LED Decorative Light Supplier    introduction: LED track light is a track light with LED as the light source, alias: LED track light. It is a kind of track light, widely used in shopping malls (clothing stores, furniture stores and other brand stores), car display, jewelry, star hotels, brand clothing, high-end clubs, blogs, exhibition halls, chain stores, brand operations Key lighting places such as halls, professional windows and counters are the ideal light source to replace traditional tungsten halogen lamps and replacement metal halide lamps. With the continuous development of electronic technology, new styles on the market emerge in an endless stream, with different shapes and flexibility.


1, LED track light is LED as light source, LED light source is cold light source, no radiation, no heavy metal pollution, pure color, high luminous efficiency, low frequency flash, energy saving and health. Ordinary metal halide track light is


The metal halide lamp is used as the light source. The principle of the metal halide lamp is that the heavy metal element mercury reacts with the two electrodes to generate light after being vaporized. The heat is large, the radiation is large, and it must be handled carefully after it is broken, otherwise it may pollute the environment ( Mercury is a heavy metal element that is harmful to human health.


2, LED track lights typical one feature is energy-saving, the same brightness of LED track lights and ordinary metal halide track lights, LED track lights power consumption is only 40%-60% of ordinary metal halide track lights, visible its power saving effect.


3, the life of the brand LED track lights can reach at least 30,000 hours, while the life of ordinary metal halide track lights is generally 8000 hours, showing the difference in base life.



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