(deeplearning) userdeMBP:examples user$ python im1.png anno1.png out1.png
Found a full-black pixel in annotation image, assuming it means 'unknown' label, and will thus not be present in the output!
If is an actual label for you, consider writing your own code, or simply giving your labels only non-zero values.
labels plus "unknown" : {, , }
Using generic 2D functions
KL-divergence at : -543957.3854815669
KL-divergence at : -890605.7866870646
KL-divergence at : -919933.3682610085
KL-divergence at : -921683.1852052805
KL-divergence at : -922674.4361045817
Adapted from the to demonstate the usage of the util functions.
""" import sys
import numpy as np
import pydensecrf.densecrf as dcrf # Get im{read,write} from somewhere.
from cv2 import imread, imwrite
except ImportError:
# Note that, sadly, skimage unconditionally import scipy and matplotlib,
# so you'll need them if you don't have OpenCV. But you probably have them.
from import imread, imsave
imwrite = imsave
# TODO: Use scipy instead. from pydensecrf.utils import unary_from_labels, create_pairwise_bilateral, create_pairwise_gaussian if len(sys.argv) != :
print("Usage: python {} IMAGE ANNO OUTPUT".format(sys.argv[]))
print("IMAGE and ANNO are inputs and OUTPUT is where the result should be written.")
print("If there's at least one single full-black pixel in ANNO, black is assumed to mean unknown.")
sys.exit() fn_im = sys.argv[]#输入的图片
fn_anno = sys.argv[]#输入的图片fn_im经过训练后的网络进行预测得到的结果
fn_output = sys.argv[]#指定进行crf处理后的结果输出
print(fn_output) ##############################################################
### Read images and annotation读取输入的两个图片fn_im和fn_anno###
img = imread(fn_im) # Convert the annotation's RGB color to a single 32-bit integer color 0xBBGGRR
anno_rgb = imread(fn_anno).astype(np.uint32)#shape为(, , )
anno_lbl = anno_rgb[:,:,] + (anno_rgb[:,:,] << ) + (anno_rgb[:,:,] << )#shape变为了(, ) # Convert the 32bit integer color to , , ... labels.
# Note that all-black, i.e. the value for background will stay .
# np.unique该函数是去除数组中的重复数字,并进行排序之后输出
# 这就得到了整张图中有的像素值序列
# #colors返回为[,,],说明图片fn_anno只有这三种像素值
# labels的shape为(,),其为anno_lbl中所有的像素值标上了对应的label
# 在这里color=0时,对应的label为0;color=16384时,对应的label为1;color=4227072时,对应的label为2
# 黑色的像素值为0
colors, labels = np.unique(anno_lbl, return_inverse=True) # But remove the all- black, that won't exist in the MAP!
# 移除像素值为0,即黑色的值
HAS_UNK = in colors#若0存在于colors中,则HAS_UNK为True
print("Found a full-black pixel in annotation image, assuming it means 'unknown' label, and will thus not be present in the output!")
print("If 0 is an actual label for you, consider writing your own code, or simply giving your labels only non-zero values.")
colors = colors[:]#然后将color=0从数组中移除
# print("No single full-black pixel found in annotation image. Assuming there's no 'unknown' label!") # And create a mapping back from the labels to 32bit integer colors.
# np.empty()返回一个随机元素的矩阵,值类型为uint8,大小按照参数定义,这里
colorize = np.empty((len(colors), ), np.uint8)#colorize.shape为(,)
colorize[:,] = (colors & 0x0000FF)#得到R层的值,为[,], dtype=uint8
colorize[:,] = (colors & 0x00FF00) >> #得到G层的值,为[ , ], dtype=uint8
colorize[:,] = (colors & 0xFF0000) >> #得到B层的值,[ , ] # Compute the number of classes in the label image.
# We subtract one because the number shouldn't include the value 0 which stands
# for "unknown" or "unsure".
# set(labels.flat)返回{, , }
# flat将数组变为一个迭代器,可以用for访问数组每一个元素,可以使用索引labels.flat[]来访问第一个元素
# set(迭代对象) 函数创建一个无序不重复元素集,可进行关系测试,删除重复数据
n_labels = len(set(labels.flat)) - int(HAS_UNK) #返回2,得到除去了label=0后还有两个label
print(n_labels, " labels", (" plus \"unknown\" 0: " if HAS_UNK else ""), set(labels.flat)) ###########################
### Setup the CRF model ###
#接下来就是设置CRF模型了 use_2d = False #是否使用二维指定函数DenseCRF2D,这里设置为False,则说明使用的是一般函数DenseCRF
# use_2d = True
if use_2d:
print("Using 2D specialized functions") # Example using the DenseCRF2D code
d = dcrf.DenseCRF2D(img.shape[], img.shape[], n_labels) # get unary potentials (neg log probability)
U = unary_from_labels(labels, n_labels, gt_prob=0.7, zero_unsure=HAS_UNK)
d.setUnaryEnergy(U) # This adds the color-independent term, features are the locations only.
# 创建颜色无关特征,这里只有位置特征,并添加到CRF中
d.addPairwiseGaussian(sxy=(, ), compat=, kernel=dcrf.DIAG_KERNEL,
normalization=dcrf.NORMALIZE_SYMMETRIC) # This adds the color-dependent term, i.e. features are (x,y,r,g,b).
# 根据原始图像img创建颜色相关特征和位置相关并添加到CRF中,特征为(x,y,r,g,b)
d.addPairwiseBilateral(sxy=(, ), srgb=(, , ), rgbim=img,
print("Using generic 2D functions") # Example using the DenseCRF class and the util functions
# 使用DenseCRF类和util函数
# n_labels为2,从上面对fn_anno的分析可知有两个label
d = dcrf.DenseCRF(img.shape[] * img.shape[], n_labels) # get unary potentials (neg log probability)
# 得到一元势(即去负对数),labels为对所有像素值标注label后的数组,label类型n_labels=,
U = unary_from_labels(labels, n_labels, gt_prob=0.7, zero_unsure=HAS_UNK) #U.shape为(, ),即(n_labels,len(labels))
d.setUnaryEnergy(U) #将一元势添加到CRF中 # This creates the color-independent features and then add them to the CRF
# 创建颜色无关特征,这里只有位置特征,并添加到CRF中
feats = create_pairwise_gaussian(sdims=(, ), shape=img.shape[:]) #shape为(, )
d.addPairwiseEnergy(feats, compat=,
normalization=dcrf.NORMALIZE_SYMMETRIC) # This creates the color-dependent features and then add them to the CRF
# 根据原始图像img创建颜色相关和位置相关特征并添加到CRF中,特征为(x,y,r,g,b)
feats = create_pairwise_bilateral(sdims=(, ), schan=(, , ),
img=img, chdim=)
d.addPairwiseEnergy(feats, compat=,
normalization=dcrf.NORMALIZE_SYMMETRIC) ####################################
### Do inference and compute MAP ###
#然后得到输出值fn_output了 # Run five inference steps.迭代5次
Q = d.inference() # Find out the most probable class for each pixel.
# 找出每个像素最可能的类
# np.argmax取出Q元素中最大的值对应的索引,axis=0按列查找
MAP = np.argmax(Q, axis=)
# MAP,MAP.shape返回
# (array([, , , ..., , , ]), (,)) # 将MAP(标签)转换回相应的颜色并保存图像。
#16384对应[ , , ],4227072对应[ , , ]
#array([[ , , ],
# [ , , ]], dtype=uint8)
#MAP中1值对应的是4227072即[ , , ]
MAP = colorize[MAP,:] #MAP.shape为(, ),这就是最后的结果 #将MAP转成img相同的大小,就能够得到最后的结果了
imwrite(fn_output, MAP.reshape(img.shape)) # Just randomly manually run inference iterations
# 这里是手动实现迭代推理
Q, tmp1, tmp2 = d.startInference()
for i in range():
print("KL-divergence at {}: {}".format(i, d.klDivergence(Q)))
d.stepInference(Q, tmp1, tmp2)
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