

  1. ,,
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  1. #-*- coding: UTF- -*-
  3. import random
  4. import numpy as np
  5. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  7. #加载数据
  8. def load_exdata(filename):
  9. data = []
  10. with open(filename, 'r') as f:
  11. for line in f.readlines():
  12. line = line.split(',')
  13. current = [int(item) for item in line] //根据数据输入的不同确定是int 还是其他类型
  14. #5.5277,9.1302
  15. data.append(current)
  16. return data
  18. data = load_exdata('ex1data2.txt');
  19. data = np.array(data,np.int64)//根据数据输入的不同确定是int 还是其他类型
  21. #特征缩放
  22. def featureNormalize(X):
  23. X_norm = X;
  24. mu = np.zeros((,X.shape[]))
  25. sigma = np.zeros((,X.shape[]))
  26. for i in range(X.shape[]):
  27. mu[,i] = np.mean(X[:,i]) # 均值
  28. sigma[,i] = np.std(X[:,i]) # 标准差
  29. # print(mu)
  30. # print(sigma)
  31. X_norm = (X - mu) / sigma
  32. return X_norm,mu,sigma
  34. #计算损失
  35. def computeCost(X, y, theta):
  36. m = y.shape[]
  37. # J = (np.sum((X.dot(theta) - y)**)) / (*m)
  38. C = X.dot(theta) - y
  39. J2 = (C.T.dot(C))/ (*m)
  40. return J2
  42. #梯度下降
  43. def gradientDescent(X, y, theta, alpha, num_iters):
  44. m = y.shape[]
  45. #print(m)
  46. # 存储历史误差
  47. J_history = np.zeros((num_iters, ))
  48. for iter in range(num_iters):
  49. # 对J求导,得到 alpha/m * (WX - Y)*x(i), (,m)*(m,) X (m,)*(,) = (m,)
  50. theta = theta - (alpha/m) * (X.T.dot(X.dot(theta) - y))
  51. J_history[iter] = computeCost(X, y, theta)
  52. return J_history,theta
  54. iterations = #迭代次数
  55. alpha = 0.01 #学习率
  56. x = data[:,(,)].reshape((-,))
  57. y = data[:,].reshape((-,))
  58. m = y.shape[]
  59. x,mu,sigma = featureNormalize(x)
  60. X = np.hstack([x,np.ones((x.shape[], ))])
  61. # X = X[range(),:]
  62. # y = y[range(),:]
  64. theta = np.zeros((, ))
  66. j = computeCost(X,y,theta)
  67. J_history,theta = gradientDescent(X, y, theta, alpha, iterations)
  69. print('Theta found by gradient descent',theta)
  71. def predict(data):
  72. testx = np.array(data)
  73. testx = ((testx - mu) / sigma)
  74. testx = np.hstack([testx,np.ones((testx.shape[], ))])
  75. price = testx.dot(theta)
  76. print('price is %d ' % (price))
  78. predict([,])



  1. ,230.1,37.8,69.2,22.1
  2. ,44.5,39.3,45.1,10.4
  3. ,17.2,45.9,69.3,9.3
  4. ,151.5,41.3,58.5,18.5
  5. ,180.8,10.8,58.4,12.9
  6. ,8.7,48.9,,7.2
  7. ,57.5,32.8,23.5,11.8
  8. ,120.2,19.6,11.6,13.2
  9. ,8.6,2.1,,4.8
  10. ,199.8,2.6,21.2,10.6
  11. ,66.1,5.8,24.2,8.6
  12. ,214.7,,,17.4
  13. ,23.8,35.1,65.9,9.2
  14. ,97.5,7.6,7.2,9.7
  15. ,204.1,32.9,,
  16. ,195.4,47.7,52.9,22.4
  17. ,67.8,36.6,,12.5
  18. ,281.4,39.6,55.8,24.4
  19. ,69.2,20.5,18.3,11.3
  20. ,147.3,23.9,19.1,14.6
  21. ,218.4,27.7,53.4,
  22. ,237.4,5.1,23.5,12.5
  23. ,13.2,15.9,49.6,5.6
  24. ,228.3,16.9,26.2,15.5
  25. ,62.3,12.6,18.3,9.7
  26. ,262.9,3.5,19.5,
  27. ,142.9,29.3,12.6,
  28. ,240.1,16.7,22.9,15.9
  29. ,248.8,27.1,22.9,18.9
  30. ,70.6,,40.8,10.5
  31. ,292.9,28.3,43.2,21.4
  32. ,112.9,17.4,38.6,11.9
  33. ,97.2,1.5,,9.6
  34. ,265.6,,0.3,17.4
  35. ,95.7,1.4,7.4,9.5
  36. ,290.7,4.1,8.5,12.8
  37. ,266.9,43.8,,25.4
  38. ,74.7,49.4,45.7,14.7
  39. ,43.1,26.7,35.1,10.1
  40. ,,37.7,,21.5
  41. ,202.5,22.3,31.6,16.6
  42. ,,33.4,38.7,17.1
  43. ,293.6,27.7,1.8,20.7
  44. ,206.9,8.4,26.4,12.9
  45. ,25.1,25.7,43.3,8.5
  46. ,175.1,22.5,31.5,14.9
  47. ,89.7,9.9,35.7,10.6
  48. ,239.9,41.5,18.5,23.2
  49. ,227.2,15.8,49.9,14.8
  50. ,66.9,11.7,36.8,9.7
  51. ,199.8,3.1,34.6,11.4
  52. ,100.4,9.6,3.6,10.7
  53. ,216.4,41.7,39.6,22.6
  54. ,182.6,46.2,58.7,21.2
  55. ,262.7,28.8,15.9,20.2
  56. ,198.9,49.4,,23.7
  57. ,7.3,28.1,41.4,5.5
  58. ,136.2,19.2,16.6,13.2
  59. ,210.8,49.6,37.7,23.8
  60. ,210.7,29.5,9.3,18.4
  61. ,53.5,,21.4,8.1
  62. ,261.3,42.7,54.7,24.2
  63. ,239.3,15.5,27.3,15.7
  64. ,102.7,29.6,8.4,
  65. ,131.1,42.8,28.9,
  66. ,,9.3,0.9,9.3
  67. ,31.5,24.6,2.2,9.5
  68. ,139.3,14.5,10.2,13.4
  69. ,237.4,27.5,,18.9
  70. ,216.8,43.9,27.2,22.3
  71. ,199.1,30.6,38.7,18.3
  72. ,109.8,14.3,31.7,12.4
  73. ,26.8,,19.3,8.8
  74. ,129.4,5.7,31.3,
  75. ,213.4,24.6,13.1,
  76. ,16.9,43.7,89.4,8.7
  77. ,27.5,1.6,20.7,6.9
  78. ,120.5,28.5,14.2,14.2
  79. ,5.4,29.9,9.4,5.3
  80. ,,7.7,23.1,
  81. ,76.4,26.7,22.3,11.8
  82. ,239.8,4.1,36.9,12.3
  83. ,75.3,20.3,32.5,11.3
  84. ,68.4,44.5,35.6,13.6
  85. ,213.5,,33.8,21.7
  86. ,193.2,18.4,65.7,15.2
  87. ,76.3,27.5,,
  88. ,110.7,40.6,63.2,
  89. ,88.3,25.5,73.4,12.9
  90. ,109.8,47.8,51.4,16.7
  91. ,134.3,4.9,9.3,11.2
  92. ,28.6,1.5,,7.3
  93. ,217.7,33.5,,19.4
  94. ,250.9,36.5,72.3,22.2
  95. ,107.4,,10.9,11.5
  96. ,163.3,31.6,52.9,16.9
  97. ,197.6,3.5,5.9,11.7
  98. ,184.9,,,15.5
  99. ,289.7,42.3,51.2,25.4
  100. ,135.2,41.7,45.9,17.2
  101. ,222.4,4.3,49.8,11.7
  102. ,296.4,36.3,100.9,23.8
  103. ,280.2,10.1,21.4,14.8
  104. ,187.9,17.2,17.9,14.7
  105. ,238.2,34.3,5.3,20.7
  106. ,137.9,46.4,,19.2
  107. ,,,29.7,7.2
  108. ,90.4,0.3,23.2,8.7
  109. ,13.1,0.4,25.6,5.3
  110. ,255.4,26.9,5.5,19.8
  111. ,225.8,8.2,56.5,13.4
  112. ,241.7,,23.2,21.8
  113. ,175.7,15.4,2.4,14.1
  114. ,209.6,20.6,10.7,15.9
  115. ,78.2,46.8,34.5,14.6
  116. ,75.1,,52.7,12.6
  117. ,139.2,14.3,25.6,12.2
  118. ,76.4,0.8,14.8,9.4
  119. ,125.7,36.9,79.2,15.9
  120. ,19.4,,22.3,6.6
  121. ,141.3,26.8,46.2,15.5
  122. ,18.8,21.7,50.4,
  123. ,,2.4,15.6,11.6
  124. ,123.1,34.6,12.4,15.2
  125. ,229.5,32.3,74.2,19.7
  126. ,87.2,11.8,25.9,10.6
  127. ,7.8,38.9,50.6,6.6
  128. ,80.2,,9.2,8.8
  129. ,220.3,,3.2,24.7
  130. ,59.6,,43.1,9.7
  131. ,0.7,39.6,8.7,1.6
  132. ,265.2,2.9,,12.7
  133. ,8.4,27.2,2.1,5.7
  134. ,219.8,33.5,45.1,19.6
  135. ,36.9,38.6,65.6,10.8
  136. ,48.3,,8.5,11.6
  137. ,25.6,,9.3,9.5
  138. ,273.7,28.9,59.7,20.8
  139. ,,25.9,20.5,9.6
  140. ,184.9,43.9,1.7,20.7
  141. ,73.4,,12.9,10.9
  142. ,193.7,35.4,75.6,19.2
  143. ,220.5,33.2,37.9,20.1
  144. ,104.6,5.7,34.4,10.4
  145. ,96.2,14.8,38.9,11.4
  146. ,140.3,1.9,,10.3
  147. ,240.1,7.3,8.7,13.2
  148. ,243.2,,44.3,25.4
  149. ,,40.3,11.9,10.9
  150. ,44.7,25.8,20.6,10.1
  151. ,280.7,13.9,,16.1
  152. ,,8.4,48.7,11.6
  153. ,197.6,23.3,14.2,16.6
  154. ,171.3,39.7,37.7,
  155. ,187.8,21.1,9.5,15.6
  156. ,4.1,11.6,5.7,3.2
  157. ,93.9,43.5,50.5,15.3
  158. ,149.8,1.3,24.3,10.1
  159. ,11.7,36.9,45.2,7.3
  160. ,131.7,18.4,34.6,12.9
  161. ,172.5,18.1,30.7,14.4
  162. ,85.7,35.8,49.3,13.3
  163. ,188.4,18.1,25.6,14.9
  164. ,163.5,36.8,7.4,
  165. ,117.2,14.7,5.4,11.9
  166. ,234.5,3.4,84.8,11.9
  167. ,17.9,37.6,21.6,
  168. ,206.8,5.2,19.4,12.2
  169. ,215.4,23.6,57.6,17.1
  170. ,284.3,10.6,6.4,
  171. ,,11.6,18.4,8.4
  172. ,164.5,20.9,47.4,14.5
  173. ,19.6,20.1,,7.6
  174. ,168.4,7.1,12.8,11.7
  175. ,222.4,3.4,13.1,11.5
  176. ,276.9,48.9,41.8,
  177. ,248.4,30.2,20.3,20.2
  178. ,170.2,7.8,35.2,11.7
  179. ,276.7,2.3,23.7,11.8
  180. ,165.6,,17.6,12.6
  181. ,156.6,2.6,8.3,10.5
  182. ,218.5,5.4,27.4,12.2
  183. ,56.2,5.7,29.7,8.7
  184. ,287.6,,71.8,26.2
  185. ,253.8,21.3,,17.6
  186. ,,45.1,19.6,22.6
  187. ,139.5,2.1,26.6,10.3
  188. ,191.1,28.7,18.2,17.3
  189. ,,13.9,3.7,15.9
  190. ,18.7,12.1,23.4,6.7
  191. ,39.5,41.1,5.8,10.8
  192. ,75.5,10.8,,9.9
  193. ,17.2,4.1,31.6,5.9
  194. ,166.8,,3.6,19.6
  195. ,149.7,35.6,,17.3
  196. ,38.2,3.7,13.8,7.6
  197. ,94.2,4.9,8.1,9.7
  198. ,,9.3,6.4,12.8
  199. ,283.6,,66.2,25.5
  200. ,232.1,8.6,8.7,13.4

python 代码:

  1. #-*- coding: UTF- -*-
  3. import random
  4. import numpy as np
  5. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  7. #加载数据
  8. def load_exdata(filename):
  9. data = []
  10. with open(filename, 'r') as f:
  11. for line in f.readlines():
  12. line = line.split(',')
  13. current = [float(item) for item in line]
  14. #5.5277,9.1302
  15. data.append(current)
  16. return data
  18. data = load_exdata('testdata.txt');
  19. data = np.array(data,np.float64)//数据是浮点型
  21. # 特征缩放
  22. def featureNormalize(X):
  23. X_norm = X;
  24. mu = np.zeros((, X.shape[]))
  25. sigma = np.zeros((, X.shape[]))
  26. for i in range(X.shape[]):
  27. mu[, i] = np.mean(X[:, i]) # 均值
  28. sigma[, i] = np.std(X[:, i]) # 标准差
  29. # print(mu)
  30. # print(sigma)
  31. X_norm = (X - mu) / sigma
  32. return X_norm, mu, sigma
  34. # 计算损失
  35. def computeCost(X, y, theta):
  36. m = y.shape[]
  37. # J = (np.sum((X.dot(theta) - y)**)) / (*m)
  38. C = X.dot(theta) - y
  39. J2 = (C.T.dot(C)) / ( * m)
  40. return J2
  42. # 梯度下降
  43. def gradientDescent(X, y, theta, alpha, num_iters):
  44. m = y.shape[]
  45. # print(m)
  46. # 存储历史误差
  47. J_history = np.zeros((num_iters, ))
  48. for iter in range(num_iters):
  49. # 对J求导,得到 alpha/m * (WX - Y)*x(i), (,m)*(m,) X (m,)*(,) = (m,)
  50. theta = theta - (alpha / m) * (X.T.dot(X.dot(theta) - y))
  51. J_history[iter] = computeCost(X, y, theta)
  52. return J_history, theta
  54. iterations = # 迭代次数
  55. alpha = 0.01 # 学习率
  56. x = data[:, ( ,,)].reshape((-, ))//数据特征输入,采用数据集一行的,第1,2,3个数据,然后将其变成一行,所以用shape
  57. y = data[:, ].reshape((-, ))//输出特征,数据集的第四位
  58. m = y.shape[]
  59. x, mu, sigma = featureNormalize(x)
  60. X = np.hstack([x, np.ones((x.shape[], ))])
  61. # X = X[range(),:]
  62. # y = y[range(),:]
  64. theta = np.zeros((, ))//因为x+y.总共有四个输入,所以theta是四维
  66. j = computeCost(X, y, theta)
  67. J_history, theta = gradientDescent(X, y, theta, alpha, iterations)
  69. print('Theta found by gradient descent', theta)
  71. def predict(data):
  72. testx = np.array(data)
  73. testx = ((testx - mu) / sigma)
  74. testx = np.hstack([testx, np.ones((testx.shape[], ))])
  75. price = testx.dot(theta)
  76. print('predit value is %f ' % (price))
  78. predict([151.5,41.3,58.5])//输入为3维

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  6. vue2.0 组件化及组件传值

    组件 (Component) 是 Vue.js 最强大的功能之一.组件可以扩展 HTML 元素,封装可重用的代码.在较高层面上,组件是自定义元素,Vue.js 的编译器为它添加特殊功能.在有些情况下, ...

  7. vuex入门教程和思考

    Vuex是什么 首先对于vuex是什么,我先引用下官方的解释. Vuex 是一个专为 Vue.js 应用程序开发的状态管理模式.它采用集中式存储管理应用的所有组件的状态,并以相应的规则保证状态以一种可 ...

  8. 我的IT之路2013(二)

    严寒即将过去,温暖的春天正在向我们招手,欢呼吧,在迎接新的开始的同时,不要忘了回顾一下过去的这一年,总结一下过去的这一年有什么得失. 英语学习 13年下半年,最大的变化就是有很大一部分时间用来学英语. ...

  9. FFmpeg AVPacket和AVFrame区别

    简介 AVPacket:存储压缩数据(视频对应H.264等码流数据,音频对应AAC/MP3等码流数据)AVFrame:存储非压缩的数据(视频对应RGB/YUV像素数据,音频对应PCM采样数据)

  10. how many shards and replicas should be set for Elastic Search

    https://cpratt.co/how-many-shards-should-elasticsearch-indexes-have/ https://blog.trifork.com/2014/0 ...