350. Intersection of Two Arrays II
Given two arrays, write a function to compute their intersection.
Given nums1 = [1, 2, 2, 1]
, nums2 = [2, 2]
, return [2, 2]
- Each element in the result should appear as many times as it shows in both arrays.
- The result can be in any order.
public class Solution {
public int[] intersect(int[] nums1, int[] nums2) {
List<Integer> list=new ArrayList<>(); Arrays.sort(nums1);
Arrays.sort(nums2); for(int i=0,j=0;i<nums1.length&&j<nums2.length;)
else if(nums1[i]<nums2[j])
else if(nums1[i]>nums2[j])
int[] result=new int[list.size()];
for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++)
result[i]=list.get(i); return result; }
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