设计模式之Programming to an Interface, not anImplementation 程序指向接口,而不是实现
Class inheritance is basically just a mechanism for extending an application's functionality by reusing functionality in parent classes. It lets you define a new kind of object rapidly in terms of an old one. It lets you get new implementations almost for free, inheriting most of what you need from existing classes.
However, implementation reuse is only half the story. Inheritance's ability to define families of objects with identical interfaces (usually by inheriting from an abstract class) is also important. Why?Because polymorphism depends on it.
When inheritance is used carefully (some will say properly), all classes derived from an abstract class will share its interface. This implies that a subclass merely adds or overrides operations and does not hide operations of the parent class. All subclasses can then respond tothe requests in the interface of this abstract class, making them all subtypes of the abstract class.
There are two benefits to manipulating objects solely in terms of the interface defined by abstract classes:
1. Clients remain unaware of the specific types of objects they use, as long as the objects adhere to the interface that clients expect.
2. Clients remain unaware of the classesthat implement these objects. Clients only know about the abstract class(es)defining the interface.
(1) 客户不会意识到他们所用的特殊类型的对象,像客户期待的那样只要对象遵循接口即可。
(2) 客户不会意识到实现对象的类。客户仅仅只是知道定义这个接口的抽象类。
This so greatly reduces implementation dependencies between subsystems that it leads to the following principle of reusable object-oriented design: Program to an interface, not an implementation.
Don't declare variables to be instances of particular concrete classes. Instead, commit only to an interface defined by an abstract class. You will find this to be a common theme of the design patterns in this book.
You have to instantiate concrete classes(that is, specify a particular implementation) somewhere in your system,of course, and the creational patterns(Abstract Factory (99), Builder (110),Factory Method (121), Prototype (133),and Singleton (144) let you do just that.By abstracting the process of object creation, these patterns give you differentways to associate an interface with
its implementation transparently at instantiation. Creational patterns ensure that your system is written in terms of interfaces, not implementations.
设计模式之Programming to an Interface, not anImplementation 程序指向接口,而不是实现的更多相关文章
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