设备是android 4.1的平板电脑,支持armeabi-v7a和mips,为了能用上poco c++ lib,用cmake编译了poco mips架构的lib,但在android studio里引用运行时就报

cannot locate symbol 'sigemptyset'


set(ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL android-21)改为
  1. APP_PLATFORM := android-16
  2. -------------------------------------------------------

Android ndk cannot find symbol “sigemptyset”

I am building a C app for android, I use 'sigemptyset' in my app, when I compile the code using NDK it is compiled successfully, but when running the app I get cannot locate symbol 'sigemptyset'.

After searching I found that the problem is that I build the app using ndk-r11 which build for android-5 but I am running the app on android 4.4 where sigemptyset definition has changed. so I added the following to Android.mk:

  1. TARGET_PLATFORM := android-19

but I still get the same error

Does anyone know how to fix this?


This question is not a duplicate of another question nor the answer there suggests changing the APP_PLATFORM parameter in Application.mk

The cause of problem is not the version of NDK that was used but version of target platform. android-19 is the last platform version where sigemptyset() (and many other functions) was declared as inline just at platform headers. As result - system libc on that devices doesn't contain such functions. So you are right - you should use proper target platform to allow your code to run on older devices. But you are doing it incorrectly. All that you need is add

  1. APP_PLATFORM := android-19

to your Application.mk.

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