Mutual Information
Mutal Information, MI, 中文名称:互信息. 用于描述两个概率分布的相似/相关程度. 常用于衡量两个不同聚类算法在同一个数据集的聚类结果的相似性/共享的信息量.
给定两种聚类结果\(X,Y\), 现在用MI来衡量它们之间的相似程度 计算方式为:
其中\(U=set(X), V = set(Y)\)(set()为去重操作).
从概率论的角度来理解, \(\frac{p(u, v)}{p(u)p(v)}\)描述了\(u, v\)之间的相关性: 相关性越大, 值越大(大于1);若独立, 则为1. 从整体来看, \(X, Y\)的distribution pattern越相似, MI越大.
下面是摘自的matlab代码, 可帮助理解.
function MIhat = nmi( A, B ) %NMI Normalized mutual information
% Author: [2011/12/13]
if length( A ) ~= length( B)
error('length( A ) must == length( B)');
total = length(A);
A_ids = unique(A);
B_ids = unique(B);
% Mutual information
MI = 0;
for idA = A_ids
for idB = B_ids
idAOccur = find( A == idA );
idBOccur = find( B == idB );
idABOccur = intersect(idAOccur,idBOccur);
px = length(idAOccur)/total;
py = length(idBOccur)/total;
pxy = length(idABOccur)/total;
MI = MI + pxy*log2(pxy/(px*py)+eps); % eps : the smallest positive number
% Normalized Mutual information
Hx = 0; % Entropies
for idA = A_ids
idAOccurCount = length( find( A == idA ) );
Hx = Hx - (idAOccurCount/total) * log2(idAOccurCount/total + eps);
Hy = 0; % Entropies
for idB = B_ids
idBOccurCount = length( find( B == idB ) );
Hy = Hy - (idBOccurCount/total) * log2(idBOccurCount/total + eps);
MIhat = 2 * MI / (Hx+Hy);
% Example :
% (
% A = [1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3];
% B = [1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 3];
% nmi(A,B)% ans = 0.3646
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