Deepest left leaf node in a binary tree
- selfcontained recursion
- global variables outside of recursion
Recursion Design
- Whenever reach to a qualified node, record the node reference and level for that node
- if meet next qualified node, compare the level, if larger, refresh the global node reference and level.
- Recursively do 1 and 2 recursively for left tree and right tree
Data Structure
public class AVLTreeNode
public int data
} public AVLTreeNode leftChild
} public AVLTreeNode rightChild
} public int height
} public AVLTreeNode(int data)
{ = data;
this.height = ;
Source Code
public class Result
public int MaxHight
} public AVLTreeNode ResultNode
} // Find deepest left node
public void FindDeepestLeftNode(AVLTreeNode node, bool isLeft, int height, Result result)
if (node == null)
} if (isLeft)
if (node.leftChild == null && node.rightChild == null && height > result.MaxHight)
result.ResultNode = node;
result.MaxHight = height;
} FindDeepestLeftNode(node.leftChild, true, height + , result);
FindDeepestLeftNode(node.rightChild, false, height + , result);
} public AVLTreeNode GetDeepestLeftNode()
Result result = new Result()
MaxHight = ,
ResultNode = null
}; FindDeepestLeftNode(root, true, , result);
return result.ResultNode;
Time complexity is O(N)
Space complexity is O(N)
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