1、berfore we talking abnout the Source Code review,here's what we want to know about the most popular programming langurages .

  • Web application development :Java C#  NET and PHP
  • Drivers and handware C C#   and assembly language
  • Reverse engineering : Assembly langurage
  • Database : Structured Query LangurageSQL
  • Scripting lanurage: Python Perl and Ruby

2、Secure coding cheklist

  • Authentication and credentials must use TLS and not HTTP cleartext
  • Authentication must be enforced on all page ,except the ones intended to the public
  • the erroe messages pages should not lead to information-gathering disclosure
  • Authenticication logic must be validated on the server
  • Authentication passwords must be saved uner secure hashing algorithms and salting is perferable
  • The password's hashing logic must be on the server side
  • Session must be managed on the server side
  • Session idetifier must be random
  • Any cryptographic functionality to protect data shold be implemented on the server side
  • All data validation must be performed on the server side
  • Encode data before validation
  • All validation failures should be rejected in a custom error message
  • Conduct all the encoding logic on the server side
  • Sanitize all the output of understed data foe SQl ,XML LDAP and operating system commands
  • Do not disclose sensitive information in the error messages, including debuffing information such as stack track
  • Use custom reeor messages and error pages
  • Temporary sensitive data must be stored in a secure location ,and those itmes must be purged as soon as possible
  • Remove comments in the source code that may reveal critical information about the application
  • Sensitive information should should not be used in the query sting
  • Data int the  transit must be encrypted with the lasest and greatest TLS algorithms
  • Make sure that you remove test codes before deployment

3、Rest API ststus return code (this chapter I've already written about  on my previous blog )

  • 200   the action is ok
  • 202  the request to create
  • 204 the post request did not include a client-generated id
  • 400 the request is malformed
  • 401 Wrong authentication ID or credentials
  • 403 an authenticated user does not have permission to access the resource
  • 404 requesting a nonexistant resource
  • 405  Unexpected Http method in the request
  • this error may occur when a dos attack is deleted

4、Passive information gathering reconnaissance ----OSINT

OSINT it mean's  Open Source Intelligence ,let's see the Web search engines

besides baidu and google 、yahu . i often use the http://yandex.com  and  http://duckduckgo.com  as follow

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