C# 6.0 新特性收集
public JObject ToJson()
var result = new JObject();
result["X"] = X;
result["Y"] = Y;
return result;
public JObject ToJson()
var result = new JObject()
["X"] = X,
["Y"] = Y
return result;
public JObject ToJson() => new JObject() { ["X"] = X, ["Y"] = Y };
1. 静态using(static using)
In C# 5
public bool IsSquare(Rectangle rect)
return rect.Height == rect.Width;
In C# 6
public bool IsSquare(Rectangle rect) => rect.Height == rect.Width;
1. 方法(Methods)
1 public Student Create() => new Student();
1 public Student Create()
2 {
3returnnew Student();
4 }
2. 只读属性(read only properties)
1 publicstring FullName => string.Format("{0},{1}", FirstName, LastName);
1 publicstring FullName
2 {
3get4 {
5returnstring.Format("{0},{1}", FirstName, LastName);
6 }
7 }
达式体只能带一句话且不能包含return关键字但Lambda 能带语句块和包含关键字。
public Point Move(int dx, int dy) => new Point(x + dx, y + dy);
publicvoid Print() => Console.WriteLine(FirstName + " " + LastName);
In C# 5
Age = 24;
publicint Age {get; set;}
In C# 6
publicint Age {get; set;} = 42;
In C# 5
privatereadonlyint _bookId;
public BookId
return _bookId;
In C# 6
publicBookId {get;}
In C# 5
publicvoidMethod(object o)
if (o == null) thrownew ArgumentNullException("o");
In C# 6
publicvoidMethod(object o)
if (o == null) thrownew ArgumentNullException(nameof(o));
- public class MyClass
- {
- [TestMethod]
- public static void Show(int age)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(nameof(MyClass)); // 输出 MyClass 类名
- Console.WriteLine(nameof(Show)); // 输出 Show 方法名
- Console.WriteLine(nameof(age)); // 输出 age
- Console.WriteLine(nameof(TestMethodAttribute)) // 输出 Attribute 名
- }
- }
int? age = p == null ? null : p.Age;
var handler = Event;
if (handler != null)
handler(source, e);
In C# 6
int? age = p?.Age;
handler?.Invoke(source, e);
In C# 5
var dict = new Dictionary<int, string>();
In C# 6
var dict = new Dictionary<int, string>()
[3] ="three",
[7] ="seven"
In C# 5
} catch (MyException ex)
if (ex.ErrorCode != 405) throw;
// etc.
In C# 6
} catch (MyException ex) when (ex.ErrorCode == 405)
// etc.
bool hasError = false;
string errorMessage = null;
} catch (MyException ex)
hasError = true;
errorMessage = ex.Message;
if (hasError)
awaitnew MessageDialog().ShowAsync(errorMessage);
In C# 6
} catch (MyException ex)
awaitnew MessageDialog().ShowAsync(ex.Message);
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