C puzzles详解【38-45题】
- What is the bug in the following program?
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define SIZE 15
- int main()
- {
- int *a, i;
- a = malloc(SIZE*sizeof(int));
- for (i=; i<SIZE; i++)
- *(a + i) = i * i;
- for (i=; i<SIZE; i++)
- printf("%d\n", *a++);
- free(a);
- return ;
- }
- 题目讲解:
- printf打印栈中值时,a的值被改变,所以最后free(a)中a的值并不是之前分配的栈的起始地址。
- Is the following a valid C program? If so, what is the output of it?
- #include <stdio.h>
- int main()
- {
- int a=, b = ;
- printf(&a["Ya!Hello! how is this? %s\n"], &b["junk/super"]);
- printf(&a["WHAT%c%c%c %c%c %c !\n"], ["this"],
- ["beauty"],["tool"],["is"],["sensitive"],["CCCCCC"]);
- return ;
- }
- 知识点讲解:
- 对于数组中的元素,最常见的表示方法是:地址[偏移],如a[0],a[1],a[2]。
- 举例:
- #include <stdio.h>
- int main()
- {
- int a[] = {, , };
- printf(“%d, %d, %d\n”, [a], [a], [a]);
- return ;
- }
- 运行结果为:0, 1, 2
printf(“%d, %d, %d\n”, 0[a], 1[a], 2[a]);
printf(“%d, %d, %d\n”, a[0], a[1], a[2]);- 题目讲解:
printf(&a["Ya!Hello! how is this? %s\n"], &b["junk/super"]);
printf("Hello! how is this? %s\n", "super");- printf(&a["WHAT%c%c%c %c%c %c !\n"], 1["this"],
- 2["beauty"],0["tool"],0["is"],3["sensitive"],4["CCCCCC"]);
printf("T%c%c%c %c%c %c !\n", ‘h’,‘a’,’t’,’i’,’s’,’C’);
- What is the output of the following, if the input provided is:
- Life is beautiful
- #include <stdio.h>
- int main()
- {
- char dummy[];
- printf("Enter a string:\n");
- scanf("%[^a]",dummy);
- printf("%s\n",dummy);
- return ;
- }
- 知识点讲解:
- scanf格式控制符:
- %[...]:读取字符串,直到遇到不是[]中的字符;
- %[^...]:读取字符串,直到遇到[]中的字符。
- 如:
- scanf("%[a-z]",dummy);输入为”abc123”时,dummy为”abc”;
- scanf("%[^a-z]",dummy);输入为”123abc”时,dummy为”123”;
- 题目讲解:
- “%[^a]”表示读取字符串,直到遇到字符’a’。所以当输入为”Life is beautiful”时,dummy为”Life is be”。
- Note : This question has more to do with Linker than C language
- We have three files a.c, b.c and main.c respectively as follows:
- a.c
- ---
- int a;
- b.c
- ---
- int a = ;
- main.c
- ------
- extern int a;
- int main()
- {
- printf("a = %d\n",a);
- return ;
- }
- Let's see what happens, when the files are compiled together:
- bash$ gcc a.c b.c main.c
- bash$ ./a.out
- a =
- Hmm!! no compilation/linker error!!! Why is it so??
- 知识点讲解:
- 参考《C陷阱与缺陷》第67页 4.2 申明与定义。
- 若一个文件中定义int a,另一个文件中定义int a,编译不会有问题,编译器将a初始化为0;
- 若一个文件中定义int a,另一个文件中定义int a=10,a的值为10;
- 若一个文件中定义int a=1,另一个文件中定义int a=10,编译会有重复定义的错误。
- The following is the offset macros which is used many a times. Figure out what is it trying to do and what is the advantage of using it.
- #define offsetof(a,b) ((int)(&(((a*)(0))->b)))
- 知识点讲解:
- 计算结构体成员变量在结构体中的偏移。a为结构体类型,b为成员变量。
- The following is the macro implementation of the famous, Triple xor swap.
- #define SWAP(a,b) ((a) ^= (b) ^= (a) ^= (b))
- What are the potential problems with the above macro?
- 知识点讲解:
- 此方法有如下局限:
- 1)a和b不能是同一个变量,即如果执行SWAP(a, a)那么不管原来a值是多少,执行后a值被置为0;
- 2)a和b不能是浮点数,异或操作对浮点数没有意义;
- 3)a和b不能是结体体等复合数据类型,原因同上;
- 4)a或b不能是表达式;
- What is the use of the following macro?
- #define DPRINTF(x) printf("%s:%d\n",#x,x)
- 题目讲解:
- 打印x的值。
- 如a=10,DPRINTF(a)的结果为“a:10“。
- Let's say you were asked to code a function IAddOverFlow which takes three parameters, pointer to an integer where the result is to be stored, and the two integers which needs to be added. It returns 0 if there is an overflow and 1 otherwise:
- int IAddOverFlow(int* result,int a,int b)
- {
- /* ... */
- }
- So, how do you code the above function? (To put in a nutshell, what is the logic you use for overflow detection?)
- 题目讲解:
- 检测溢出的方法参考:http://www.fefe.de/intof.html
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