using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace m1w4d1_abstract
//多态实现 写一个动物的 抽象类,写两个子类狗狗叫,猫猫叫
//实例化 一个 animal的对象 他指代现实中 哪种对象 无法解释
class Animal
public virtual void Cry()
class Cat : Animal
public override void Cry()
class Dog : Animal
public override void Cry()
//矩形:图形 和 圆形:图形
abstract class Sharp
public abstract void Area();
public abstract void Perimeter();
class Circle : Sharp
public float r;
public override void Area()
Console.WriteLine("面积:{0}", 3.14f * r * r);
public override void Perimeter()
Console.WriteLine("周长:{0}", 3.14f * * r);
class Rect: Sharp
public float width;
public float high;
public override void Area()
Console.WriteLine("面积:{0}", width * high);
public override void Perimeter()
Console.WriteLine("周长:{0}", (width + high) * );
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//多态实现 写一个动物的 抽象类,写两个子类狗狗叫,猫猫叫
Random roll = new Random();
Animal[] animals = new Animal[];
for (int i = ; i < animals.Length; i++)
int num = roll.Next(, );
if (num==)
animals[i] = new Cat();
animals[i] = new Dog();
foreach (var item in animals)
//矩形:图形 和 圆形:图形
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace m1w4d1_interface
#region 接口的定义和练习1
//鱼会游泳,人走,游泳,船会游泳,乌龟走 会游泳,天鹅走 飞 会游泳
//批量管理 某一功能
//不同对象 可以使用同一方法 表现不同行为
//这些对象要同一个结构(数组)里 管理结构(容器)
//访问修饰 关键字 接口名{}
//接口名 命名 一般以 I 为前缀
public interface ISwim
void Swim();
public interface IWalk
void Walk();
public interface IFly
void Fly();
public interface IBirdMan
void Swim();
class Animal
public Animal(string name)
{ = name;
protected string name;
class Machine
public Machine(string name)
{ = name;
protected string name;
class GameObject
public GameObject(string name)
{ = name;
public string name;
class Fish : Animal, ISwim
public Fish() : base("小鱼")
Program.swims[Program.swimsCount++] = this;
public void Swim()
Console.WriteLine("{0}在游泳", name);
class Person : GameObject, ISwim, IWalk
public Person() : base("人类")
Program.swims[Program.swimsCount++] = this;
Program.walks[Program.walksCount++] = this;
public void Swim()
Console.WriteLine("{0}在游泳", name);
public void Walk()
Console.WriteLine("{0}在行走", name);
class Ship : Machine, ISwim
public Ship() : base("轮船")
Program.swims[Program.swimsCount++] = this;
public void Swim()
Console.WriteLine("{0}在游泳", name);
class Swan : Animal, ISwim, IWalk, IFly
public Swan() : base("天鹅")//写public,表明继承和实现该接口成员,不写则会认为是一个私有的新的方法
Program.swims[Program.swimsCount++] = this;
Program.walks[Program.walksCount++] = this;
Program.flys[Program.flysCount++] = this;
public void Swim()
Console.WriteLine("{0}在游泳", name);
public void Walk()
Console.WriteLine("{0}行走", name);
public void Fly()
Console.WriteLine("{0}在飞行", name);
class BirdPerson : Person, IFly, IBirdMan
public BirdPerson() : base()
{ = "鸟人";
Program.flys[Program.flysCount++] = this;
public void Fly()
Console.WriteLine("{0}在飞行", name);
void IBirdMan.Swim()
Console.WriteLine("{0}在潜水", name);
#region 接口的练习2
//汽车登记(Car )
//房子也要登记(House )
public interface IRegister
void Register();
class Name
public Name(string name)
{ = name;
protected string name;
class Person1 : Name, IRegister
public Person1() : base("小明")
Program.registers[Program.registersCount++] = this;
public void Register()
Console.WriteLine("{人口登记:{0}已登记", name);
class Car : Name, IRegister
public Car() : base("小车")
Program.registers[Program.registersCount++] = this;
public void Register()
Console.WriteLine("汽车登记:{0}已登记", name);
class House : Name, IRegister
public House() : base("小房")
Program.registers[Program.registersCount++] = this;
public void Register()
Console.WriteLine("小房登记:{0}已登记", name);
#region 接口的作业
public abstract class MobileStorage
public abstract void Read();
public abstract void Write();
public class MobileDisk : MobileStorage
public override void Read()//override可以重写抽象方法和虚方法
public override void Write()
public class UDisk : MobileStorage
public override void Read()
public override void Write()
public class Mp3 : MobileStorage
public override void Read()
public override void Write()
public void PlayMusic()
public class Computer
private MobileStorage _ms;
public MobileStorage Ms//字段封装属性
get { return _ms; }
set { _ms = value; }
public void CpuRead()//方法1,想拿到父类,传参数进来就行,可以传子类进来
public void CpuWrite()
//public void CpuRead(MobileStorage ms)//方法1,想拿到父类,传参数进来就行,可以传子类进来
// ms.Read();
//public void CpuWrite(MobileStorage ms)
// ms.Write();
class Program
//static 修饰可以将类型,成员变成静态
//程序结束的时候才会释放 public static ISwim[] swims = new ISwim[];
public static int swimsCount = ;
public static IWalk[] walks = new IWalk[];
public static int walksCount = ;
public static IFly[] flys = new IFly[];
public static int flysCount = ;
public static IRegister[] registers = new IRegister[];
public static int registersCount = ;
static void Main(string[] args)
#region 接口的定义和练习1
//Swan swan = new Swan();
//Ship ship = new Ship();
//Person P = new Person();
//ISwim[] swims = new ISwim[10];
//swims[0] = swan;
//swims[1] = ship;
Fish f = new Fish();
Person P = new Person();
Ship ship = new Ship();
Swan swan = new Swan();
BirdPerson birdperson = new BirdPerson();
for (int i = ; i < swimsCount; i++)
for (int i = ; i < walksCount; i++)
for (int i = ; i < flysCount; i++)
#region 接口的练习2
//汽车登记(Car )
//房子也要登记(House )
Person1 p1 = new Person1();
Car car = new Car();
House house = new House();
for (int i = ; i < registersCount; i++)
#region 接口的显示实现
//Person person = new Person();
//ISwim iswim = person;
//IBirdMan birdMen = person;
#region 接口的作业
//多态 模拟 移动硬盘 插入电脑 读写
//MobileDisk md = new MobileDisk();//父类抽象类不能实例化,所以实例化子类
//UDisk ud = new UDisk();
//Mp3 mp = new Mp3();
MobileStorage mp = new Mp3();
Computer cpu = new Computer();//通过属性拿到父类,在外面不能传参数,采用赋值
cpu.Ms = mp;//表示把插入的MP3赋值给电脑里面的Ms属性


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