Dream most deep place, only then the smile is not tired.


Everyday I expect I can go to sleep earlier and have a good dream.

Because I always attempt to get some enlightments from dreams.

And now I know that is nothing but wishful thinking, but it really made me feel a little comfortable every time the results failed to live up to my expectations.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.

The greatest teacher inspires.


From William Ward.

And what is a greatest coder?

He must be a master of program-architect, knows the characteristics of commonest programming languages.

Actually, just knowing how to code for a project or some modules with one or two languages can't be called a qualified coder.

In some cases, we have to modify our programs for hundreds of times to make it work as we had planned before.

If starting with an imperfect even ugly framework, we may gradually find we are trapped in a dilemma.

For one thing, bad-structured framework will increase the workloads, we have to write more codes to make up for its defects.

For the other thing, it may be impossible to optimise the code or to re-construct the program.

In such cases, a coder will at some point run out of his steam and collapse in an exhuasted, tear-strained heap, then he may give up.

So, when receiving an assignment, don't rush into coding the functions, calm down and think about how to organize the whole program, the data-structure, and the relationships among different modules.

Make sure not to repeat some simple skills but to challenge some new things, that is the only way can we improve our knowledge.

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