The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.

How to solve the error The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection




Company should be lazy-loaded in your case. But your entity now in detached state (context which loaded KBrand entity now disposed. So, when you are trying to access Company property, Entity Framework tries to use disposed context to make query to server. That gives you exception.


RSPDbContext c = new RSPDbContext();
KBrand co = item.Tag as KBrand;
// use co.Company OR you need to use eager loading, to have Company already loaded. Something like this when you getting items:
RSPDbContext db = new RSPDbContext();
var brands = db.KBrands.Include(b => b.Company).ToList();
// assign brands to listbox


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