Migrating to WebSphere 9
Migrating to WebSphere 9
Make a migration plan
- Migrate WebSphere profiles into the new WebSphere
- Keep profiles' locations as the original path
- Install the new WebSphere
- Setup variables
At first, we need to record variables related to the migration.
set WAS_HOME_Old=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
set WAS_Root_New=C:\IBM\WebSphere9
set WAS_HOME_New=%WAS_Root_New%\AppServer
set Dmgr_Profile_Path=C:\Product\profiles\xxxDmgr
set Dmgr_Profile_Name=xxxDmgr
set Prod_Cell_Name=xxxCell
set Prod_Ear=xxx.ear
set Node_Profile_Path=C:\Product\profiles\xxxNode1
set Node_Profile_Name=xxxNode1
set DmgrHost=localhost
set DmgrPort=8879
set DmgrUser=admin
set DmgrPassword=password
- Stop all services of the old WebSphere
Overall steps
- Copy extension library
- Backup source profiles
- Migrate from source profiles
- Move source profiles, we will create new profiles at same places
- Create target profiles
- Migrate to target profiles
- Sync nodes
- Some post steps may need
Copy extension library
Copy old WebSphere extension libraries which are used by existing servers into the new WebSphere.
echo Copy extension library
copy "%WAS_HOME_Old%\lib\ext\*.*" "%WAS_HOME_New%\lib\ext\"
Backup source profiles
pushd "%WAS_HOME_Old%\bin"
echo Create profile backup folders
mkdir %WAS_HOME_Old%\profilesBackup
echo Backup source profiles
call backupConfig.bat "%WAS_HOME_Old%\profilesBackup\MigrationBackup_%Dmgr_Profile_Name%.zip" -nostop -profileName %Dmgr_Profile_Name%
call backupConfig.bat "%WAS_HOME_Old%\profilesBackup\MigrationBackup_%Node_Profile_Name%.zip" -nostop -profileName %Node_Profile_Name%
Migrate from source profiles
pushd "%WAS_HOME_New%\bin"
echo Migrate from source profiles
call WASPreUpgrade.bat "%WAS_Root_New%\WSMigration\%Node_Profile_Name%" "%WAS_HOME_Old%" -oldProfile %Node_Profile_Name% -keepDmgrEnabled false
call WASPreUpgrade.bat "%WAS_Root_New%\WSMigration\%Dmgr_Profile_Name%" "%WAS_HOME_Old%" -oldProfile %Dmgr_Profile_Name% -keepDmgrEnabled false -username %DmgrUser% -password %DmgrPassword%
Move source profiles
echo Move source profiles
rename "%Dmgr_Profile_Path%" %Dmgr_Profile_Name%_Old
rename "%Node_Profile_Path%" %Node_Profile_Name%_Old
Create target profiles
pushd "%WAS_HOME_New%\bin"
echo Create target profiles
call manageprofiles.bat -create -profileName %Dmgr_Profile_Name% -profilePath "%Dmgr_Profile_Path%" -templatePath management -nodeName %Dmgr_Profile_Name%Node -cellName %Prod_Cell_Name%
call manageprofiles.bat -create -profileName %Node_Profile_Name% -profilePath "%Node_Profile_Path%" -templatePath managed -nodeName %Node_Profile_Name% -dmgrHost %DmgrHost% -dmgrPort %DmgrPort% -dmgrAdminUserName %DmgrUser% -dmgrAdminPassword %DmgrPassword%,-cellName %Prod_Cell_Name% -federateLater true
Migrate to target profiles
pushd "%WAS_HOME_New%\bin"
echo Migrate to the deployment manager profile
call WASPostUpgrade.bat "%WAS_Root_New%\WSMigration\%Dmgr_Profile_Name%" -oldProfile %Dmgr_Profile_Name% -profileName %Dmgr_Profile_Name% -setPorts useOld -resolvePortConflicts incrementCurrent -includeApps true -keepAppDirectory true -keepDmgrEnabled true -clone false
call startManager.bat
echo Migrate to the node profile
call WASPostUpgrade.bat "%WAS_Root_New%\WSMigration\%Node_Profile_Name%" -oldProfile %Node_Profile_Name% -profileName %Node_Profile_Name% -setPorts useOld -resolvePortConflicts incrementCurrent -keepDmgrEnabled true -username %DmgrUser% -password %DmgrPassword% -clone false
NOTE: There is another choice to use switch "-includeApps script", if in this case, we need to run the following command manually to install applications.
cd /d "%WAS_Root_New%\WSMigration%Dmgr_Profile_Name%"
"%WAS_HOME_New%\bin\wsadmin.bat" -f "install_%Prod_Ear%.jy" -CONNTYPE none -lang jython"
Sync nodes
pushd "%Node_Profile_Path%"\bin
rem node agent disablement reversal
if exist "%Dmgr_Profile_Path%\config\cells\%Prod_Cell_Name%\nodes\%Node_Profile_Name%\serverindex.xml_disabled" (
echo Node agent disablement reversal
rename "%Dmgr_Profile_Path%\config\cells\%Prod_Cell_Name%\nodes\%Node_Profile_Name%\serverindex.xml" serverindex.xml_nonagent
rename "%Dmgr_Profile_Path%\config\cells\%Prod_Cell_Name%\nodes\%Node_Profile_Name%\serverindex.xml_disabled" serverindex.xml
echo Sync node
call SyncNode.bat %DmgrHost% %DmgrPort% -username %DmgrUser% -password %DmgrPassword%
echo Remove jsp built folders
for /D %%i in (%Node_Profile_Path%\installedApps\%Prod_Cell_Name%\%Prod_Ear%\*) DO (
if exist "%%i\WEB-INF\classes" (
echo Clear jsp classes "%%i\WEB-INF\classes"
del /F /S /Q "%%i\WEB-INF\classes\*"
NOTE: default node agent is disabled, we need to enable node agent.
NOTE: Removing jsp cache will avoid jsp errors during application initialize.
Post steps of migration
- Remove old Windows services of the product
- Add new Windows services for the product
- Reset any arguments whose values are related to WebSphere location in the WebSphere Server
- Set JAVA_HOME if need
Uninstall the old version WebSphere
Remove the backup folders to save disk
Frequent Issues
Node agent failed to start
- Symptom
We can find following message is the node agent SystemOut.log file
com.ibm.ws.naming.distcos.NameSpaceConfigurationException: Missing host name info in bootstrap address of server "nodeagent" in node "<Node Name>".
Node agent is disabled default.Solution
Enable node agent and sync node
If there is a serverindex.xml_disabled file in the deployment manager configuration, remove serverindex.xml and rename serverindex.xml_disabled as serverindex.xml.
Run SyncNode.bat from the node profile bin folder.
echo node agent disablement reversal
if exist "%Dmgr_Profile_Path%\config\cells\%Prod_Cell_Name%\nodes\%Node_Profile_Name%\serverindex.xml_disabled" (
echo Node agent disablement reversal
rename "%Dmgr_Profile_Path%\config\cells\%Prod_Cell_Name%\nodes\%Node_Profile_Name%\serverindex.xml" serverindex.xml_nonagent
rename "%Dmgr_Profile_Path%\config\cells\%Prod_Cell_Name%\nodes\%Node_Profile_Name%\serverindex.xml_disabled" serverindex.xml
pushd "%Node_Profile_Path%"\bin
echo Sync node
call SyncNode.bat %DmgrHost% %DmgrPort% -username %DmgrUser% -password %DmgrPassword%
- Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating
- IBM Knowledge Center - Troubleshooting migration
- IBM Knowledge Center - Migrating a large WebSphere Application Server, Network Deployment configuration with a large number of applications
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