//json 强制转换为array

$arr[$key]['checkpro'] = json_decode($val['checkpro'],JSON_FORCE_ARRAY);
    $arr[$key]['messpro'] = json_decode($val['messpro'],JSON_FORCE_ARRAY);


$pro = D('Project');
        $count = $pro->where('status != -1')->count();
        $page = new \Think\Page($count,8);  
        $data = $pro->alias('p')
        ->where('p.status !=-1 ')
        ->join(' left join ganen_member m on p.charge = m.uid')
        ->join(' left join ganen_department d on p.pro_id = d.did')
        $page->setConfig('theme','%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END% %HEADER%');
        $show = $page->show();

        $this->assign('_list', $data);
        $this->meta_title = '用户信息';

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