
<condition> element

An element that lets you choose conditions for the rule. Note, all conditions must be met for the rule to be run (unless "next" is set to "or" obvoiusly).

Value can be any Regular Expression (Perl5 style).

Attribute Possible Value Explanation
header (default) If used, the header name must be specified in the "name" attribute.
method The method of the request. GET, POST, HEAD etc.
port The port that the web application server is running on.
time Current time at the server (this will be the number of seconds since 00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC otherwise known as unix

i.e. (new Date()).getTime()

This can be used for making sure content goes live only at a time you set.
year Current year at the server.

i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.YEAR)
month Month at the server. January is 0

i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.MONTH)
dayofmonth Day of the month at the server. March first is 1

i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)
dayofweek Day of the week at the server. Saturday is 1, Sunday is 7

i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)
ampm AM or PM time at the server.

i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.AM_PM)
hourofday The hour of the day (24 hour clock) at the server. 10pm is 22

i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)
minute The minute field of the current time at the server.

i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.MINUTE)
second The second field of the current time at the server.

i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.SECOND)
millisecond The millisecond field of the current time at the server.

i.e. (Calendar.getInstance()).get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)
attribute Will check the value of a request attribute (don't confuse this with parameter!), name must be set when
using this type.

i.e. request.getAttribute([name])
auth-type Will check the value of a request attribute (don't confuse this with parameter!)

i.e. request.getAuthType()
character-encoding The character encoding of the imcoming request.

i.e. request.getCharacterEncoding()
content-length The length of the imcoming request (can be useful if you want to deny large requests).

i.e. request.getContentLength()
content-type The type of the imcoming request. (this is probably not that useful)

i.e. request.getContentType()
context-path The context path of the imcoming request.

i.e. request.getContextPath()
cookie The value of a cookie, note, name must be specified to use this

i.e. request.getCookies()
the find we the one with [name] specified and check the value.
parameter A tidier way of checking request parameters than looking for them in the query string. This will check for the
parameter in GET or POST, note, name must be specified.

i.e. request.getParameter([name])
path-info i.e. request.getPathInfo()
path-translated i.e. request.getPathTranslated()
protocol The protocol used to make the request, e.g. HTTP/1.1

i.e. request.getProtocol()
query-string The query string used to make the request (if any), e.g. id=2345&name=bob

i.e. request.getQueryString()
remote-addr The IP address of the host making the request, e.g.

i.e. request.getRemoteAddr()
remote-host The host name of the host making the request, e.g. (note,
this will only work if your app server is configured to lookup host names, most aren't).

i.e. request.getRemoteHost()
remote-user The login of the user making this request, if the user has been authenticated, e.g. bobt

i.e. request.getRemoteUser()
requested-session-id Returns the session ID specified by the client, e.g. 2344asd234sada4

i.e. request.getRequestedSessionId()
request-uri Returns the part of this request's URL from the protocol name up to the query
string in the first line of the HTTP request

i.e. request.getRequestURI()
request-url Reconstructs the URL the client used to make the request. The returned URL
contains a protocol, server name, port number, and server path, but it does not include query string parameters.

i.e. request.getRequestURL()
session-attribute (note, name must be set)

i.e. session.getAttribute([name])
session-isnew Weather the session is new or not.

i.e. session.isNew()
server-name The host name of the server to which the request was sent (from the host header not the machine name).

i.e. request.getServerName()
scheme The scheme used for the request, e.g. http or https

i.e. request.getScheme()
user-in-role (Note, the value for this cannot be a regular expression)

i.e. request.isUserInRole([value])
(can be anything) If type is header, this specifies the name of the HTTP header used to run the value
and (default) The next "rule" and this "rule" must match.
or The next "rule" or this "condition" may match.
equal (default) Equals. The operator to be used when the condition is run.
notequal Not equal to. (i.e. request value != condition value). Note, this operator only work with
numeric rule types.
greater Greater than. (i.e. request value > condition value). Note, this operator only work with
rule types.
less Less than. (i.e. request value < condition value). Note, this operator only work with numeric
rule types.
greaterorequal Greater to or equal to. (i.e. request value >= condition value). Note, this operator
work with numeric rule types.
lessorequal Less than or equal to. (i.e. request value <= condition value). Note, this operator only
work with numeric rule types.


<condition name="user-agent" operator="notequal">Mozilla/[1-4]</condition> <condition type="user-in-role" operator="notequal">bigboss</condition> <condition name="host" operator="notequal"></condition> <condition type="method" next="or">PROPFIND</condition>
<condition type="method">PUT</condition>

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