

/* Utility to jump whitespace and cr/lf */
static const char *skip(const char *in)
while (in && *in && (unsigned char)*in <= )
return in;
} /* Parse an object - create a new root, and populate. */
cJSON *cJSON_ParseWithOpts(const char *value, const char **return_parse_end, int require_null_terminated)
const char *end = ;
cJSON *c = cJSON_New_Item();
ep = ;
if (!c)
return ; /* memory fail */ //根据前几个字符设置c类型并更新读取位置为end
end = parse_value(c, skip(value));
if (!end)
cJSON_Delete(c); //解析失败,数据不完整
return ;
} /* parse failure. ep is set. */ /* if we require null-terminated JSON without appended garbage, skip and then check for a null terminator */
if (require_null_terminated)///??
end = skip(end);
if (*end)
ep = end;
return ;
if (return_parse_end)
*return_parse_end = end;
return c;
/* Default options for cJSON_Parse */
cJSON *cJSON_Parse(const char *value) { return cJSON_ParseWithOpts(value, , ); }

①关于重点部分parse_value 对类型解读函数

/* Parser core - when encountering text, process appropriately. */
static const char *parse_value(cJSON *item, const char *value)
if (!value)
return ; /* Fail on null. */   //设置结构的具体类型并且返回下一个将要解读数据的位置
if (!strncmp(value, "null", )) { item->type = cJSON_NULL; return value + ; }
if (!strncmp(value, "false", )) { item->type = cJSON_False; return value + ; }
if (!strncmp(value, "true", )) { item->type = cJSON_True; item->valueint = ; return value + ; }
if (*value == '\"') { return parse_string(item, value); }
if (*value == '-' || (*value >= '' && *value <= '')) { return parse_number(item, value); }
if (*value == '[') { return parse_array(item, value); }
if (*value == '{') { return parse_object(item, value); } ep = value; return ; /* failure. */

解析字符串时, 对于特殊字符也应该转义,比如 "n" 字符应该转换为 'n' 这个换行符。
当然,如果只有特殊字符转换的话,代码不会又这么长, 对于字符串, 还要支持非 ascii 码的字符, 即 utf8字符。
这些字符在字符串中会编码为 uXXXX 的字符串, 我们现在需要还原为 0 - 255 的一个字符。

static unsigned parse_hex4(const char *str)
unsigned h = ;
if (*str >= '' && *str <= '')
h += (*str) - '';
else if (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'F')
h += + (*str) - 'A';
else if (*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'f')
h += + (*str) - 'a';
return ; h = h << ; //*F
if (*str >= '' && *str <= '')
h += (*str) - '';
else if (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'F')
h += + (*str) - 'A';
else if (*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'f')
h += + (*str) - 'a';
return ; h = h << ;
if (*str >= '' && *str <= '')
h += (*str) - '';
else if (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'F')
h += + (*str) - 'A';
else if (*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'f')
h += + (*str) - 'a';
else return ; h = h << ;
if (*str >= '' && *str <= '')
h += (*str) - '';
else if (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'F')
h += + (*str) - 'A';
else if (*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'f')
h += + (*str) - 'a';
return ;
return h;
} /* Parse the input text into an unescaped cstring, and populate item. */
static const unsigned char firstByteMark[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC };
static const char *parse_string(cJSON *item, const char *str)
const char *ptr = str + ;
char *ptr2;
char *out;
int len = ;
unsigned uc, uc2;
if (*str != '\"')
ep = str;
return ;
} /* not a string! */ while(*ptr != '\"' && *ptr && ++len)
if (*ptr++ == '\\') //跳过\续行符
ptr++; /* Skip escaped quotes. */ //空间申请
out = (char*)cJSON_malloc(len + ); /* This is how long we need for the string, roughly. */
if (!out)
return ; ptr = str + ;//跳过“开始
ptr2 = out;
while (*ptr != '\"' && *ptr)
if (*ptr != '\\')
*ptr2++ = *ptr++;
else //转义字符处理
switch (*ptr)
case 'b': *ptr2++ = '\b'; break;
case 'f': *ptr2++ = '\f'; break;
case 'n': *ptr2++ = '\n'; break;
case 'r': *ptr2++ = '\r'; break;
case 't': *ptr2++ = '\t'; break;
case 'u': /* transcode utf16 to utf8. */
uc = parse_hex4(ptr + );
ptr += ; /* get the unicode char. */ if ((uc >= 0xDC00 && uc <= 0xDFFF) || uc == )
break; /* check for invalid. */ if (uc >= 0xD800 && uc <= 0xDBFF) /* UTF16 surrogate pairs. */
if (ptr[] != '\\' || ptr[] != 'u')
break; /* missing second-half of surrogate. */
uc2 = parse_hex4(ptr + );
ptr += ;
if (uc2<0xDC00 || uc2>0xDFFF)
break; /* invalid second-half of surrogate. */
uc = 0x10000 + (((uc & 0x3FF) << ) | (uc2 & 0x3FF));
} len = ;
if (uc<0x80)
len = ;
else if (uc<0x800)
len = ;
else if (uc<0x10000)
len = ;
ptr2 += len; switch (len)
case :
*--ptr2 = ((uc | 0x80) & 0xBF); uc >>= ;
case :
*--ptr2 = ((uc | 0x80) & 0xBF); uc >>= ;
case :
*--ptr2 = ((uc | 0x80) & 0xBF); uc >>= ;
case :
*--ptr2 = (uc | firstByteMark[len]);
ptr2 += len;
*ptr2++ = *ptr; break;
*ptr2 = ;
if (*ptr == '\"') ptr++;
item->valuestring = out;
item->type = cJSON_String;
return ptr;



/* Parse the input text to generate a number, and populate the result into item. */
static const char *parse_number(cJSON *item, const char *num)
double n = , sign = , scale = ;
int subscale = ,
signsubscale = ; if (*num == '-')
sign = -, num++; /* Has sign? */
if (*num == '')
num++; /* is zero */
if (*num >= '' && *num <= '')
n = (n*10.0) + (*num++ - '');
}while (*num >= '' && *num <= ''); /* Number? */
if (*num == '.' && num[] >= '' && num[] <= '')
n = (n*10.0) + (*num++ - ''), scale--;
while (*num >= '' && *num <= '');
} /* Fractional part? */
if (*num == 'e' || *num == 'E') /* Exponent? */
if (*num == '+')
else if (*num == '-')
signsubscale = -, num++; /* With sign? */
while (*num >= '' && *num <= '')
subscale = (subscale * ) + (*num++ - ''); /* Number? */
} n = sign*n*pow(10.0, (scale + subscale*signsubscale)); /* number = +/- number.fraction * 10^+/- exponent */ item->valuedouble = n;
item->valueint = (int)n;
item->type = cJSON_Number;
return num;

解析数组, 需要先遇到 '[' 这个符号, 然后挨个的读取节点内容, 节点使用 ',' 分隔, ',' 前后还可能有空格, 最后以 ']' 结尾。
先创建一个数组对象, 判断是否有儿子, 有的话读取第一个儿子, 然后判断是不是有 逗号, 有的话循环读取后面的儿子。
最后读取 ']' 即可。

/* Build an array from input text. */
static const char *parse_array(cJSON *item, const char *value)
cJSON *child;
if (*value != '[')
ep = value;
return ;
} /* not an array! */ item->type = cJSON_Array;
value = skip(value + );
if (*value == ']')
return value + ; /* empty array. */ item->child = child = cJSON_New_Item();
if (!item->child)
return ; /* memory fail */
value = skip(parse_value(child, skip(value))); /* skip any spacing, get the value. */
if (!value) return ; while (*value == ',')
cJSON *new_item;
if (!(new_item = cJSON_New_Item())) return ; /* memory fail */ child->next = new_item;
new_item->prev = child;
child = new_item;
value = skip(parse_value(child, skip(value + )));
if (!value)
return ; /* memory fail */
} if (*value == ']')
return value + ; /* end of array */
ep = value;
return ; /* malformed. */


解析对象和解析数组类似, 只不过对象的一个儿子是个 key - value, key 是字符串, value 可能是任何值, key 和 value 用 ":" 分隔。

/* Render an object to text. */
static char *print_object(cJSON *item, int depth, int fmt, printbuffer *p)
char **entries = , **names = ;
char *out = , *ptr, *ret, *str; int len = , i = , j;
cJSON *child = item->child;
int numentries = , fail = ;
size_t tmplen = ;
/* Count the number of entries. */
while (child) numentries++, child = child->next;
/* Explicitly handle empty object case */
if (!numentries)
if (p) out = ensure(p, fmt ? depth + : );
else out = (char*)cJSON_malloc(fmt ? depth + : );
if (!out) return ;
ptr = out; *ptr++ = '{';
if (fmt) { *ptr++ = '\n'; for (i = ; i<depth - ; i++) *ptr++ = '\t'; }
*ptr++ = '}'; *ptr++ = ;
return out;
if (p)
/* Compose the output: */
i = p->offset;
len = fmt ? : ; ptr = ensure(p, len + ); if (!ptr) return ;
*ptr++ = '{'; if (fmt) *ptr++ = '\n'; *ptr = ; p->offset += len;
child = item->child; depth++;
while (child)
if (fmt)
ptr = ensure(p, depth); if (!ptr) return ;
for (j = ; j<depth; j++) *ptr++ = '\t';
p->offset += depth;
print_string_ptr(child->string, p);
p->offset = update(p); len = fmt ? : ;
ptr = ensure(p, len); if (!ptr) return ;
*ptr++ = ':'; if (fmt) *ptr++ = '\t';
p->offset += len; print_value(child, depth, fmt, p);
p->offset = update(p); len = (fmt ? : ) + (child->next ? : );
ptr = ensure(p, len + ); if (!ptr) return ;
if (child->next) *ptr++ = ',';
if (fmt) *ptr++ = '\n'; *ptr = ;
p->offset += len;
child = child->next;
ptr = ensure(p, fmt ? (depth + ) : ); if (!ptr) return ;
if (fmt) for (i = ; i<depth - ; i++) *ptr++ = '\t';
*ptr++ = '}'; *ptr = ;
out = (p->buffer) + i;
/* Allocate space for the names and the objects */
entries = (char**)cJSON_malloc(numentries * sizeof(char*));
if (!entries) return ;
names = (char**)cJSON_malloc(numentries * sizeof(char*));
if (!names) { cJSON_free(entries); return ; }
memset(entries, , sizeof(char*)*numentries);
memset(names, , sizeof(char*)*numentries); /* Collect all the results into our arrays: */
child = item->child; depth++; if (fmt) len += depth;
while (child)
names[i] = str = print_string_ptr(child->string, );
entries[i++] = ret = print_value(child, depth, fmt, );
if (str && ret) len += strlen(ret) + strlen(str) + + (fmt ? + depth : ); else fail = ;
child = child->next;
} /* Try to allocate the output string */
if (!fail) out = (char*)cJSON_malloc(len);
if (!out) fail = ; /* Handle failure */
if (fail)
for (i = ; i<numentries; i++) { if (names[i]) cJSON_free(names[i]); if (entries[i]) cJSON_free(entries[i]); }
cJSON_free(names); cJSON_free(entries);
return ;
} /* Compose the output: */
*out = '{'; ptr = out + ; if (fmt)*ptr++ = '\n'; *ptr = ;
for (i = ; i<numentries; i++)
if (fmt) for (j = ; j<depth; j++) *ptr++ = '\t';
tmplen = strlen(names[i]); memcpy(ptr, names[i], tmplen); ptr += tmplen;
*ptr++ = ':'; if (fmt) *ptr++ = '\t';
strcpy(ptr, entries[i]); ptr += strlen(entries[i]);
if (i != numentries - ) *ptr++ = ',';
if (fmt) *ptr++ = '\n'; *ptr = ;
cJSON_free(names[i]); cJSON_free(entries[i]);
} cJSON_free(names); cJSON_free(entries);
if (fmt) for (i = ; i<depth - ; i++) *ptr++ = '\t';
*ptr++ = '}'; *ptr++ = ;
return out;

这样都实现后, 字符串解析为 json 对象就实现了。




/* Render a cJSON item/entity/structure to text. */
char *cJSON_Print(cJSON *item)
return print_value(item, , , );
char *cJSON_PrintUnformatted(cJSON *item)
return print_value(item, , , );
} char *cJSON_PrintBuffered(cJSON *item, int prebuffer, int fmt)
printbuffer p;
p.buffer = (char*)cJSON_malloc(prebuffer);
p.length = prebuffer;
p.offset = ;
return print_value(item, , fmt, &p);
return p.buffer;
} /* Render a value to text. */
static char *print_value(cJSON *item, int depth, int fmt, printbuffer *p)
char *out = ;
if (!item) return ;
if (p)
switch ((item->type) & )
case cJSON_NULL: {out = ensure(p, ); if (out) strcpy(out, "null"); break; }
case cJSON_False: {out = ensure(p, ); if (out) strcpy(out, "false"); break; }
case cJSON_True: {out = ensure(p, ); if (out) strcpy(out, "true"); break; }
case cJSON_Number: out = print_number(item, p); break;
case cJSON_String: out = print_string(item, p); break;
case cJSON_Array: out = print_array(item, depth, fmt, p); break;
case cJSON_Object: out = print_object(item, depth, fmt, p); break;
switch ((item->type) & )
case cJSON_NULL: out = cJSON_strdup("null"); break;
case cJSON_False: out = cJSON_strdup("false"); break;
case cJSON_True: out = cJSON_strdup("true"); break;
case cJSON_Number: out = print_number(item, ); break;
case cJSON_String: out = print_string(item, ); break;
case cJSON_Array: out = print_array(item, depth, fmt, ); break;
case cJSON_Object: out = print_object(item, depth, fmt, ); break;
return out;

假设我们要使用格式化输出, 也就是美化输出。

cjson 的做法不是边分析 json 边输出, 而是预先将要输的内容全部按字符串存在内存中, 最后输出整个字符串。

这对于比较大的 json 来说, 内存就是个问题了。

另外,格式化输出依靠的是节点的深度, 这个也可以优化, 一般宽度超过80 时, 就需要从新的一行算起的。

/* Render an object to text. */
static char *print_object(cJSON *item, int depth, int fmt, printbuffer *p)
char **entries = , **names = ;
char *out = , *ptr, *ret, *str; int len = , i = , j;
cJSON *child = item->child;
int numentries = , fail = ;
size_t tmplen = ;
/* Count the number of entries. */
while (child) numentries++, child = child->next;
/* Explicitly handle empty object case */
if (!numentries)
if (p) out = ensure(p, fmt ? depth + : );
else out = (char*)cJSON_malloc(fmt ? depth + : );
if (!out) return ;
ptr = out; *ptr++ = '{';
if (fmt) { *ptr++ = '\n'; for (i = ; i<depth - ; i++) *ptr++ = '\t'; }
*ptr++ = '}'; *ptr++ = ;
return out;
if (p)
/* Compose the output: */
i = p->offset;
len = fmt ? : ; ptr = ensure(p, len + ); if (!ptr) return ;
*ptr++ = '{'; if (fmt) *ptr++ = '\n'; *ptr = ; p->offset += len;
child = item->child; depth++;
while (child)
if (fmt)
ptr = ensure(p, depth); if (!ptr) return ;
for (j = ; j<depth; j++) *ptr++ = '\t';
p->offset += depth;
print_string_ptr(child->string, p);
p->offset = update(p); len = fmt ? : ;
ptr = ensure(p, len); if (!ptr) return ;
*ptr++ = ':'; if (fmt) *ptr++ = '\t';
p->offset += len; print_value(child, depth, fmt, p);
p->offset = update(p); len = (fmt ? : ) + (child->next ? : );
ptr = ensure(p, len + ); if (!ptr) return ;
if (child->next) *ptr++ = ',';
if (fmt) *ptr++ = '\n'; *ptr = ;
p->offset += len;
child = child->next;
ptr = ensure(p, fmt ? (depth + ) : ); if (!ptr) return ;
if (fmt) for (i = ; i<depth - ; i++) *ptr++ = '\t';
*ptr++ = '}'; *ptr = ;
out = (p->buffer) + i;
/* Allocate space for the names and the objects */
entries = (char**)cJSON_malloc(numentries * sizeof(char*));
if (!entries) return ;
names = (char**)cJSON_malloc(numentries * sizeof(char*));
if (!names) { cJSON_free(entries); return ; }
memset(entries, , sizeof(char*)*numentries);
memset(names, , sizeof(char*)*numentries); /* Collect all the results into our arrays: */
child = item->child; depth++; if (fmt) len += depth;
while (child)
names[i] = str = print_string_ptr(child->string, );
entries[i++] = ret = print_value(child, depth, fmt, );
if (str && ret) len += strlen(ret) + strlen(str) + + (fmt ? + depth : ); else fail = ;
child = child->next;
} /* Try to allocate the output string */
if (!fail) out = (char*)cJSON_malloc(len);
if (!out) fail = ; /* Handle failure */
if (fail)
for (i = ; i<numentries; i++) { if (names[i]) cJSON_free(names[i]); if (entries[i]) cJSON_free(entries[i]); }
cJSON_free(names); cJSON_free(entries);
return ;
} /* Compose the output: */
*out = '{'; ptr = out + ; if (fmt)*ptr++ = '\n'; *ptr = ;
for (i = ; i<numentries; i++)
if (fmt) for (j = ; j<depth; j++) *ptr++ = '\t';
tmplen = strlen(names[i]); memcpy(ptr, names[i], tmplen); ptr += tmplen;
*ptr++ = ':'; if (fmt) *ptr++ = '\t';
strcpy(ptr, entries[i]); ptr += strlen(entries[i]);
if (i != numentries - ) *ptr++ = ',';
if (fmt) *ptr++ = '\n'; *ptr = ;
cJSON_free(names[i]); cJSON_free(entries[i]);
} cJSON_free(names); cJSON_free(entries);
if (fmt) for (i = ; i<depth - ; i++) *ptr++ = '\t';
*ptr++ = '}'; *ptr++ = ;
return out;
static char *print_array(cJSON *item, int depth, int fmt, printbuffer *p)
char **entries;
char *out = , *ptr, *ret; int len = ;
cJSON *child = item->child;
int numentries = , i = , fail = ;
size_t tmplen = ; /* How many entries in the array? */
while (child) numentries++, child = child->next;
/* Explicitly handle numentries==0 */
if (!numentries)
if (p) out = ensure(p, );
else out = (char*)cJSON_malloc();
if (out) strcpy(out, "[]");
return out;
} if (p)
/* Compose the output array. */
i = p->offset;
ptr = ensure(p, ); if (!ptr) return ; *ptr = '['; p->offset++;
child = item->child;
while (child && !fail)
print_value(child, depth + , fmt, p);
p->offset = update(p);
if (child->next) { len = fmt ? : ; ptr = ensure(p, len + ); if (!ptr) return ; *ptr++ = ','; if (fmt)*ptr++ = ' '; *ptr = ; p->offset += len; }
child = child->next;
ptr = ensure(p, ); if (!ptr) return ; *ptr++ = ']'; *ptr = ;
out = (p->buffer) + i;
/* Allocate an array to hold the values for each */
entries = (char**)cJSON_malloc(numentries * sizeof(char*));
if (!entries) return ;
memset(entries, , numentries * sizeof(char*));
/* Retrieve all the results: */
child = item->child;
while (child && !fail)
ret = print_value(child, depth + , fmt, );
entries[i++] = ret;
if (ret) len += strlen(ret) + + (fmt ? : ); else fail = ;
child = child->next;
} /* If we didn't fail, try to malloc the output string */
if (!fail) out = (char*)cJSON_malloc(len);
/* If that fails, we fail. */
if (!out) fail = ; /* Handle failure. */
if (fail)
for (i = ; i<numentries; i++) if (entries[i]) cJSON_free(entries[i]);
return ;
} /* Compose the output array. */
*out = '[';
ptr = out + ; *ptr = ;
for (i = ; i<numentries; i++)
tmplen = strlen(entries[i]); memcpy(ptr, entries[i], tmplen); ptr += tmplen;
if (i != numentries - ) { *ptr++ = ','; if (fmt)*ptr++ = ' '; *ptr = ; }
*ptr++ = ']'; *ptr++ = ;
return out;


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    一,wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-el6-8.noarch.rpm 二,yum localinstall mysql5 ...

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    一 什么是存储引擎 mysql中建立的库===>文件夹 库中建立的表===>文件 现实生活中我们用来存储数据的文件应该有不同的类型:比如存文本用txt类型,存表格用excel,存图片用pn ...

  3. Ajax跨域请求 同源策略与Jsonp

    同源策略 同源策略(Same origin policy)是一种约定,它是浏览器最核心也最基本的安全功能,如果缺少了同源策略,则浏览器的正常功能可能都会受到影响.可以说Web是构建在同源策略基础之上的 ...

  4. Django 分页查询并返回jsons数据,中文乱码解决方法

    Django 分页查询并返回jsons数据,中文乱码解决方法 一.引子 Django 分页查询并返回 json ,需要将返回的 queryset 序列化, demo 如下: # coding=UTF- ...

  5. Akka in action (第一章 介绍Akka)

    在本章 概述Akka 了解Actors和Actor系统 Akka的适用范围 在第一章中,会介绍给你Akk的个方面,它能做什么,与现有的解决方案有那些不同.重点关注Akka有哪些功能和使用范围和强大的并 ...

  6. 20145316 《Java程序设计》第8周学习总结

    20145316 <Java程序设计>第8周学习总结 教材学习内容总结 NIO&NIO2 NIO使用频道(channel)衔接数据节点,对数据区的标记提供了clear(),rewi ...

  7. python 实现3-2 问候语: 继续使用练习 3-1 中的列表,但不打印每个朋友的姓名,而为每人打印一条消息。每条消息都包含相同的问候语,但抬头为相应朋友的姓名。

    names = ['linda', 'battile', 'emly'] print(names[0].title() + " " + "good moning!&quo ...

  8. urllib 模块 https://www.cnblogs.com/guishou/articles/7089496.html

    1.基本方法 urllib.request.urlopen(url, data=None, [timeout, ]*, cafile=None, capath=None, cadefault=Fals ...

  9. 好用的http client库CPP REST SDK

    前言 C++中http client库本身就少,好用的就更少了,在了解微软开源的CPP REST SDK库之前,我知道的C++ http client库有libcurl(这个是C语言的),Qt的QNe ...

  10. Swoole学习(七)Swoole之异步TCP服务器的创建

    环境:Centos6.4,PHP环境:PHP7 <?php //创建TCP服务器 /** * $host 是swoole需要监听的ip,如果要监听本地,不对外服务,那么就是127.0.0.1;如 ...