日期函数每次取年月日都要调用Date的函数,有点麻烦,通过__defineGetter__可以处理一下,就能通过Date的实例对象直接获取年月日,例如 date.year获取日期对象date的年份。月份因为与正常月份差一个月,可以通过函数自动校正一下,使用起来就更符合习惯了。很多时候我们需要显示一个日期、时间或者日期时间,就可以通过__defineGetter__处理好之后,直接返回对应的数据。

  1. let { log } = console;
  3. Date.prototype.__defineGetter__('year', function() {return this.getFullYear();});
  4. Date.prototype.__defineSetter__('year', function(y) {this.setFullYear(y)});
  5. Date.prototype.__defineGetter__('month', function() {return this.getMonth() + 1;});
  6. Date.prototype.__defineSetter__('month', function(m) {this.setMonth(m-1)});
  7. Date.prototype.__defineGetter__('day', function() {return this.getDate();});
  8. Date.prototype.__defineSetter__('day', function(d) {this.setDate(d)});
  9. Date.prototype.__defineGetter__('hour', function() {return this.getHours();});
  10. Date.prototype.__defineSetter__('hour', function(h) {this.setHours(h)});
  11. Date.prototype.__defineGetter__('minute', function() {return this.getMinutes();});
  12. Date.prototype.__defineSetter__('minute', function(m) {this.setMinutes(m)});
  13. Date.prototype.__defineGetter__('seconds', function() {return this.getSeconds();});
  14. Date.prototype.__defineSetter__('seconds', function(s) {this.setSeconds(s)});
  16. Date.prototype.__defineGetter__("date", function (){return `${this.year}-${(this.month.dbl())}-${this.day.dbl()}`});
  17. Date.prototype.__defineGetter__("time", function (){return `${this.hour.dbl()}:${this.minute.dbl()}:${this.seconds.dbl()}`});
  18. Date.prototype.__defineGetter__("datetime", function (){return `${this.date} ${this.time}`});
  20. // 将数字转换成2位的字符串,不足两位的在前面补0
  21. Number.prototype.dbl = function (){
  22. return String(this).padStart(2, 0);
  23. }
  25. let num = 2;
  26. log(num.dbl());
  28. function doubleNum(n){
  29. return String(n).padStart(2, 0);
  30. }
  32. var now = new Date;
  33. log("%O",now); // 这样打印可以看到日期的属性和方法
  34. let { year: y, month: m, day: d } = now;
  36. log("年:%s",y) // 年:2019
  37. log(y, m, d); // 2019 6 20
  38. log(now.date); // 2019-06-20
  39. log(now.time); // 10:56:53
  40. log(now.datetime); // 2019-06-20 10:56:53


  1. // 将数字转换成2位的字符串,不足两位的在前面补0
  2. Number.prototype.dbl = function (){
  3. return String(this).padStart(2, 0);
  4. }
  6. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "year", {
  7. enumerable : true,
  8. configurable : true,
  9. get: function (){
  10. return this.getFullYear();
  11. },
  12. set: function (y){
  13. this.setFullYear(y);
  14. }
  15. });
  17. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "month", {
  18. enumerable : true,
  19. configurable : true,
  20. get: function (){
  21. return this.getMonth() + 1;
  22. },
  23. set: function (m){
  24. this.setMonth(m - 1);
  25. }
  26. });
  28. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "day", {
  29. enumerable : true,
  30. configurable : true,
  31. get: function (){
  32. return this.getDate();
  33. },
  34. set: function (d){
  35. this.setDate(d);
  36. }
  37. });
  39. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "hour", {
  40. enumerable : true,
  41. configurable : true,
  42. get: function (){
  43. return this.getHours();
  44. },
  45. set: function (h){
  46. this.setHours(h);
  47. }
  48. });
  50. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "minutes", {
  51. enumerable : true,
  52. configurable : true,
  53. get: function (){
  54. return this.getMinutes();
  55. },
  56. set: function (m){
  57. this.setMinutes(m);
  58. }
  59. });
  61. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "seconds", {
  62. enumerable : true,
  63. configurable : true,
  64. get: function (){
  65. return this.getSeconds();
  66. },
  67. set: function (s){
  68. this.setSeconds(s);
  69. }
  70. });
  72. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "y", {
  73. get: function (){
  74. return this.year;
  75. }
  76. });
  77. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "m", {
  78. get: function (){
  79. return this.month;
  80. }
  81. });
  82. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "d", {
  83. get: function (){
  84. return this.day;
  85. }
  86. });
  87. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "h", {
  88. get: function (){
  89. return this.hour;
  90. }
  91. });
  92. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "min", {
  93. get: function (){
  94. return this.minutes;
  95. }
  96. });
  97. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "s", {
  98. get: function (){
  99. return this.seconds;
  100. }
  101. });
  103. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "date", {
  104. get: function (){
  105. // return `${this.y}-${this.m.dbl()}-${this.d.dbl()}`;
  106. const that = this;
  107. return function (sep = "-"){
  108. return `${that.y}${sep}${that.m.dbl()}${sep}${that.d.dbl()}`;
  109. }
  110. }
  111. });
  113. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "time", {
  114. get: function (){
  115. return `${this.h.dbl()}:${this.min.dbl()}:${this.s.dbl()}`;
  116. }
  117. });
  119. Object.defineProperty(Date.prototype, "datetime", {
  120. get: function (){
  121. // return `${this.date} ${this.time}`;
  122. const that = this;
  123. return function (sep = "-"){
  124. return `${this.date(sep)} ${this.time}`;
  125. }
  126. }
  127. });
  129. let d = new Date();
  130. console.log(d.date());
  131. console.log(d.time);
  132. console.log(d.datetime("/"));




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