实现 main/wc.go 两个函数 mapF() 、 reduceF()
单词是任意字母连续序列, 由unicode.IsLetter 决定字母
测试数据 pg-*.txt 放在 ~/6.824/src/main
$ cd 6.824 $ export "GOPATH=$PWD" $ cd "$GOPATH/src/main" $ go run wc.go master sequential pg-*.txt # command-line-arguments ./wc.go:14: missing return at end of function ./wc.go:21: missing return at end of function
mapF()函数 输入文件名和文件内容,输出 mapreduce.KeyValue 类型切片
reduceF() 函数将调用每个 key 和 切片mapreduce.KeyValu ,返回 单个 key 和 总计数
$ cd "$GOPATH/src/main"
$ time go run wc.go master sequential pg-*.txt
master: Starting Map/Reduce task wcseq
Merge: read mrtmp.wcseq-res-0
Merge: read mrtmp.wcseq-res-1
Merge: read mrtmp.wcseq-res-2
master: Map/Reduce task completed
2.59user 1.08system 0:02.81elapsed
$ sort -n -k2 mrtmp.wcseq | tail -10
that: 7871
it: 7987
in: 8415
was: 8578
a: 13382
of: 13536
I: 14296
to: 16079
and: 23612
the: 29748
rm mrtmp.*
bash ./
master@master:~/study/6.824/src/main$ ./
-bash: ./ Permission denied
chmod 764 *sh


package main

import (
) //
// The map function is called once for each file of input. The first
// argument is the name of the input file, and the second is the
// file's complete contents. You should ignore the input file name,
// and look only at the contents argument. The return value is a slice
// of key/value pairs.
func mapF(filename string, contents string) []mapreduce.KeyValue {
// Your code here (Part II). f := func(c rune) bool {
return !unicode.IsLetter(c)
rst := make([]mapreduce.KeyValue, ) keys := strings.FieldsFunc(contents, f)
for _, key := range keys {
kv := mapreduce.KeyValue{ Key: key, Value:""}
rst = append(rst, kv)
return rst
} //
// The reduce function is called once for each key generated by the
// map tasks, with a list of all the values created for that key by
// any map task.
func reduceF(key string, values []string) string {
// Your code here (Part II).
cnt := for _ , val := range values { i , err := strconv.Atoi(val);
if err != nil {
cnt += i
} rst := strconv.Itoa(cnt)
return rst
} // Can be run in 3 ways:
// 1) Sequential (e.g., go run wc.go master sequential x1.txt .. xN.txt)
// 2) Master (e.g., go run wc.go master localhost:7777 x1.txt .. xN.txt)
// 3) Worker (e.g., go run wc.go worker localhost:7777 localhost:7778 &)
func main() {
if len(os.Args) < {
fmt.Printf("%s: see usage comments in file\n", os.Args[])
} else if os.Args[] == "master" {
var mr *mapreduce.Master
if os.Args[] == "sequential" {
mr = mapreduce.Sequential("wcseq", os.Args[:], , mapF, reduceF)
} else {
mr = mapreduce.Distributed("wcseq", os.Args[:], , os.Args[])
} else {
mapreduce.RunWorker(os.Args[], os.Args[], mapF, reduceF, , nil)

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