HDU 1043 八数码问题的多种解法
4、不管用的是什么搜索,搜索过程中,多个样例经历经历相同的状态是非常有可能的,所以,理论上来说,可以加缓存,也就是其实不管是什么样例,只要序列确定,得到的整数编码一定是确定的,所以,理论上来说,加缓存可以加速,然而, 不知为何,这题,加了缓存还更慢。多半是因为我的缓存用的是C++ STL吧。
1、双向BFS加优化时,C++的queue的size()的返回值类型是unsigned int,直接相减,会发生溢出的情况, 导致size()小的队列大小一直不变,size()大的队列一直在扩大,也就是退化成了单向BFS了。T_T。所以,为了防止这种情况发生,在size相减之前,用两个int变量先存储好这两个队列的size。否则,会很坑。
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef struct Foo{ int v1, v2; Foo(int _v1,int _v2){ v1 = _v1; v2 = _v2; } Foo(){} }Node; set<Node*> s; int main(){ ;i < ;++i){ Node node = Node(i, i); s.insert(&node); } printf("%d\n", s.size()); }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef struct Foo{ int v1, v2; Foo(int _v1,int _v2){ v1 = _v1; v2 = _v2; } Foo(){} }Node; set<Node*> s; int main(){ ;i < ;++i){ Node* pnode = new Node(i, i); s.insert(pnode); } printf("%d\n", s.size()); }
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<vector> #include<cstring> #include<queue> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; ]; void init() { facts[] = facts[] = ; ; i <= ; ++i)facts[i] = facts[i - ] * i; } int encode(vector<int>& seq) { ; int num = seq.size(); ; i < num - ; ++i) { ; ; j < i; ++j) { if(seq[j] < seq[i])--cnt; } res += cnt * facts[num - i - ]; } return res; } vector<int> temp; void decode(int n, int m) { temp.clear(); ; int i, j, r, t; ; --t) { r = m / facts[t - ]; m %= facts[t - ]; ; i <= n; ++i) { )) { )break; --r; } } temp.push_back(i); buf |= << i; } } ]; int get() { vector<int> vec; int len = strlen(line); ; i < len; ++i) { '); ); } ; , sz = vec.size(); i < sz; ++i) { )continue; ; j < i; ++j) { )continue; if(vec[j] > vec[i])++cnt; } } ); else return encode(vec); } int findPos() { ; i < ; ++i))return i; ; } typedef struct Foo { int code; char step; Foo(int l, char s) { code = l; step = s; } Foo() {} } Node; ]; , , -, }; queue<]; ][]; Node pre[][]; bool bfs(int s[]) { ; i < ; ++i) { res[i].clear(); while(!que[i].empty())que[i].pop(); memset(vis[i], , sizeof(vis[i])); vis[i][s[i]] = true; ; j < ; ++j)pre[i][j].code = -; que[i].push(s[i]); } ; while(!que[k].empty()) { ].size(); )k ^= ;//队列均衡优化 int code = que[k].front(); que[k].pop(); ][code]) { ; i < ; ++i) { int now = code; int last = pre[i][now].code; ) { res[i].push_back(pre[i][now].step); now = last; last = pre[i][last].code; } )reverse(res[i].begin(), res[i].end()); } return true; } decode(, code); int pos = findPos(); ; i < ; ++i) { int np = pos + dirs[i]; || np > )continue; bool cond = false; || i == )cond = (np / == pos / ); || i == )cond = (np >= && np <= ); if(cond) { swap(temp[np], temp[pos]); int nv = encode(temp); if(!vis[k][nv]) { )pre[k][nv] = Node(code, 'l'); )pre[k][nv] = Node(code, 'r'); )pre[k][nv] = Node(code, 'u'); )pre[k][nv] = Node(code, 'd'); que[k].push(nv); vis[k][nv] = true; } swap(temp[np], temp[pos]); } } k ^= ; } return false; } void change(string& s) { , len = s.length(); i < len; ++i) { if(s[i] == 'l')s[i] = 'r'; else if(s[i] == 'r')s[i] = 'l'; else if(s[i] == 'u')s[i] = 'd'; else if(s[i] == 'd')s[i] = 'u'; } reverse(s.begin(), s.end()); } int main() { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); // freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout); #endif // ONLINE_JUDGE ios::sync_with_stdio(false); init(); while(gets(line) != NULL) { int v = get(); )cout << "unsolvable" << endl; )cout << endl; else { }; if(bfs(s)) { change(res[]); cout << res[] << res[] << endl; } else cout << "unsolvable" << endl; } } }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ]; ]; typedef struct Foo { int code; int pos9; double g, h; Foo(int c, int p, double _g, double _h) { code = c; pos9 = p; g = _g; h = _h; } Foo() {} /*这里写法决定时间的数量级: 用注释的这种写法:耗时2700+ms; 用没注释的这种写法,if括号里写成fabs(h - ano.h) < 1e-8,耗时1200+ms; 现在这种写法:耗时800+ms;; */ bool operator < (const Foo ano) const { // if(fabs(f - ano.f) < 1e-8)return h > ano.h; // else return f > ano.f; if(h == ano.h)return g > ano.g; else return h > ano.h; } } Node; void init0() { facts[] = facts[] = ; ; i < ; ++i)facts[i] = facts[i - ] * i; } int encode(string& seq) { , len = seq.length(), i, j, cnt; ; i < len; ++i) { cnt = (seq[i] - '); ; j < i; ++j)if(seq[j] < seq[i])--cnt; res += cnt * facts[len - i - ]; } return res; } string decode(int code) { ; string res; ; t > ; --t) { r = code / facts[t - ]; code %= facts[t - ]; ; i <= ; ++i) { )) { )break; else --r; } } res.push_back(i + '); board |= << i; } return res; } double distance(int src) { double res = 0.0; string seq = decode(src); int len = seq.length(); int i, j, x0, y0, x1, y1, num; ; i < len; ++i) { num = seq[i] - '; x0 = (num - ) / , y0 = (num - ) % ; x1 = i / , y1 = i % ; res += abs(x0 - x1) + abs(y0 - y1); } return res; } int find_pos9(string& str) { int len = str.length(), i; ; i < len; ++i)')return i; ; } , , -, }; priority_queue<Node> que; ]; pair<]; string ans; bool bfs(int s) { int i, j, k; int pos9, npos9, ncode; string seq; Node top_node; while(!que.empty())que.pop(); memset(vis, , sizeof(vis)); ; i < facts[]; ++i)pre[i].first = -; vis[s] = true; seq = decode(s); pos9 = find_pos9(seq); que.push(Node(s, pos9, , distance(s))); while(!que.empty()) { top_node = que.top(); que.pop(); ) { ans.clear(); ; now = last, last = pre[last].first) { ans.push_back(pre[now].second); } reverse(ans.begin(), ans.end()); return true; } seq = decode(top_node.code); pos9 = top_node.pos9; ; i < ; ++i) { npos9 = pos9 + dirs[i]; || npos9 > )continue; || i == ) && npos9 / != pos9 / )continue; || i == ) && (npos9 < || npos9 > ))continue; swap(seq[npos9], seq[pos9]); ncode = encode(seq); if(!vis[ncode]) { pre[ncode].first = top_node.code; )pre[ncode].second = 'l'; )pre[ncode].second = 'r'; )pre[ncode].second = 'u'; )pre[ncode].second = 'd'; que.push(Node(ncode, npos9, top_node.g + , distance(ncode))); vis[ncode] = true; } swap(seq[npos9], seq[pos9]); } } return false; } int get_code(char str[]) { string temp; int len = strlen(str), i, j, cnt; ; i < len; ++i) { if(isdigit(str[i]))temp.push_back(str[i]); '); } cnt = ; len = temp.length(); ; i < len; ++i) { ')continue; ; j < i; ++j) { ')continue; if(temp[j] > temp[i])++cnt; } } ); else return encode(temp); } int main() { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); #endif // ONLINE_JUDGE ios::sync_with_stdio(false); init0(); while(gets(input) != NULL) { int code = get_code(input); )cout << "unsolvable" << endl; )cout << endl; else cout << (bfs(code) ? ans : "unsolvable") << endl; } ; }
3、纯C语言版A*算法。耗时:400+ms。其实priority_queue和stack等都是C++ STL。^_^
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ]; ]; typedef struct Foo { ]; int code, pos9; double g, h; Foo(char s[], int c, int p, double _g, double _h) { strcpy(seq, s); code = c, pos9 = p; g = _g, h = _h; } Foo() {} bool operator < (const Foo ano) const { if(h == ano.h)return g > ano.g; else return h > ano.h; } } Node; void init0() { facts[] = facts[] = ; ; i < ; ++i)facts[i] = facts[i - ] * i; } int encode(const char seq[]) { , i, j, cnt, len = strlen(seq); ; i < len; ++i) { cnt = seq[i] - '; ; j < i; ++j)if(seq[j] < seq[i])--cnt; res += cnt * facts[len - i - ]; } return res; } int find_pos9(const char str[]) { int len = strlen(str), i; ; i < len; ++i)')return i; ; } double dist(const char str[]) { int len = strlen(str), i, x0, y0, x1, y1, num; double res = 0.0; ; i < len; ++i) { num = str[i] - '; x0 = (num - ) / , y0 = (num - ) % ; x1 = i / , y1 = i % ; res += abs(x0 - x1) + abs(y0 - y1); } return res; } , , -, }; priority_queue<Node> que; ]; pair<]; stack<char> ans; bool bfs(int s) { int i, j, k; Node node, new_node; while(!que.empty())que.pop(); memset(vis, , sizeof(vis)); ; i < facts[]; ++i)pre[i].first = -; vis[s] = true; que.push(Node(input, s, find_pos9(input), , dist(input))); while(!que.empty()) { node = que.top(); que.pop(); ) { while(!ans.empty())ans.pop(); ].first, now = ; last != -; now = last, last = pre[last].first) ans.push(pre[now].second); return true; } ; i < ; ++i) { new_node = node; new_node.pos9 += dirs[i]; || new_node.pos9 > )continue; || i == ) && (new_node.pos9 / != node.pos9 / ))continue; swap(new_node.seq[new_node.pos9], new_node.seq[node.pos9]); new_node.code = encode(new_node.seq); if(!vis[new_node.code]) { ++new_node.g; new_node.h = dist(new_node.seq); que.push(new_node); vis[new_node.code] = true; pre[new_node.code].first = node.code; )pre[new_node.code].second = 'l'; )pre[new_node.code].second = 'r'; )pre[new_node.code].second = 'u'; )pre[new_node.code].second = 'd'; } } } return false; } int get_code(char str[]) { ]; int i, j, len = strlen(str); , j = ; i < len; ++i) { if(isdigit(str[i]))temp[j++] = str[i]; '; } temp[j++] = '\0'; memset(input, '\0', sizeof(input)); strcpy(input, temp); ; len = j - ; ; i < len; ++i) { ')continue; ; j < i; ++j) { ')continue; if(temp[j] < temp[i])++cnt; } } ); else return encode(temp); } int main() { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); #endif init0(); while(gets(input) != NULL) { int code = get_code(input); )printf("unsolvable\n"); )putchar('\n'); else { if(bfs(code)) { for(; !ans.empty(); ans.pop())putchar(ans.top()); putchar('\n'); } else printf("unsolvable\n"); } } ; }
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