
  1. selfcontained recursion
  2. global variables outside of recursion

Recursion Design 

  1. Whenever reach to a qualified node, record the node reference and level for that node
  2. if meet next qualified node, compare the level, if larger, refresh the global node reference and level.
  3. Recursively do 1 and 2 recursively for left tree and right tree

Data Structure

    public class AVLTreeNode
public int data
} public AVLTreeNode leftChild
} public AVLTreeNode rightChild
} public int height
} public AVLTreeNode(int data)
{ = data;
this.height = ;

Source Code

   public class Result
public int MaxHight
} public AVLTreeNode ResultNode
} // Find deepest left node
public void FindDeepestLeftNode(AVLTreeNode node, bool isLeft, int height, Result result)
if (node == null)
} if (isLeft)
if (node.leftChild == null && node.rightChild == null && height > result.MaxHight)
result.ResultNode = node;
result.MaxHight = height;
} FindDeepestLeftNode(node.leftChild, true, height + , result);
FindDeepestLeftNode(node.rightChild, false, height + , result);
} public AVLTreeNode GetDeepestLeftNode()
Result result = new Result()
MaxHight = ,
ResultNode = null
}; FindDeepestLeftNode(root, true, , result);
return result.ResultNode;


Time complexity is O(N)

Space complexity is O(N)

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