
版本:win08 ; 该方法支持hyper-v 虚拟机


A Windows 2008 R2 Domain controller started coming up with with the following error, coincidentally at the same time one of the drives failed in the raid array

STOP: c00002e2 Directory Services could not start because of the following error: A device attached to the system is not functioning.

Error Status: 0xc0000001. Please shutdown this system and reboot into Directory Services Restore Mode, check the event log for more detailed information


  1. Restart the server and press F8 key, select Directory Services restore mode.
  2. Log in with the local administrator username and password
  3. Type: cd \windows\system32
  4. Type: NTDSUTIL
  5. Type: activate instance NTDS
  6. Type: files
  7. If you encounter an error stating that the Jet engine could not be initialized exit out of ntdsutil.
  8. Type: cd\
  9. Type: md backupad
  10. Type: cd \windows\ntds
  11. Type: copy ntds.dit c:\backupad
  12. Type: cd \windows\system32
  13. Type: esentutl /g c:\windows\ntds\ntds.dit
  14. This will perform an integrity check, (the results indicate that the jet database is corrupt)
  15. Type: esentutl /p   c:\windows\ntds\ntds.dit
  16. Agree with the prompt
  17. Type: cd \windows\ntds
  18. Type: move *.log c:\backupad   (or just delete the log files)

This should complete the repair.  To verify that the repair has worked successfully:

  1. Type: cd \windows\system32
  2. Type: ntdsutil
  3. Type: activate instance ntds
  4. Type: files        (you should no longer get an error when you do this)
  5. Type: info       (file info should now appear correctly)

I then rebooted and windows started normally


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