VS Code插件Vue2 代码补全工具
此扩展将Vue 2代码片段和语法突出显示添加到Visual Studio代码中。
这个插件基于最新的Vue官方语法高亮文件添加了语法高亮,并且依据Vue 2的API添加了代码片段。
- VUE(.vue)
- HTML格式(.html)
- 使用Javascript(.js文件)
- 打字稿(.TS)
- 帕格(.pug)
- ext install vue-snippets
Snippet | Purpose |
vbase |
Single file component base |
Snippet | Purpose |
vfor |
v-for directive |
vmodel |
Semantic v-model directive |
vmodel-num |
Semantic v-model number directive |
von |
v-on click handler with arguments |
vel-props |
Component element with props |
vsrc |
Image src binding |
vstyle |
Inline style binding |
vstyle-obj |
Inline style binding with objects |
vclass |
Class binding |
vclass-obj |
Class binding with objects |
vclass-obj-mult |
Multiple conditional class bindings |
vanim |
Transition component with JS hooks |
Snippet | Purpose |
vdata |
Component data as a function |
vmethod |
Vue method |
vcomputed |
Vue computed property |
vwatcher |
Vue watcher with new and old value args |
vprops |
Props with type and default |
vimport |
Import one component into another |
vimport-c |
Import one component into another within the export statement |
vimport-export |
Import one component into another and use it within the export statement |
vfilter |
Vue filter |
vmixin |
Create a Vue Mixin |
vmixin-use |
Bring a mixin into a component to use |
vc-direct |
Vue create a custom directive |
vimport-lib |
Import a library |
vimport-gsap |
Import GreenSock with Timeline and Eases |
vanimhook-js |
Using the Transition component JS hooks in methods |
vinc |
incrementer |
vdec |
decrementer |
Snippet | Purpose |
vstore |
Base for Vuex store.js |
vgetter |
Vuex Getter |
vmutation |
Vuex Mutation |
vaction |
Vuex Action |
vstore-import |
Import vuex store into main.js |
Extra (plaintext)
Snippet | Purpose |
gitignore |
.gitignore file presets |
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