
 public class AsyncUserToken
/// <summary>
/// 客户端IP地址
/// </summary>
public IPAddress IPAddress { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// 远程地址
/// </summary>
public EndPoint Remote { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// 通信SOKET
/// </summary>
public Socket Socket { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// 连接时间
/// </summary>
public DateTime ConnectTime { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// 数据缓存区
/// </summary>
public List<byte> Buffer { get; set; } public AsyncUserToken()
this.Buffer = new List<byte>();


 public class SocketAsyncEventArgsPool
Stack<SocketAsyncEventArgs> m_pool; // Initializes the object pool to the specified size
// The "capacity" parameter is the maximum number of
// SocketAsyncEventArgs objects the pool can hold
public SocketAsyncEventArgsPool(int capacity)
m_pool = new Stack<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(capacity);
} // Add a SocketAsyncEventArg instance to the pool
//The "item" parameter is the SocketAsyncEventArgs instance
// to add to the pool
public void Push(SocketAsyncEventArgs item)
if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Items added to a SocketAsyncEventArgsPool cannot be null"); }
lock (m_pool)
} // Removes a SocketAsyncEventArgs instance from the pool
// and returns the object removed from the pool
public SocketAsyncEventArgs Pop()
lock (m_pool)
return m_pool.Pop();
} // The number of SocketAsyncEventArgs instances in the pool
public int Count
get { return m_pool.Count; }
} }


 public class BufferManager
int m_numBytes; // the total number of bytes controlled by the buffer pool
byte[] m_buffer; // the underlying byte array maintained by the Buffer Manager
Stack<int> m_freeIndexPool; //
int m_currentIndex;
int m_bufferSize; public BufferManager(int totalBytes, int bufferSize)
m_numBytes = totalBytes;
m_currentIndex = ;
m_bufferSize = bufferSize;
m_freeIndexPool = new Stack<int>();
} // Allocates buffer space used by the buffer pool
public void InitBuffer()
// create one big large buffer and divide that
// out to each SocketAsyncEventArg object
m_buffer = new byte[m_numBytes];
} // Assigns a buffer from the buffer pool to the
// specified SocketAsyncEventArgs object
// <returns>true if the buffer was successfully set, else false</returns>
public bool SetBuffer(SocketAsyncEventArgs args)
{ if (m_freeIndexPool.Count > )
args.SetBuffer(m_buffer, m_freeIndexPool.Pop(), m_bufferSize);
if ((m_numBytes - m_bufferSize) < m_currentIndex)
return false;
args.SetBuffer(m_buffer, m_currentIndex, m_bufferSize);
m_currentIndex += m_bufferSize;
return true;
} // Removes the buffer from a SocketAsyncEventArg object.
// This frees the buffer back to the buffer pool
public void FreeBuffer(SocketAsyncEventArgs args)
args.SetBuffer(null, , );


 public class Server
private int m_numConnections; // the maximum number of connections the sample is designed to handle simultaneously
private int m_receiveBufferSize;// buffer size to use for each socket I/O operation
BufferManager m_bufferManager; // represents a large reusable set of buffers for all socket operations
const int opsToPreAlloc = ; // read, write (don't alloc buffer space for accepts)
Socket listenSocket; // the socket used to listen for incoming connection requests
// pool of reusable SocketAsyncEventArgs objects for write, read and accept socket operations
SocketAsyncEventArgsPool m_readWritePool;
int m_totalBytesRead; // counter of the total # bytes received by the server
int m_numConnectedSockets; // the total number of clients connected to the server
Semaphore m_maxNumberAcceptedClients; // Create an uninitialized server instance.
// To start the server listening for connection requests
// call the Init method followed by Start method
// <param name="numConnections">the maximum number of connections the sample is designed to handle simultaneously</param>
// <param name="receiveBufferSize">buffer size to use for each socket I/O operation</param>
public Server(int numConnections, int receiveBufferSize)
m_totalBytesRead = ;
m_numConnectedSockets = ;
m_numConnections = numConnections;
m_receiveBufferSize = receiveBufferSize;
// allocate buffers such that the maximum number of sockets can have one outstanding read and
//write posted to the socket simultaneously
m_bufferManager = new BufferManager(receiveBufferSize * numConnections * opsToPreAlloc,
receiveBufferSize); m_readWritePool = new SocketAsyncEventArgsPool(numConnections);
m_maxNumberAcceptedClients = new Semaphore(numConnections, numConnections);
} // Initializes the server by preallocating reusable buffers and
// context objects. These objects do not need to be preallocated
// or reused, but it is done this way to illustrate how the API can
// easily be used to create reusable objects to increase server performance.
public void Init()
// Allocates one large byte buffer which all I/O operations use a piece of. This gaurds
// against memory fragmentation
m_bufferManager.InitBuffer(); // preallocate pool of SocketAsyncEventArgs objects
SocketAsyncEventArgs readWriteEventArg; for (int i = ; i < m_numConnections; i++)
//Pre-allocate a set of reusable SocketAsyncEventArgs
readWriteEventArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
readWriteEventArg.Completed += new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(IO_Completed);
readWriteEventArg.UserToken = new AsyncUserToken(); // assign a byte buffer from the buffer pool to the SocketAsyncEventArg object
m_bufferManager.SetBuffer(readWriteEventArg); // add SocketAsyncEventArg to the pool
} } // Starts the server such that it is listening for
// incoming connection requests.
// <param name="localEndPoint">The endpoint which the server will listening
// for connection requests on</param>
public void Start(IPEndPoint localEndPoint)
// create the socket which listens for incoming connections
listenSocket = new Socket(localEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
// start the server with a listen backlog of 100 connections
listenSocket.Listen(); // post accepts on the listening socket
StartAccept(null); //Console.WriteLine("{0} connected sockets with one outstanding receive posted to each....press any key", m_outstandingReadCount);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to terminate the server process....");
} // Begins an operation to accept a connection request from the client
// <param name="acceptEventArg">The context object to use when issuing
// the accept operation on the server's listening socket</param>
public void StartAccept(SocketAsyncEventArgs acceptEventArg)
if (acceptEventArg == null)
acceptEventArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
acceptEventArg.Completed += new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(AcceptEventArg_Completed);
// socket must be cleared since the context object is being reused
acceptEventArg.AcceptSocket = null;
} m_maxNumberAcceptedClients.WaitOne();
bool willRaiseEvent = listenSocket.AcceptAsync(acceptEventArg);
if (!willRaiseEvent)
} // This method is the callback method associated with Socket.AcceptAsync
// operations and is invoked when an accept operation is complete
void AcceptEventArg_Completed(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
} private void ProcessAccept(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
Interlocked.Increment(ref m_numConnectedSockets);
Console.WriteLine("Client connection accepted. There are {0} clients connected to the server",
m_numConnectedSockets); // Get the socket for the accepted client connection and put it into the
//ReadEventArg object user token
SocketAsyncEventArgs readEventArgs = m_readWritePool.Pop();
((AsyncUserToken)readEventArgs.UserToken).Socket = e.AcceptSocket; // As soon as the client is connected, post a receive to the connection
bool willRaiseEvent = e.AcceptSocket.ReceiveAsync(readEventArgs);
if (!willRaiseEvent)
} // Accept the next connection request
} // This method is called whenever a receive or send operation is completed on a socket
// <param name="e">SocketAsyncEventArg associated with the completed receive operation</param>
void IO_Completed(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
// determine which type of operation just completed and call the associated handler
switch (e.LastOperation)
case SocketAsyncOperation.Receive:
case SocketAsyncOperation.Send:
throw new ArgumentException("The last operation completed on the socket was not a receive or send");
} // This method is invoked when an asynchronous receive operation completes.
// If the remote host closed the connection, then the socket is closed.
// If data was received then the data is echoed back to the client.
private void ProcessReceive(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
// check if the remote host closed the connection
AsyncUserToken token = (AsyncUserToken)e.UserToken;
if (e.BytesTransferred > && e.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
//increment the count of the total bytes receive by the server
Interlocked.Add(ref m_totalBytesRead, e.BytesTransferred);
Console.WriteLine("The server has read a total of {0} bytes", m_totalBytesRead); //echo the data received back to the client
e.SetBuffer(e.Offset, e.BytesTransferred);
bool willRaiseEvent = token.Socket.SendAsync(e);
if (!willRaiseEvent)
} }
} // This method is invoked when an asynchronous send operation completes.
// The method issues another receive on the socket to read any additional
// data sent from the client
// <param name="e"></param>
private void ProcessSend(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
// done echoing data back to the client
AsyncUserToken token = (AsyncUserToken)e.UserToken;
// read the next block of data send from the client
bool willRaiseEvent = token.Socket.ReceiveAsync(e);
if (!willRaiseEvent)
} private void CloseClientSocket(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
AsyncUserToken token = e.UserToken as AsyncUserToken; // close the socket associated with the client
// throws if client process has already closed
catch (Exception) { }
token.Socket.Close(); // decrement the counter keeping track of the total number of clients connected to the server
Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_numConnectedSockets); // Free the SocketAsyncEventArg so they can be reused by another client
m_readWritePool.Push(e); m_maxNumberAcceptedClients.Release();
Console.WriteLine("A client has been disconnected from the server. There are {0} clients connected to the server", m_numConnectedSockets);

 class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Server server = new Server(, );
server.Start(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, ));


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