If we want to make some identiity value in sqlserver , we can use identity data type in a table.
However, there are some disadvantages on that style,
But , how to ?
Here we go

we can use

replace(replace(replace(CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 120 ),'-',''),' ',''),':','')

to get time as char

result is: 20170210000222

And we can use replace(CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,NewID(), 120 ),'-','')

to gert random number conver to char

How about to make they together

select replace(replace(replace(CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 120 ),'-',''),' ',''),':','') + replace(CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,NewID(), 120 ),'-','')

That result like 20170210000436590385B62DDD4D4B9ABB8009BDEDDD40

Then you can make it The result is unqiue and easy to management it.

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