(一)Autoencoders and Sparsity章节公式错误:

s2 应为 s3。


(二)Support functions for loading MNIST in Matlab文件名错误

% Change the filenames if you've saved the files under different names
% On some platforms, the files might be saved as
% train-images.idx3-ubyte / train-labels.idx1-ubyte
images = loadMNISTImages('train-images-idx3-ubyte');
labels = loadMNISTLabels('train-labels-idx1-ubyte'); % We are using display_network from the autoencoder code
display_network(images(:,:)); % Show the first images


images = loadMNISTImages('train-images.idx3-ubyte');
labels = loadMNISTLabels('train-labels.idx1-ubyte');

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