
        通过zabbix的Latest data查看主机就可以看到其监控结果。

        # 管理状态 
        # 操作状态 
        # 接收 单播包 
        # 发送 单播包
        # 接收 错误包 
        # 发送 错误包
        # 接收 列队 
        # 发送 列队
        # 接收 多播包 
        # 发送 多播包
        # 接收 广播包 
        # 发送 广播包
       # 接收 非单播包
       # 发送 非单播包
        # 端口描述 



       snmpwalk.sh               # SNMP信息截取  调用
       insert_snmp_oid.php    # SNMP信息写入  使用
       zbx.inc.php                  #  ZABBIX API     调用
       zbx.templates.class.php   # 创建模板    调用
       usage.php                      # 创建模板    使用



  1. --
  2. -- 表的结构 `snmp_oid`
  3. --
  4. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `snmp_oid` (
  6. `IP` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  7. `COMMUNITY` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  8. `VERSION` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  9. `OID_index` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  10. `OID_port` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  11. `OID_in` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  12. `OID_out` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  13. PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)


  1. --
  2. -- 表的结构 `items_plus`
  3. --
  4. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `items_plus` (
  5. `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  6. `hostid` int(50) NOT NULL,
  7. `snmp_index` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  8. `itemids` int(50) NOT NULL,
  9. `items_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  10. `items_key` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  11. `items_oid` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  12. `ApplicationID` int(10) NOT NULL,
  13. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)



  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # 迈普交换机设置成 mp
  3. # 锐捷或者华为 随便设定一个值就行。
  4. a="cc"
  5. # 函数
  6. # 生成索引文件
  7. function index() {
  8. if [ $a == "mp" ];then
  9. #snmpwalk -$version -c $community $ip IF-MIB::ifDescr |grep 'gi' |awk -F'[ ,=]' '{print $1}' > index.txt
  10. snmpwalk -$version -c $community $ip IF-MIB::ifDescr |grep 'port' |awk -F'[ ,=]' '{print $1}' > index.txt
  11. else
  12. snmpwalk -$version -c $community $ip IF-MIB::ifDescr |grep 'Ethernet' |awk -F'[ ,=]' '{print $1}' > index.txt
  13. fi
  14. }
  15. # 生成端口名称
  16. function port() {
  17. if [ $a == "mp" ];then
  18. #snmpwalk -$version -c $community $ip IF-MIB::ifDescr |grep 'gi' |awk -F'[ ,=]' '{print $5 $6}' > port.txt
  19. snmpwalk -$version -c $community $ip IF-MIB::ifDescr |grep 'port' |awk -F'[ ,=]' '{print $5 $6}' > port.txt
  20. else
  21. snmpwalk -$version -c $community $ip IF-MIB::ifDescr |grep 'Ethernet' |awk -F'[ ,=]' '{print $5 $6}' > port.txt
  22. fi
  23. }
  24. # 删除生成txt文件
  25. function del(){
  26. rm -rf ./in.txt out.txt index.txt port.txt
  27. }
  28. # 生成端口流入文件
  29. function _in(){
  30. if [ -f "index.txt" ];then
  31. cp ./index.txt in.txt
  32. #SNMP v1
  33. if [ $version == "v1" ];then
  34. sed -i "s/IF-MIB::ifDescr/IF-MIB::ifInOctets/g" `grep IF-MIB::ifDescr -rl in.txt `
  35. fi
  36. #SNMP v2c
  37. if [ $version == "v2c" ];then
  38. sed -i "s/IF-MIB::ifDescr/IF-MIB::ifHCInOctets/g" `grep IF-MIB::ifDescr -rl in.txt `
  39. fi
  40. else
  41. echo "not index.txt"
  42. fi
  43. }
  44. # 生出端口流出文件
  45. function _out(){
  46. if [ -f "index.txt" ];then
  47. cp ./index.txt out.txt
  48. #SNMP v1
  49. if [ $version == "v1" ];then
  50. sed -i "s/IF-MIB::ifDescr/IF-MIB::ifOutOctets/g" `grep IF-MIB::ifDescr -rl out.txt `
  51. fi
  52. #SNMP v2c
  53. if [ $version == "v2c" ];then
  54. sed -i "s/IF-MIB::ifDescr/IF-MIB::ifHCOutOctets/g" `grep IF-MIB::ifDescr -rl out.txt `
  55. fi
  56. else
  57. echo "not index.txt"
  58. fi
  59. }
  60. # 外部参数
  61. parameter=$1
  62. community=$3
  63. version=$2
  64. ip=$4
  65. # 参数使用
  66. case $parameter in
  67. "index")
  68. index $2 $3 $4 $a
  69. ;;
  70. "port")
  71. port $2 $3 $4 $a
  72. ;;
  73. "del")
  74. del
  75. ;;
  76. "in")
  77. _in $2
  78. ;;
  79. "out")
  80. _out $2
  81. ;;
  82. *)
  83. echo ""
  84. echo "Usage: {$0 Verison Community Parameter Ip}"
  85. echo "Parameter: {index|port|del|in|out}"
  86. echo "Community: {Public}"
  87. echo "Example: {$0 index v1 Public}"
  88. echo ""
  89. ;;
  90. esac



  1. #!/opt/lampp/bin/php
  2. <?php
  3. /*
  4. 使用方法
  5. chmo +x ./inster_snmp_oid.php
  6. ./inster_snmp_oid.php v1 stdu.edu.cn_nmc
  7. */
  8. /* var */
  9. @@$Version = $argv[1];
  10. @@$Community = $argv[2];
  11. @@$IP = $argv[3];
  12. @@$Factory = $argv[4];
  13. if(isset($Version) && isset($Community) && isset($IP)){
  14. echo "生成中\n";
  15. }else{
  16. echo "参数格式:版本,社区名,IP地址\n";
  17. echo "例子:./inster_snmp_oid.php v1 stdu.edu.cn_nmc\n";
  18. exit;
  19. }
  20. /* PDO mysql */
  21. $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=test1', 'root', 'zsdsywr.');
  22. $pdo->exec('set names utf8');
  23. $pdo->exec('TRUNCATE TABLE `snmp_oid`');
  24. /* Config */
  25. $Parameter_1 = "index";
  26. $Parameter_2 = "port";
  27. $Parameter_3 = "in";
  28. $Parameter_4 = "out";
  29. /* Shell Script */
  30. function shell($Parameter_1,$Parameter_2,$Parameter_3,$Parameter_4,$Version,$Community,$IP){
  31. exec("./snmpwalk.sh $Parameter_1 $Version $Community $IP");
  32. exec("./snmpwalk.sh $Parameter_2 $Version $Community $IP");
  33. exec("./snmpwalk.sh $Parameter_3 $Version $Community $IP");
  34. exec("./snmpwalk.sh $Parameter_4 $Version $Community $IP");
  35. }
  36. /* Run Shell */
  37. shell($Parameter_1,$Parameter_2,$Parameter_3,$Parameter_4,$Version,$Community,$IP);
  38. /* Shell Add Files */
  39. $file_index = 'index.txt';
  40. $file_port ='port.txt';
  41. $file_in = 'in.txt';
  42. $file_out = 'out.txt';
  43. /* File Array */
  44. $index = file($file_index);
  45. $port = file($file_port);
  46. $in = file($file_in);
  47. $out = file($file_out);
  48. $sql ="INSERT INTO `snmp_oid`(`ID`,`IP`,`COMMUNITY`,`VERSION`,`OID_index`,`OID_port`,`OID_in`,`OID_out`) VALUES";
  49. foreach ($index as $value1){
  50. $value2 = current($port);
  51. $value3 = current($in);
  52. $value4 = current($out);
  53. $new[] = array("$value1","$value2","$value3","$value4");
  54. next($port);
  55. next($in);
  56. next($out);
  57. }
  58. foreach($new as $value => $key){
  59. #print_r($key);
  60. $sql .= "(NULL, '$IP', '$Community', '$Version', '$key[0]','$key[1]','$key[2]','$key[3]'),";
  61. }
  62. $SQL = rtrim($sql,',');
  63. $new_sql = $SQL.";";
  64. $inster = $pdo->exec("$new_sql");
  65. exec("./snmpwalk.sh del");
  66. if($inster == true){
  67. echo "insert success\n";
  68. }else{
  69. echo "inster error\n";
  70. }



  1. <?php
  2. class jsonrpc{
  3. protected function connect($server, $query){
  4. $http = curl_init($server);
  5. curl_setopt($http, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
  6. curl_setopt($http, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query);
  7. curl_setopt($http, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
  8. curl_setopt($http, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
  9. /* curl_setopt($http, CURLOPT_PROXY, 'proxy_url');
  10. curl_setopt($http, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, '3128');
  11. curl_setopt($http, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, 'login:pass'); */
  12. curl_setopt($http, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
  13. curl_setopt($http, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json']);
  14. $response = curl_exec($http);
  15. return json_decode($response, true);
  16. curl_close($http);
  17. }
  18. }
  19. class zbx extends jsonrpc{
  20. public $method;
  21. public $access_token;
  22. public $url;
  23. public $query;
  24. function call(){
  25. $data['jsonrpc'] = '2.0';
  26. $data['method'] = $this->method;
  27. $data['params'] = $this->query;
  28. $this->query = '';
  29. if(!empty($this->access_token))
  30. $data['auth'] = $this->access_token;
  31. $data['id'] = rand(1,100);
  32. $data = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
  33. return $this->connect($this->url, $data);
  34. }
  35. }



  1. #!/opt/lampp/bin/php
  2. <?php
  3. /**
  4. *交换机snmp模板创建
  5. *
  6. *用于创建zabbix模板的items trigger
  7. * @author kingsh2012@163.com
  8. */
  9. /* Import Zabbix API */
  10. require __DIR__ . '/zbx.inc.php';
  11. class ZabbixTemplates{
  12. /**
  13. * 构造函数
  14. * 负责zabbix API调用,与32.218数据库的PDO方式连接。
  15. *
  16. * @return $this->zbx;
  17. * @return $this->pdo;
  18. */
  19. function __construct() {
  20. // zabbix API import
  21. $this->zbx = new zbx;
  22. $this->zbx->url = "";        //网页地址
  23. $this->zbx->method = 'user.login';
  24. $this->zbx->query['user'] = 'api';                                //用户名管理员
  25. $this->zbx->query['password'] = 'zabbix';                        //密码
  26. $this->zbx->access_token = $this->zbx->call()['result'];
  27. // connect databases
  28. try {
  29. $this->pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=;dbname=test1", "root", "zsdsywr.");        //数据库连接
  30. $this->pdo->exec('set names utf8');
  31. $sql = "SELECT * FROM `snmp_oid` ";
  32. // $sql = "SELECT * FROM `items_plus` ";
  33. $this->snmp = $this->pdo->query($sql);
  34. }catch (PDOException $e) {
  35. exit($e->getMessage());
  36. }
  37. }
  38. /**
  39. * GetTemplateID
  40. * 获取模板ID
  41. *
  42. * @access public
  43. * @param string $name 模板名称
  44. * @return integer
  45. */
  46. function GetTemplateID ($name) {
  47. $this->zbx->method = 'template.get';
  48. $this->zbx->query['output'] = 'extend';
  49. $this->zbx->query['filter']['host'] = "$name";
  50. @$templateid = $this->zbx->call()['result'][0]['templateid'];
  51. if(!empty($templateid)){
  52. return $templateid;
  53. }else{
  54. echo "输入主机错误";
  55. }
  56. }
  57. /**
  58. * GetHostID
  59. * 获取主机ID
  60. *
  61. * @access public
  62. * @param string $host 主机名称
  63. * @return integer
  64. */
  65. function GetHostID ($host) {
  66. $this->zbx->method = 'host.get';
  67. $this->zbx->query['output'] = 'extend';
  68. $this->zbx->query['filter']['host'] = "$host";
  69. $hostid = $this->zbx->call();
  70. return $hostid;
  71. }
  72. /**
  73. * GetApplicationID
  74. * 获取应用ID
  75. *
  76. * @access 调试
  77. */
  78. function GetApplicationID(){
  79. $this->zbx->method = 'application.get';
  80. $this->zbx->query['output'] = 'extend';
  81. $this->zbx->query['hostids']['host'] = "11562";
  82. $result = $this->zbx->call();
  83. print_r($result);
  84. }
  85. /**
  86. * DeltetItem
  87. * 删除items
  88. *
  89. * @access 调试
  90. */
  91. function DeltetItem(){
  92. // $i = 0;
  93. // foreach($this->snmp as $key => $value ){
  94. // $itmsids = $value["itemids"];
  95. // echo $itmsids;
  96. // exit;
  97. $this->zbx->method = 'item.delete';
  98. // $this->zbx->query = ["$itmsids"];
  99. $this->zbx->query = ['85668'];
  100. $result = $this->zbx->call();
  101. print_r($result);
  102. // echo $i++."\n";
  103. // print_r($value);
  104. // echo $value["itemids"];
  105. // }
  106. }
  107. /**
  108. * GetHostID
  109. * 获取主机ID
  110. *
  111. * @access public
  112. * @param string $host 主机名称
  113. * @return integer
  114. */
  115. function GetGroupID($GroupNmae){
  116. $this->zbx->method = 'hostgroup.get';
  117. $this->zbx->query['output'] = 'extend';
  118. $this->zbx->query['filter']['name'] = "$GroupNmae";
  119. @$groupid = $this->zbx->call()['result']['0']['groupid'];
  120. if(isset($groupid)){
  121. return $groupid;
  122. }else{
  123. echo $GroupNmae . "你输入的组不存在\n";
  124. exit;
  125. }
  126. }
  127. /**
  128. * CreateTemplate
  129. * 创建模板
  130. *
  131. * @access public
  132. * @param string $GroupNmae 以存在的 组名称
  133. * @param string $TemplateNmae 不存在的 模板名称
  134. * @return integer
  135. */
  136. function CreateTemplate($GroupNmae,$TemplateNmae){
  137. $groupid = $this->GetGroupID($GroupNmae);
  138. // echo $groupid;
  139. // exit;
  140. $this->zbx->method = 'template.create';
  141. $this->zbx->query['host'] = "$TemplateNmae";
  142. $this->zbx->query['groups']['groupid'] = "$groupid";
  143. @$templateids = $this->zbx->call()['result']['templateids']['0'];
  144. if(isset($templateids)){
  145. return $templateids;
  146. }else{
  147. echo $TemplateNmae . "模板已经存在\n";
  148. exit;
  149. }
  150. }
  151. /**
  152. * CreateApplication
  153. * 创建应用
  154. * 这个很重要,在 Zabbix Latest data里面相当于items的分组
  155. *
  156. * @access public
  157. * @param integer $hostid Application创建在哪个主机下面.主机ID
  158. * @param integer $number 不同的数字对应着不同的Application名字
  159. * @return integer
  160. */
  161. function CreateApplication($hostid,$number){
  162. if($number == 1){
  163. $name = '端口列队';
  164. }elseif($number == 2){
  165. $name = '端口单播包';
  166. }elseif($number == 3){
  167. $name = '端口多播包';
  168. }elseif($number == 4){
  169. $name = '端口广播包';
  170. }elseif($number == 5){
  171. $name = '端口描述';
  172. }elseif($number == 6){
  173. $name = '端口操作状态';
  174. }elseif($number == 7){
  175. $name = '端口流量';
  176. }elseif($number == 8){
  177. $name = '端口管理状态';
  178. }elseif($number == 9){
  179. $name = '端口错误包';
  180. }elseif($number == 10){
  181. $name = '端口非单播包';
  182. }else{
  183. echo "应用ID输入错误\n";
  184. exit;
  185. }
  186. $this->zbx->method = 'application.create';
  187. $this->zbx->query['name'] = "$name";
  188. $this->zbx->query['hostid'] = "$hostid";
  189. $applicationids = $this->zbx->call()['result']['applicationids']['0'];
  190. return $applicationids;
  191. }
  192. /**
  193. * CreateItem
  194. * 创建itme
  195. *
  196. * @access public
  197. * @param integer $type                各种item的选择
  198. * @param integer $hostid            主机ID
  199. * @param string $items_name            名字
  200. * @param string $snmp_version        snmp版本
  201. * @param string $items_key            KEY
  202. * @param string $items_oid            OID
  203. * @param string $snmp_community        社区名
  204. * @param string $applications        应用ID
  205. * @param string $description        备注
  206. * @return integer
  207. */
  208. function CreateItem($type, $hostid, $items_name, $snmp_version, $items_key, $items_oid, $snmp_community, $applications,$description){
  209. // 数据包 双向OID
  210. if($type == 0){
  211. $this->zbx->method = 'item.create';
  212. $this->zbx->query['hostid'] = "$hostid"; //主机号
  213. $this->zbx->query['name'] = "$items_name"; //items名字
  214. $this->zbx->query['type'] = "$snmp_version"; //snmp版本号
  215. $this->zbx->query['key_'] = "$items_key"; //itmes值
  216. $this->zbx->query['snmp_oid'] = "$items_oid"; //oid
  217. $this->zbx->query['snmp_community'] = "$snmp_community"; //snmp社区
  218. $this->zbx->query['port'] = '161'; //端口
  219. $this->zbx->query['value_type'] = '3'; //3 - numeric unsigned; 数值 特殊
  220. $this->zbx->query['delay'] = '60';
  221. $this->zbx->query['applications'] = ["$applications"]; //应用ID
  222. $this->zbx->query['history'] = '7'; //记录时间 天
  223. $this->zbx->query['description'] = "$description"; //描述
  224. $this->zbx->query['delta'] = '1'; //1 - Delta, speed per second; 特殊
  225. $itemids = $this->zbx->call()['result']['itemids']['0'];
  226. return $itemids;
  227. }elseif($type == 1){
  228. // 流量 双向OID 这个被单独拿了出来是因为流量的涉及到 单位换算 显示单位 差值
  229. // 注意 其实这个流量生成不建议使用这个函数    有单独对流量做过完整脚本
  230. $this->zbx->method = 'item.create';
  231. $this->zbx->query['hostid'] = "$hostid";
  232. $this->zbx->query['name'] = "$items_name";
  233. $this->zbx->query['type'] = "$snmp_version";
  234. $this->zbx->query['key_'] = "$items_key";
  235. $this->zbx->query['snmp_oid'] = "$items_oid";
  236. $this->zbx->query['snmp_community'] = "$snmp_community";
  237. $this->zbx->query['port'] = '161';
  238. $this->zbx->query['value_type'] = '3';
  239. $this->zbx->query['delay'] = '60';
  240. $this->zbx->query['applications'] = ["$applications"];
  241. $this->zbx->query['history'] = '7';
  242. $this->zbx->query['description'] = "$description";
  243. $this->zbx->query['delta'] = '1';
  244. $this->zbx->query['formula'] = '8'; //特殊
  245. $this->zbx->query['multiplier'] = '1'; //特殊
  246. $this->zbx->query['units'] = 'bps'; //特殊
  247. $itemids = $this->zbx->call()['result']['itemids']['0'];
  248. return $itemids;
  249. }elseif($type == 2){
  250. // 单项 OID
  251. $this->zbx->method = 'item.create';
  252. $this->zbx->query['hostid'] = "$hostid";
  253. $this->zbx->query['name'] = "$items_name";
  254. $this->zbx->query['type'] = "$snmp_version";
  255. $this->zbx->query['key_'] = "$items_key";
  256. $this->zbx->query['snmp_oid'] = "$items_oid";
  257. $this->zbx->query['snmp_community'] = "$snmp_community";
  258. $this->zbx->query['port'] = '161';
  259. $this->zbx->query['value_type'] = '1'; //特殊
  260. $this->zbx->query['delay'] = '60';
  261. $this->zbx->query['applications'] = ["$applications"];
  262. $this->zbx->query['history'] = '7';
  263. $this->zbx->query['description'] = "$description";
  264. $itemids = $this->zbx->call()['result']['itemids']['0'];
  265. return $itemids;
  266. }elseif($type == 3){
  267. // 单项OID 管理状态 这个被单独拿了出来是因为"Show value"这个项,在官方的API里面没有找到怎么取这个值. Value mapping
  268. // 这个item被创建以后返回值是 1-3 (1=up,2=down,3=testing)
  269. $this->zbx->method = 'item.create';
  270. $this->zbx->query['hostid'] = "$hostid";
  271. $this->zbx->query['name'] = "$items_name";
  272. $this->zbx->query['type'] = "$snmp_version";
  273. $this->zbx->query['key_'] = "$items_key";
  274. $this->zbx->query['snmp_oid'] = "$items_oid";
  275. $this->zbx->query['snmp_community'] = "$snmp_community";
  276. $this->zbx->query['port'] = '161';
  277. $this->zbx->query['value_type'] = '1';
  278. $this->zbx->query['delay'] = '60';
  279. $this->zbx->query['applications'] = ["$applications"];
  280. $this->zbx->query['history'] = '7';
  281. $this->zbx->query['description'] = "$description";
  282. $this->zbx->query['valuemapid'] = '11'; //特殊
  283. $itemids = $this->zbx->call()['result']['itemids']['0'];
  284. return $itemids;
  285. }elseif($type == 4){
  286. // 单项OID 操作状态 这个被单独拿了出来是因为"Show value"这个项,在官方的API里面没有找到怎么取这个值. Value mapping
  287. // 这个item被创建以后返回值是 1-7 (1=up,2=down,3=testing,4=unknown,5=dormant,6=notPresent,7=lowerLayerDown)
  288. $this->zbx->method = 'item.create';
  289. $this->zbx->query['hostid'] = "$hostid";
  290. $this->zbx->query['name'] = "$items_name";
  291. $this->zbx->query['type'] = "$snmp_version";
  292. $this->zbx->query['key_'] = "$items_key";
  293. $this->zbx->query['snmp_oid'] = "$items_oid";
  294. $this->zbx->query['snmp_community'] = "$snmp_community";
  295. $this->zbx->query['port'] = '161';
  296. $this->zbx->query['value_type'] = '1';
  297. $this->zbx->query['delay'] = '60';
  298. $this->zbx->query['applications'] = ["$applications"];
  299. $this->zbx->query['history'] = '7';
  300. $this->zbx->query['description'] = "$description";
  301. $this->zbx->query['valuemapid'] = '8'; //特殊
  302. $itemids = $this->zbx->call()['result']['itemids']['0'];
  303. return $itemids;
  304. }
  305. }
  306. /**
  307. * Usage_CreateTwoOID
  308. * 执行函数 创建双OID
  309. *
  310. * @access public
  311. * @param string $GroupNmae            组名称
  312. * @param string $TemplateNmae        新建模板名称
  313. * @param string $oid                OID
  314. * @param integer $applications        应用ID
  315. * @param integer $type                item类型选择
  316. * @param string $description        描述
  317. * @return integer
  318. */
  319. function Usage_CreateOneOID($GroupNmae, $TemplateNmae, $oid, $applications, $type, $description){
  320. if(!isset($GroupNmae) || !isset($TemplateNmae) || !isset($oid) || !isset($applications) || !isset($type) || !isset($description)){
  321. echo "###################################################################################################\n";
  322. echo "# 说明: \$a->Pkts('组名称','模板名称','oid','应用ID','类型ID','描述'); #\n";
  323. echo "# 使用: \$a->Pkts('华为交换机2326模板','Switch_Quidway_S2326TP-EI','ifAlias',5,2,'端口描述'); #\n";
  324. echo "# 创建应用ID: 输入1-10 #\n";
  325. echo "# 对应关系: 5=端口描述;6=操作状态;8=管理状态 #\n";
  326. echo "# 创建类型ID: 输入2-4 #\n";
  327. echo "# 对应关系: 2=其他;3=管理状态;4=操作状态 #\n";
  328. echo "###################################################################################################\n";
  329. exit();
  330. }
  331. $TemplateID = $this->CreateTemplate($GroupNmae,$TemplateNmae);
  332. $ApplicationsID = $this->CreateApplication($TemplateID,$applications);
  333. $oid_name = str_replace(array('if'), "",$oid);
  334. $insert_sql="INSERT
    INTO `items_plus`(`id`, `hostid`, `snmp_index`, `itemids`,
    `items_name`, `items_key`, `items_oid`, `ApplicationID`) VALUES ";
  335. foreach($this->snmp as $key => $value ){
  336. if($value['VERSION'] == 'v1'){
  337. $snmp_version = "1";
  338. }elseif($value['VERSION'] == 'v2c'){
  339. $snmp_version = "4";
  340. }
  341. $items = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "", $value['OID_port']);
  342. $items_name = $items."_$oid_name";
  343. $items_key = str_replace('/','_',$items_name);
  344. $items_oid = str_replace('ifDescr',"$oid",$value['OID_index']);
  345. $items_oid = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "", $items_oid);
  346. $itemids = $this->CreateItem($type, $TemplateID, $items_name, $snmp_version, $items_key, $items_oid, $value['COMMUNITY'], $ApplicationsID,$description);
  347. $insert_sql .= "(NULL,'$TemplateID','$value[4]','$itemids','$items_name','$items_key','$items_oid','$ApplicationsID'),";
  348. }
  349. $insert_sql = rtrim($insert_sql,',');
  350. $insert_sql = $insert_sql.";";
  351. $this->pdo->exec("$insert_sql");
  352. }
  353. /**
  354. * Usage_CreateTwoOID
  355. * 执行函数 创建双OID
  356. *
  357. * @access public
  358. * @param string $GroupNmae            组名称
  359. * @param string $TemplateNmae        新建模板名称
  360. * @param string $InPkts                接收OID
  361. * @param string $OutPkts            发送OID
  362. * @param integer $type                选择item
  363. * @param integer $applications        应用ID
  364. * @param string $in_description        接收item描述
  365. * @param string $out_description    发送item描述
  366. * @return integer
  367. */
  368. function Usage_CreateTwoOID($GroupNmae, $TemplateNmae, $InPkts, $OutPkts, $type, $applications, $in_description,$out_description){
  369. if(!isset($GroupNmae) || !isset($TemplateNmae) || !isset($InPkts) || !isset($OutPkts) || !isset($type) || !isset($applications) || !isset($in_description) || !isset($out_description)){
  370. echo "###########################################################################################################################\n";
  371. echo "# 说明: \$a->Pkts('组名称', '模板名称', '接收OID', '发送OID', '选择item', '应用ID', '接收OID描述', '发送OID描述'); #\n";
  372. echo "# 使用: \$a->Pkts('华为交换机2326模板', 'Switch_Quidway_S2326TP-EI', 'ifInUcastPkts', 'ifOutUcastPkts', 0, 2, '单波包'); #\n";
  373. echo "# type: 输入0-1 #\n";
  374. echo "# 对应关系: 0=其他数据包差值,1=特指流量包; #\n";
  375. echo "# 创建应用ID: 输入1-10 #\n";
  376. echo "# 对应关系: 1=列队;2=单播包;3=多播包;4=广播包;9=错误包;10=非单播包; #\n";
  377. echo "###########################################################################################################################\n";
  378. exit();
  379. }
  380. $TemplateID = $this->CreateTemplate($GroupNmae,$TemplateNmae);
  381. $ApplicationsID = $this->CreateApplication($TemplateID,$applications);
  382. $InPkts_name = str_replace(array('ifIn'), "",$InPkts);
  383. $OutPkts_name = str_replace(array('ifOut'), "",$OutPkts);
  384. $insert_sql="INSERT
    INTO `items_plus`(`id`, `hostid`, `snmp_index`, `itemids`,
    `items_name`, `items_key`, `items_oid`, `ApplicationID`) VALUES ";
  385. foreach($this->snmp as $key => $value ){
  386. if($value['VERSION'] == 'v1'){
  387. $snmp_version = "1";
  388. }elseif($value['VERSION'] == 'v2c'){
  389. $snmp_version = "4";
  390. }
  391. $items = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "", $value['OID_port']);
  392. $items_in_name = $items."_in_$InPkts_name";
  393. $items_in_key = str_replace('/','_',$items_in_name);
  394. $items_in_oid = str_replace('ifDescr',"$InPkts",$value['OID_index']);
  395. $items_in_oid = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "", $items_in_oid);
  396. $items_out_name = $items."_out_$OutPkts_name";
  397. $items_out_key = str_replace('/','_',$items_out_name);
  398. $items_out_oid = str_replace('ifDescr',"$OutPkts",$value['OID_index']);
  399. $items_out_oid = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "", $items_out_oid);
  400. $in_itemids = $this->CreateItem($type, $TemplateID, $items_in_name, $snmp_version, $items_in_key, $items_in_oid, $value['COMMUNITY'], $ApplicationsID,$in_description);
  401. $out_itemids = $this->CreateItem($type, $TemplateID, $items_out_name, $snmp_version, $items_out_key, $items_out_oid, $value['COMMUNITY'], $ApplicationsID,$out_description);
  402. $insert_sql .= "(NULL,'$TemplateID','$value[4]','$in_itemids','$items_in_name','$items_in_key','$items_in_oid','$ApplicationsID'),";
  403. $insert_sql .= "(NULL,'$TemplateID','$value[4]','$in_itemids','$items_out_name','$items_out_key','$items_out_oid','$ApplicationsID'),";
  404. }
  405. $insert_sql = rtrim($insert_sql,',');
  406. $insert_sql = $insert_sql.";";
  407. $this->pdo->exec("$insert_sql");
  408. }
  409. /**
  410. * CreateTrigger
  411. * 这个函数是创建触发器,但只是创建接收NUcastPkts的触发器
  412. * 预防广播风暴
  413. *
  414. * @access public
  415. * @param string $HostName            模板名称
  416. * @return
  417. */
  418. function CreateTrigger($HostName){
  419. $Macros1_1 = '{$NUCASTPKTS_VALUE1}';
  420. $Macros1_2 = '{$NUCASTPKTS_VALUE2}';
  421. $Macros1_3 = '{$NUCASTPKTS_VALUE3}';
  422. $Macros2 = '{$NUCASTPKTS_NAME_HEAD}';
  423. $Macros3 = '{$NUCASTPKTS_NAME_TAIL}';
  424. $HostID = $this->GetTemplateID($HostName);
  425. $sql = "SELECT * FROM `items_plus` WHERE `hostid` = $HostID AND `items_key` LIKE '%in%'";
  426. $this->items = $this->pdo->query($sql);
  427. $i = 1;
  428. foreach($this->items as $key => $value ){
  429. $description_name = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "", $value['items_name']);
  430. $description_name = str_replace(array('_in_NUcastPkts'), "",$description_name);
  431. // print_r($description_name);
  432. $this->zbx->method = 'trigger.create';
  433. $this->zbx->query['description'] = $Macros2 . ' ' . $description_name . " > " . $Macros1_1 .' '. $Macros3;
  434. $this->zbx->query['expression'] = '{' . $HostName . ':' . $value['items_key'] . ".last(#5)" . '}>' . $Macros1_1;
  435. $this->zbx->query['priority'] = '1';
  436. $result1 = $this->zbx->call();
  437. $this->zbx->method = 'trigger.create';
  438. $this->zbx->query['description'] = $Macros2 . ' ' . $description_name . " > " . $Macros1_2 .' '. $Macros3;
  439. $this->zbx->query['expression'] = '{' . $HostName . ':' . $value['items_key'] . ".last(#5)" . '}>' . $Macros1_2;
  440. $this->zbx->query['priority'] = '2';
  441. $result2 = $this->zbx->call();
  442. $this->zbx->method = 'trigger.create';
  443. $this->zbx->query['description'] = $Macros2 . ' ' . $description_name . " > " . $Macros1_3 .' '. $Macros3;
  444. $this->zbx->query['expression'] = '{' . $HostName . ':' . $value['items_key'] . ".last(#5)" . '}>' . $Macros1_3;
  445. $this->zbx->query['priority'] = '3';
  446. $result3 = $this->zbx->call();
  447. echo $i++."\n";
  448. }
  449. }
  450. }
  451. ?>



  1. #!/opt/lampp/bin/php
  2. <?php
  3. require __DIR__ . '/zbx.templates.class.php';
  4. $ZabbixTemplates = new ZabbixTemplates;
  5. # 华为2326交换机
  6. // $ZabbixTemplates->Usage_CreateOneOID('华为交换机2326模板','Switch_Quidway_S2326TP-EI_Alias','ifAlias',5,2,'端口描述');
  7. // $ZabbixTemplates->Usage_CreateOneOID('华为交换机2326模板','Switch_Quidway_S2326TP-EI_AdminStatus','ifAdminStatus',8,3,'端口管理状态');
  8. // $ZabbixTemplates->Usage_CreateOneOID('华为交换机2326模板','Switch_Quidway_S2326TP-EI_OperStatus','ifOperStatus',6,4,'端口操作状态');
  9. //
  10. //
  11. //
  12. //
  13. //
  14. //
  15. // $ZabbixTemplates->CreateTrigger('Switch_Quidway_S2326TP-EI_NUcastPkts');

      最后的那个itmes_plus表是干什么用的? 存itemids有了这个id,后期再写trigger 和 graphs就比较容易了。


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