intset *is, int pos) {
return _intsetGetEncoded(is,pos,intrev32ifbe(is->encoding));
/* Return the value at pos, given an encoding. */
static int64_t _intsetGetEncoded(intset *is, int pos, uint8_t enc) {
int64_t v64;
int32_t v32;
int16_t v16; if (enc == INTSET_ENC_INT64) {
return v64;
} else if (enc == INTSET_ENC_INT32) {
return v32;
} else {
return v16;
// (附带)case2: dict的迭代
// dict.c, dict的迭代,存疑问
dictEntry *dictNext(dictIterator *iter)
// 一直迭代查找
while () {
// iter->entry 为NULL, 有两种可能: 1. 初始化时; 2. 上一元素为迭代完成(hash冲突)
if (iter->entry == NULL) {
dictht *ht = &iter->d->ht[iter->table];
if (iter->index == - && iter->table == ) {
if (iter->safe)
iter->fingerprint = dictFingerprint(iter->d);
// 直接使用下标进行迭代,如果中间有空闲位置该如何处理??
// 看起来redis是使用了全量迭代元素的处理办法,即有可能有许多空迭代过程
// 一般地,也是进行两层迭代,jdk的hashmap迭代实现为直接找到下一次非空的元素为止
// 直到迭代完成所有元素,否则会直到找到一个元素为止
if (iter->index >= (long) ht->size) {
if (dictIsRehashing(iter->d) && iter->table == ) {
iter->index = ;
ht = &iter->d->ht[];
} else {
iter->entry = ht->table[iter->index];
} else {
// entry不为空,就一定有nextEntry??
iter->entry = iter->nextEntry;
// 如果当前entry为空,则继续迭代下一个 index
if (iter->entry) {
/* We need to save the 'next' here, the iterator user
* may delete the entry we are returning. */
iter->nextEntry = iter->entry->next;
return iter->entry;
return NULL;

  其实sadd过程非常简单。与hash的实现方式只是在 dict 上的操作是一致的,但本质上是不一样的。我们通过一个时序图整体看一下:

三、sismember 元素查找操作


// 用法: SISMEMBER key member
// t_set.c,
void sismemberCommand(client *c) {
robj *set; if ((set = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[],shared.czero)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return;
// 主要方法 setTypeIsMember
if (setTypeIsMember(set,c->argv[]->ptr))
// 回复1
// 回复0
// t_set.c
int setTypeIsMember(robj *subject, sds value) {
long long llval;
if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
// hash 表的查找方式,hashCode 计算,链表查找,就这么简单
return dictFind((dict*)subject->ptr,value) != NULL;
} else if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
// 如果当前的set集合是 intset 编码的,则只有查找值也是整型的情况下才可能查找到元素
if (isSdsRepresentableAsLongLong(value,&llval) == C_OK) {
// intset 查找,而且 intset 是有序的,所以直接使用二分查找即可
return intsetFind((intset*)subject->ptr,llval);
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
return ;
} /* Determine whether a value belongs to this set */
uint8_t intsetFind(intset *is, int64_t value) {
uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding(value);
// 最大范围检查,加二分查找
// intsetSearch 前面已介绍
return valenc <= intrev32ifbe(is->encoding) && intsetSearch(is,value,NULL);


四、sinter 集合交集获取



// 用法: SINTER key1 [key2]
// t_set.c, sinter 实现
void sinterCommand(client *c) {
// 第三个参数是用来存储 交集结果的,两段代码已做复用,说明存储过程还是比较简单的
// t_set.c, 求n个key的集合交集
void sinterGenericCommand(client *c, robj **setkeys,
unsigned long setnum, robj *dstkey) {
robj **sets = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*setnum);
setTypeIterator *si;
robj *dstset = NULL;
sds elesds;
int64_t intobj;
void *replylen = NULL;
unsigned long j, cardinality = ;
int encoding; for (j = ; j < setnum; j++) {
// 依次查找每个key的set实例
robj *setobj = dstkey ?
lookupKeyWrite(c->db,setkeys[j]) :
// 只要有一个set为空,则交集必定为为,无需再找
if (!setobj) {
if (dstkey) {
// 没有交集,直接将dstKey 删除,注意此逻辑??
if (dbDelete(c->db,dstkey)) {
} else {
if (checkType(c,setobj,OBJ_SET)) {
sets[j] = setobj;
/* Sort sets from the smallest to largest, this will improve our
* algorithm's performance */
// 快速排序算法,将 sets 按照元素长度做排序,使最少元素的set排在最前面
qsort(sets,setnum,sizeof(robj*),qsortCompareSetsByCardinality); /* The first thing we should output is the total number of elements...
* since this is a multi-bulk write, but at this stage we don't know
* the intersection set size, so we use a trick, append an empty object
* to the output list and save the pointer to later modify it with the
* right length */
if (!dstkey) {
replylen = addDeferredMultiBulkLength(c);
} else {
/* If we have a target key where to store the resulting set
* create this key with an empty set inside */
dstset = createIntsetObject();
} /* Iterate all the elements of the first (smallest) set, and test
* the element against all the other sets, if at least one set does
* not include the element it is discarded */
// 看来redis也是直接通过迭代的方式来完成交集功能
// 迭代最少的set集合,依次查找后续的set集合,当遇到一个不存在的set时,上值被排除,否则是交集
si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[]);
while((encoding = setTypeNext(si,&elesds,&intobj)) != -) {
for (j = ; j < setnum; j++) {
if (sets[j] == sets[]) continue;
// 以下是查找过程
// 分 hash表查找 和 intset 编码查找
if (encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
/* intset with intset is simple... and fast */
// 两个集合都是 intset 编码,直接二分查找即可
if (sets[j]->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET &&
/* in order to compare an integer with an object we
* have to use the generic function, creating an object
* for this */
} else if (sets[j]->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
// 编码不一致,但元素可能相同
// setTypeIsMember 复用前面的代码,直接查找即可
elesds = sdsfromlonglong(intobj);
if (!setTypeIsMember(sets[j],elesds)) {
} else if (encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
if (!setTypeIsMember(sets[j],elesds)) {
} /* Only take action when all sets contain the member */
// 当迭代完所有集合,说明每个set中都存在该值,是交集(注意分析最后一个迭代)
if (j == setnum) {
// 不存储交集的情况下,直接响应元素值即可
if (!dstkey) {
if (encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT)
// 要存储交集数据,将值存储到 dstset 中
else {
if (encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
elesds = sdsfromlonglong(intobj);
} else {
setTypeReleaseIterator(si); if (dstkey) {
/* Store the resulting set into the target, if the intersection
* is not an empty set. */
// 存储集合之前会先把原来的数据删除,如果进行多次交集运算,dstKey 就相当于临时表咯
int deleted = dbDelete(c->db,dstkey);
if (setTypeSize(dstset) > ) {
} else {
if (deleted)
} else {
// compare 方法
int qsortCompareSetsByCardinality(const void *s1, const void *s2) {
return setTypeSize(*(robj**)s1)-setTypeSize(*(robj**)s2);
// 快排样例 sort.lua
-- extracted from Programming Pearls, page
function qsort(x,l,u,f)
if l<u then
local m=math.random(u-(l-))+l- -- choose a random pivot in range l..u
x[l],x[m]=x[m],x[l] -- swap pivot to first position
local t=x[l] -- pivot value
local i=l+
while i<=u do
-- invariant: x[l+..m] < t <= x[m+..i-]
if f(x[i],t) then
x[m],x[i]=x[i],x[m] -- swap x[i] and x[m]
x[l],x[m]=x[m],x[l] -- swap pivot to a valid place
-- x[l+..m-] < x[m] <= x[m+..u]

  sinter 看起来就是一个算法题嘛。

五、sdiffstore 差集处理


// 用法: SDIFFSTORE destination key1 [key2]
// t_set.c
void sdiffstoreCommand(client *c) {
// 看起来sdiff 与 sunion 共用了一段代码,为啥呢?
// 想想 sql 中的 full join
// c->argv[1] 是 dstKey
// t_set.c, 差集并集运算
void sunionDiffGenericCommand(client *c, robj **setkeys, int setnum,
robj *dstkey, int op) {
robj **sets = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*setnum);
setTypeIterator *si;
robj *dstset = NULL;
sds ele;
int j, cardinality = ;
int diff_algo = ;
// 同样的套路,先查找各key的实例
// 不同的是,这里的key允许不存在,但不允许类型不一致
for (j = ; j < setnum; j++) {
robj *setobj = dstkey ?
lookupKeyWrite(c->db,setkeys[j]) :
if (!setobj) {
sets[j] = NULL;
if (checkType(c,setobj,OBJ_SET)) {
sets[j] = setobj;
} /* Select what DIFF algorithm to use.
* Algorithm 1 is O(N*M) where N is the size of the element first set
* and M the total number of sets.
* Algorithm 2 is O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all
* the sets.
* We compute what is the best bet with the current input here. */
// 针对差集运算,做算法优化
if (op == SET_OP_DIFF && sets[]) {
long long algo_one_work = , algo_two_work = ; for (j = ; j < setnum; j++) {
if (sets[j] == NULL) continue; algo_one_work += setTypeSize(sets[]);
algo_two_work += setTypeSize(sets[j]);
} /* Algorithm 1 has better constant times and performs less operations
* if there are elements in common. Give it some advantage. */
algo_one_work /= ;
diff_algo = (algo_one_work <= algo_two_work) ? : ;
if (diff_algo == && setnum > ) {
/* With algorithm 1 it is better to order the sets to subtract
* by decreasing size, so that we are more likely to find
* duplicated elements ASAP. */
} /* We need a temp set object to store our union. If the dstkey
* is not NULL (that is, we are inside an SUNIONSTORE operation) then
* this set object will be the resulting object to set into the target key*/
dstset = createIntsetObject(); if (op == SET_OP_UNION) {
/* Union is trivial, just add every element of every set to the
* temporary set. */
for (j = ; j < setnum; j++) {
if (!sets[j]) continue; /* non existing keys are like empty sets */
// 依次添加即可,对于 sunion 来说,有序是无意义的
si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[j]);
while((ele = setTypeNextObject(si)) != NULL) {
if (setTypeAdd(dstset,ele)) cardinality++;
// 使用算法1, 依次迭代最大元素
else if (op == SET_OP_DIFF && sets[] && diff_algo == ) {
/* DIFF Algorithm 1:
* We perform the diff by iterating all the elements of the first set,
* and only adding it to the target set if the element does not exist
* into all the other sets.
* This way we perform at max N*M operations, where N is the size of
* the first set, and M the number of sets. */
si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[]);
while((ele = setTypeNextObject(si)) != NULL) {
for (j = ; j < setnum; j++) {
if (!sets[j]) continue; /* no key is an empty set. */
if (sets[j] == sets[]) break; /* same set! */
// 只要有一个相同,就不算是差集??
if (setTypeIsMember(sets[j],ele)) break;
// 这里的差集是所有set的值都不相同或者为空??? 尴尬了
if (j == setnum) {
/* There is no other set with this element. Add it. */
// 使用算法2,直接以第一个元素为基础,后续set做remove,最后剩下的就是差集
else if (op == SET_OP_DIFF && sets[] && diff_algo == ) {
/* DIFF Algorithm 2:
* Add all the elements of the first set to the auxiliary set.
* Then remove all the elements of all the next sets from it.
* This is O(N) where N is the sum of all the elements in every
* set. */
for (j = ; j < setnum; j++) {
if (!sets[j]) continue; /* non existing keys are like empty sets */ si = setTypeInitIterator(sets[j]);
while((ele = setTypeNextObject(si)) != NULL) {
if (j == ) {
if (setTypeAdd(dstset,ele)) cardinality++;
} else {
if (setTypeRemove(dstset,ele)) cardinality--;
setTypeReleaseIterator(si); /* Exit if result set is empty as any additional removal
* of elements will have no effect. */
if (cardinality == ) break;
} /* Output the content of the resulting set, if not in STORE mode */
if (!dstkey) {
si = setTypeInitIterator(dstset);
// 响应差集列表
while((ele = setTypeNextObject(si)) != NULL) {
} else {
/* If we have a target key where to store the resulting set
* create this key with the result set inside */
int deleted = dbDelete(c->db,dstkey);
if (setTypeSize(dstset) > ) {
// 存储差集列表,响应差集个数
op == SET_OP_UNION ? "sunionstore" : "sdiffstore",
} else {
if (deleted)
/* This is used by SDIFF and in this case we can receive NULL that should
* be handled as empty sets. */
int qsortCompareSetsByRevCardinality(const void *s1, const void *s2) {
robj *o1 = *(robj**)s1, *o2 = *(robj**)s2; return (o2 ? setTypeSize(o2) : ) - (o1 ? setTypeSize(o1) : );


六、spop 获取一个元素


// 用法: SPOP key [count]
// t_set.c
void spopCommand(client *c) {
robj *set, *ele, *aux;
sds sdsele;
int64_t llele;
int encoding; if (c->argc == ) {
// 弹出指定数量的元素,略
} else if (c->argc > ) {
} /* Make sure a key with the name inputted exists, and that it's type is
* indeed a set */
if ((set = lookupKeyWriteOrReply(c,c->argv[],shared.nullbulk)) == NULL ||
checkType(c,set,OBJ_SET)) return; /* Get a random element from the set */
// 1. 随机获取一个元素,这是 spop 的定义
encoding = setTypeRandomElement(set,&sdsele,&llele); /* Remove the element from the set */
// 2. 删除元素
if (encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
ele = createStringObjectFromLongLong(llele);
set->ptr = intsetRemove(set->ptr,llele,NULL);
} else {
ele = createStringObject(sdsele,sdslen(sdsele));
} notifyKeyspaceEvent(NOTIFY_SET,"spop",c->argv[],c->db->id); /* Replicate/AOF this command as an SREM operation */
aux = createStringObject("SREM",);
decrRefCount(aux); /* Add the element to the reply */
decrRefCount(ele); /* Delete the set if it's empty */
if (setTypeSize(set) == ) {
} /* Set has been modified */
// 没啥好说的,就看下是如何随机的就好了
// t_set.c, 随机获取一个元素,赋值给 sdsele|llele
/* Return random element from a non empty set.
* The returned element can be a int64_t value if the set is encoded
* as an "intset" blob of integers, or an SDS string if the set
* is a regular set.
* The caller provides both pointers to be populated with the right
* object. The return value of the function is the object->encoding
* field of the object and is used by the caller to check if the
* int64_t pointer or the redis object pointer was populated.
* Note that both the sdsele and llele pointers should be passed and cannot
* be NULL since the function will try to defensively populate the non
* used field with values which are easy to trap if misused. */
int setTypeRandomElement(robj *setobj, sds *sdsele, int64_t *llele) {
if (setobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
// 1.1. dict 型的随机
dictEntry *de = dictGetRandomKey(setobj->ptr);
*sdsele = dictGetKey(de);
*llele = -; /* Not needed. Defensive. */
} else if (setobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET) {
// 1.2. intset 型的随机
*llele = intsetRandom(setobj->ptr);
*sdsele = NULL; /* Not needed. Defensive. */
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown set encoding");
return setobj->encoding;
// 1.1. dict 型的随机
/* Return a random entry from the hash table. Useful to
* implement randomized algorithms */
dictEntry *dictGetRandomKey(dict *d)
dictEntry *he, *orighe;
unsigned int h;
int listlen, listele; if (dictSize(d) == ) return NULL;
if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d);
// 基本原理就是一直接随机获取下标,直到有值
if (dictIsRehashing(d)) {
do {
/* We are sure there are no elements in indexes from 0
* to rehashidx-1 */
// 获取随机下标,须保证在 两个hash表的范围内
h = d->rehashidx + (random() % (d->ht[].size +
d->ht[].size -
he = (h >= d->ht[].size) ? d->ht[].table[h - d->ht[].size] :
} while(he == NULL);
} else {
do {
h = random() & d->ht[].sizemask;
he = d->ht[].table[h];
} while(he == NULL);
} /* Now we found a non empty bucket, but it is a linked
* list and we need to get a random element from the list.
* The only sane way to do so is counting the elements and
* select a random index. */
listlen = ;
orighe = he;
// 对于hash冲突情况,再随机一次
while(he) {
he = he->next;
listele = random() % listlen;
he = orighe;
while(listele--) he = he->next;
return he;
} // 1.2. intset 型的随机
// intset.c
/* Return random member */
int64_t intsetRandom(intset *is) {
// 这个随机就简单了,直接获取随机下标,因为intset可以保证自身元素的完整性
return _intsetGet(is,rand()%intrev32ifbe(is->length));


  OK, 至此,整个set数据结构的解析算是完整了。


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    写在前面 考研在即,想多了解考研er的想法,就是去找学长学姐或者去网上搜索,贴吧就是一个好地方.而借助强大的工具可以快速从网络鱼龙混杂的信息中得到有价值的信息.虽然网上有很多爬取百度贴吧的教程和例子, ...

  10. 最短路Dijkstra算法模板

    // // dijkstra妯℃澘.cpp // algorithm // // Created by david.xu on 2018/8/6. // Copyright 漏 2018骞?david ...