

  • 添加MyLdapAuthenticationSource.cs及MyLdapSettings.cs



public  class MyLdapAuthenticationSource : LdapAuthenticationSource<Tenant, User>
public MyLdapAuthenticationSource(ILdapSettings settings, IAbpZeroLdapModuleConfig ldapModuleConfig)
: base(settings, ldapModuleConfig)




public class MyLdapSettings : ILdapSettings
private const string DomainName = "XXXX.com";
private const string Container = "OU=XXX,DC=XXXX,DC=com";
private const string UserName = "XXXX";
private const string Password = "XXXX";
private const string ADPath = "LDAP://XXXXX"; public async Task<bool> GetIsEnabled(int? tenantId)
return true;
} public async Task<ContextType> GetContextType(int? tenantId)
{ return ContextType.Domain;
} public async Task<string> GetContainer(int? tenantId)
return Container;
} public async Task<string> GetDomain(int? tenantId)
return DomainName;
} public async Task<string> GetUserName(int? tenantId)
return UserName;
} public async Task<string> GetPassword(int? tenantId)
return Password;


  • 在CoreModule中启用


public class CeciCoreModule : AbpModule
public override void PreInitialize()
Configuration.Auditing.IsEnabledForAnonymousUsers = true; IocManager.Register<IAbpZeroLdapModuleConfig, AbpZeroLdapModuleConfig>();
IocManager.Register<ILdapSettings, MyLdapSettings>(); //change default setting source
  • 重载认证逻辑




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