


1.The specified module could not be found.

2.%1 is not a valid Win32 application.

3.The operation completed successfully.

4.error: unknown type name 'HWND'、'DWORD'.


6.dll传参unsigned char* argName, struct _PlayParam* pParam

调用LCAudioThrDll 案例

ITDragon龙 先画一个葫芦。这个dll是在做广播驱动时用到,列举了其中几个有代表性的方法介绍。

package main

#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct _PlayParam
long hWnd; //主窗口的句柄,如果不为0,则线程有事件会向该窗口发送消息
int Priority; //优先级
int MultiGroup; //多播组号
int CastMode; //传输模式,单播,多播,广播
long IP; //ip,如果是广播和多播,此参数是源网卡的IP,如果此地址为0,则由系统决定使用哪个网卡,如果是单播,这是个目标设备的ip地址。
int Volume; //播放音量取值0~100
int Tone; //音调
int Treble; //高音频率
int Bass; //低音频率
int Treble_En; //高音增益
int Bass_En; //低音增益
unsigned short SourceType; //输入源,0为文件,1为声卡
unsigned short OptionByte; //选项字,默认为0;bit0=1 禁止重采样,bit1=1,启动监听,bit2=1,禁用解码功能(仅播放符合要求的音频文件)
int DeviceID; //音频输入ID号 1~N
int MaxBitrate; //允许最大的比特率组合,如果源文件高于此比特率,将被重压缩至此比特率。
unsigned int Option[15]; //选项
int nChannels; //采样的通道 1~2 CodecType
int nSamplesPerSec; //采样频率 8K,11.025K,22.05K,44.1K
int AudioBufferLength; //Audio数据的长度
unsigned char* AudioBuf; //Audio数据的指针
unsigned int PrivateData[128]; //私有信息,lc_init初始化后,用户不能修改里面的内容。
import "C"
import (
) /*
struct _PlayParam* __stdcall lc_play_getmem (void);
int __stdcall lc_init(unsigned char* pFileName, struct _PlayParam* pParam);
int __stdcall lc_play(struct _PlayParam* pParam);
int __stdcall lc_set_volume(struct _PlayParam* pParam, char volume);
int __stdcall lc_addip (struct _PlayParam* pParam,DWORD ip);
*/ var (
lcAudioSdk, _ = syscall.LoadDLL("LCAudioThrDll.dll")
lcAudioSdkPlayGetMemFunc, _ = lcAudioSdk.FindProc("lc_play_getmem")
lcAudioSdkInitFunc, _ = lcAudioSdk.FindProc("lc_init")
lcAudioSdkPlayFunc, _ = lcAudioSdk.FindProc("lc_play")
lcAudioSdkSetVolumeFunc, _ = lcAudioSdk.FindProc("lc_set_volume")
lcAudioSdkAddIPFunc, _ = lcAudioSdk.FindProc("lc_addip")
) func main() {
filePath := `D:\upload\attachment\20200217115847582_-581698856.mp3`
if IsIllegalFile(filePath) {
} audioSource := C.CString(filePath)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(audioSource))
var playParam *C.PlayParam
step1 申请PlayParam内存
1. 无参
2. 获取并转换dll 返回结构体指针
playParamMem, _, _ := lcAudioSdkPlayGetMemFunc.Call()
playParam = (*C.PlayParam)(unsafe.Pointer(playParamMem))
playParam.Volume = 80
playParam.SourceType = 0
playParam.CastMode = 0
playParam.IP = C.long(ipAddrToInt("")) /**
step2 初始化客户端
1. 入参是unsigned char* 和 struct _PlayParam*
2. 获取并转换dll 返回int类型
initResult, _, _ := lcAudioSdkInitFunc.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(audioSource)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(playParam)))
fmt.Println("lcaudio init result : ", int32(initResult)) /**
step3 播放音频
1. 入参是struct _PlayParam*
2. 获取并转换dll 返回int类型
playResult, _, _ := lcAudioSdkPlayFunc.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(playParam)))
fmt.Println("lcaudio play result : ", int32(playResult)) /**
step4 调整音量
1. 入参是struct _PlayParam* 和 char (疑惑)
2. 获取并转换dll 返回int类型
volumeResult, _, _ := lcAudioSdkSetVolumeFunc.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(playParam)), uintptr(90))
fmt.Println("lcaudio set volume result : ", int32(volumeResult)) /**
step5 单播模式添加IP设备
1. 入参是struct _PlayParam* 和 DWORD
2. 获取并转换dll 返回int类型
addIpResult, _, _ := lcAudioSdkAddIPFunc.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(playParam)), uintptr(C.long(ipAddrToInt(""))))
fmt.Println("lcaudio add ip result : ", int32(addIpResult)) } // ip地址转16进制
func ipAddrToInt(ipAddr string) int {
bits := strings.Split(ipAddr, ".")
b0, _ := strconv.Atoi(bits[0])
b1, _ := strconv.Atoi(bits[1])
b2, _ := strconv.Atoi(bits[2])
b3, _ := strconv.Atoi(bits[3])
var sum int
sum += int(b0) << 24
sum += int(b1) << 16
sum += int(b2) << 8
sum += int(b3) return sum
} // 文件校验
func IsIllegalFile(filePath string) bool {
if IsChineseChar(filePath) {
return true
if !PathExists(filePath) {
return true
} return false
} func IsChineseChar(str string) bool {
for _, r := range str {
if unicode.Is(unicode.Scripts["Han"], r) {
return true
return false
} func PathExists(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil {
return true
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return false


1. The specified module could not be found.





2. %1 is not a valid Win32 application.


3. The operation completed successfully.



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