Besides the ordinary Boy Friend and Girl Friend, here we define a more academic kind of friend: Prime Friend. We call a nonnegative integer A is the integer B’s Prime Friend when the sum of A and B is a prime. 
So an integer has many prime friends, for example, 1 has infinite prime friends: 1, 2, 4, 6, 10 and so on. This problem is very simple, given two integers A and B, find the minimum common prime friend which will make them not only become primes but also prime neighbor. We say C and D is prime neighbor only when both of them are primes and integer(s) between them is/are not.

InputThe first line contains a single integer T, indicating the number of test cases. 
Each test case only contains two integers A and B.

Technical Specification

1. 1 <= T <= 1000 
2. 1 <= A, B <= 150OutputFor each test case, output the case number first, then the minimum common prime friend of A and B, if not such number exists, output -1.Sample Input

2 4
3 6

Sample Output

Case 1: 1
Case 2: -1 题意:给出两个整数ab 使a+x b+x均为素数 且ab之间没有素数 求最小的符合条件的x 思路:java数组开大了就爆空间,注意空间;一个潜在条件a+x-(b+x)=a-b<150,即两个素数之差小于150; 代码:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
static final int max=(int)16000000;
static int prime[]=new int[1031131];
static boolean is_prime[]=new boolean[max];
static int k=0;
public static void Prime(){
for(int i=2;i<max;i++){
if(!is_prime[i]) prime[k++]=i;
for(int j=0;j<k&&prime[j]*i<max;j++){
if(i%prime[j]==0) break;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// System.out.println(k);
Scanner scan=new Scanner(;
int t=scan.nextInt();
for(int i=1;i<=t;i++){
int a=scan.nextInt();
int b=scan.nextInt();
if(a>b) {
int tmp=a;
System.out.print("Case "+i+": ");
boolean flag=false;
int num=0;
for(int j=0;j<k-1;j++){
if(prime[j]>=a && prime[j+1]>=b &&prime[j]-a==prime[j+1]-b &&prime[j+1]-prime[j]<150){
if(flag) System.out.println(num);
else System.out.println("-1");

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