【leetcode】Insert Interval(hard)★
Given a set of non-overlapping intervals, insert a new interval into the intervals (merge if necessary).
You may assume that the intervals were initially sorted according to their start times.
Example 1:
Given intervals [1,3],[6,9]
, insert and merge [2,5]
in as [1,5],[6,9]
Example 2:
Given [1,2],[3,5],[6,7],[8,10],[12,16]
, insert and merge [4,9]
in as [1,2],[3,10],[12,16]
This is because the new interval [4,9]
overlaps with [3,5],[6,7],[8,10]
vector<Interval> insert(vector<Interval>& intervals, Interval newInterval) {
vector<Interval> ret;
auto it = intervals.begin();
for(; it!=intervals.end(); ++it){
if(newInterval.end < (*it).start) //all intervals after will not overlap with the newInterval
else if(newInterval.start > (*it).end) //*it will not overlap with the newInterval
else{ //update newInterval bacause *it overlap with the newInterval
newInterval.start = min(newInterval.start, (*it).start);
newInterval.end = max(newInterval.end, (*it).end);
// don't forget the rest of the intervals and the newInterval
for(; it!=intervals.end(); ++it)
return ret;
以上图为例,黑色的是初始间隔,脚标与间隔在vector中的关系是2n, 2n + 1。那么对于newInterval的start和end都有四种可能:
①比最小值还小,返回-1 -1
②比最大值还大,如图就是比16大,返回10 10
③落在某个范围里,如8, 返回 6 7。注意,边界值如1,2,3,5之类的,是算在范围里的。
④落在某个间隙里,如11, 返回 7 8
注意: 判断奇数偶数时 ((r & 0x01) ==1) 里面的&一定要括起来!
vector<Interval> insert2(vector<Interval>& intervals, Interval newInterval)
return intervals;
Interval startPos = DividedSearch(intervals, newInterval.start);
Interval endPos = DividedSearch(intervals, newInterval.end);
if(endPos.end == -) //新间隔比所有的已有间隔都小 插到最前面
intervals.insert(intervals.begin(), newInterval);
else if(startPos.start == * intervals.size()) //新间隔比所有的已有间隔都大 插到最后面
if(startPos.start == endPos.start && startPos.start & 0x01 == ) //start与end都落在同一个间隙
intervals.insert(intervals.begin() + startPos.start / + , newInterval); //在该间隙插入
else if(startPos.start == endPos.start && (startPos.start & 0x01) == ) //start与end都落在同一个范围 什么都不做 原范围包含了新范围
intervals[startPos.end / ].start = (newInterval.start < intervals[startPos.end / ].start) ? newInterval.start : intervals[startPos.end / ].start;
if(endPos.start == * intervals.size())
intervals[startPos.end / ].end = newInterval.end;
intervals.erase(intervals.begin() + startPos.end / + , intervals.end());
intervals[startPos.end / ].end = ((endPos.start & 0x01) == ) ? newInterval.end : intervals[endPos.start / ].end;
intervals.erase(intervals.begin() + startPos.end / + , intervals.begin() + endPos.start / + );
} }
return intervals;
} //二分查找定位新间隔的最大值和最小值落在哪个范围 注意数字可能在两个范围的缝隙中
Interval DividedSearch(vector<Interval> intervals, int num)
if(num < intervals[].start) return Interval(-, -); //比最小值小
if(num > intervals.back().end) return Interval( * intervals.size(), * intervals.size()); //比最大值大 int l = , r = * intervals.size() - ;
Interval range(l, r);
while(l < r - )
int m = l + (r - l) / ;
int mnum = (m & 0x01 == ) ? intervals[m / ].end : intervals[m / ].start; //m是奇数对应end 是偶数对应start
int lnum = (l & 0x01 == ) ? intervals[l / ].end : intervals[l / ].start;
int rnum = (r & 0x01 == ) ? intervals[r / ].end : intervals[r / ].start;
if(lnum <= num && num <= mnum)
r = m;
else if(mnum <= num && num <= rnum)
l = m;
int lnum = (l & 0x01 == ) ? intervals[l / ].end : intervals[l / ].start;
int rnum = (r & 0x01 == ) ? intervals[r / ].end : intervals[r / ].start;
if(num == lnum && ((l & 0x01) == ))
r = l; l = r - ;
else if(num == rnum && ((r & 0x0001) == )) //注意 (r & 0x0001) 一定要括起来
l = r; r = l + ;
return Interval(l, r);
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