如果使用-g -gdwarf-2,则会生成dwarf-2格式的调试信息,不再生成stab格式的。这两个选项允许同时存在。
如果使用-gstabs -dwarf-2,则后一个-dwarf-2会并忽略,因为和stabs冲突,即生成stabs格式的调试信息。这两个是同时存在是不允许的。
- -g
- Produce debugging information in the operating system's native format (stabs, COFF,
- XCOFF, or DWARF). GDB can work with this debugging information.
- On most systems that use stabs format, `-g' enables use of extra debugging information
- that only GDB can use; this extra information makes debugging work better in GDB but
- will probably make other debuggers crash or refuse to read the program. If you want to
- control for certain whether to generate the extra information, use `-gstabs+' , `-gstabs' ,
- `-gxcoff+' , `-gxcoff' , `-gdwarf-+' , or `-gdwarf-1' (see below).
- Unlike most other C compilers, GCC allows you to use `-g' with `-O' . The shortcuts taken
- by optimized code may occasionally produce surprising results: some variables you
- declared may not exist at all; flow of control may briefly move where you did not expect it;
- some statements may not be executed because they compute constant results or their values
- were already at hand; some statements may execute in different places because they were
- moved out of loops.
- Section Headers:
- [Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al
- [ ] NULL
- [ ] .text PROGBITS AX
- [ ] .data PROGBITS 0000a4 WA
- [ ] .bss NOBITS 0000a8 WA
- [ ] .stab PROGBITS 0000a8 0c
- [ ] .comment PROGBITS 0002e8
- [ ] .stabstr STRTAB 0002fa 0004de
- [ ] .shstrtab STRTAB 0007d8
- [ ] .symtab SYMTAB 0009ac c
- [ ] .strtab STRTAB 000abc
- Section Headers:
- [Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al
- [ ] NULL
- [ ] .text PROGBITS AX
- [ ] .data PROGBITS 0000a4 WA
- [ ] .bss NOBITS 0000a8 WA
- [ ] .comment PROGBITS 0000a8
- [ ] .shstrtab STRTAB 0000ba
- [ ] .symtab SYMTAB 0000f0 a
- [ ] .strtab STRTAB
shstrtab symtab section hdr
旧elf,839 0x35=53 0xf0=240 320
新elf,2787 0x44=68 0x110=272 400
增加量, 15 32 80
debug 1822+15+32+80=1949
- struct internal_nlist {
- unsigned long n_strx; /* index into string table of name */
- unsigned char n_type; /* type of symbol */
- unsigned char n_other; /* misc info (usually empty) */
- unsigned short n_desc; /* description field */
- bfd_vma n_value; /* value of symbol */
- };
The “stabs” debug format: http://www.sm.luth.se/csee/courses/smd/D0013E/doc/stabs.pdf
- Section Headers:
- [Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al
- [ ] NULL
- [ ] .text PROGBITS AX
- [ ] .data PROGBITS 0000f8 WA
- [ ] .bss NOBITS 0000fc WA
- [ ] .rodata PROGBITS A
- [ ] .line PROGBITS 0000fc 00009e
- [ ] .debug_pubnames PROGBITS 00019a 00002d
- [ ] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 0001c7
- [ ] .debug PROGBITS 0001f8 00025c
- [ ] .comment PROGBITS
- [] .shstrtab STRTAB
- [] .symtab SYMTAB 0006d8 f
- [] .strtab STRTAB
objdump -G main.elf > debug.txt
- main.elf: file format elf32-sparc
- Contents of .stab section:
- Symnum n_type n_othr n_desc n_value n_strx String
- - HdrSym
- SO ../src/main.c
- OPT gcc2_compiled.
- LSYM int:t(,)=r(,);-;;
- LSYM char:t(,)=r(,);;;
- LSYM long int:t(,)=r(,);-;;
- LSYM unsigned int:t(,)=r(,);;-;
- LSYM long unsigned int:t(,)=r(,);;-;
- LSYM long long int:t(,)=r(,);;-;
- LSYM long long unsigned int:t(,)=r(,);;-;
- LSYM short int:t(,)=r(,);-;;
- LSYM short unsigned int:t(,)=r(,);;;
- LSYM signed char:t(,)=r(,);-;;
- LSYM unsigned char:t(,)=r(,);;;
- LSYM float:t(,)=r(,);;;
- LSYM double:t(,)=r(,);;;
- LSYM long double:t(,)=r(,);;;
- LSYM complex int:t(,)=s8real:(,),,;imag:(,),,;;
- LSYM complex float:t(,)=R3;;;
- LSYM complex double:t(,)=R4;;;
- LSYM complex long double:t(,)=R4;;;
- LSYM __builtin_va_list:t(,)=*(,)=(,)
- LSYM _Bool:t(,)=eFalse:,True:,;
- BINCL 00000ce2 ../src/main.c
- FUN main:F(,)
- LSYM fffffff0 d:(,)
- GSYM var_data:G(,)
- GSYM var_bss:G(,)
- SO
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