Sqlserver系列(二) 模糊查询 like
% 匹配零个或多个字符
_ 匹配单个字符
[] 指定范围 ([a-f]) 或集合 ([abcdef]) 中的任何单个字符。
[^] 不属于指定范围 ([a-f]) 或集合 ([abcdef]) 的任何单个字符。
转义符 []
'a[a-f,^h-k]c' 匹配 a,c a^c aac abc acc adc aec afc ahc aic ajc akc
'a[a-f]c' 匹配 aac abc acc adc aec afc
'a[^a-f]c' 匹配 a[中间非a-f]c
'a[a-b,c-d]c' 匹配 a,c aac abc acc adc
'a[c' 匹配 ac
'a]c' 匹配 a]c
'a[[]c' 匹配 a[c
- select *
- from(
- select 'aac' name
- union
- select 'abc'
- union
- select 'acc'
- union
- select 'adc'
- union
- select 'aec'
- union
- select 'afc'
- union
- select 'agc'
- union
- select 'ahc'
- union
- select 'aic'
- union
- select 'ajc'
- union
- select 'akc'
- union
- select 'alc'
- union
- select 'amc'
- union
- select 'anc'
- union
- select 'aoc'
- union
- select 'apc'
- union
- select 'aqc'
- union
- select 'arc'
- union
- select 'asc'
- union
- select 'atc'
- union
- select 'auc'
- union
- select 'avc'
- union
- select 'awc'
- union
- select 'axc'
- union
- select 'ayc'
- union
- select 'azc'
- union
- select 'a1c'
- union
- select 'a2c'
- union
- select 'a3c'
- union
- select 'a4c'
- union
- select 'a5c'
- union
- select 'a6c'
- union
- select 'a7c'
- union
- select 'a8c'
- union
- select 'a9c'
- union
- select 'a0c'
- union
- select 'a-c'
- union
- select 'a_c'
- union
- select 'a+c'
- union
- select 'a=c'
- union
- select 'a[c'
- union
- select 'a]c'
- union
- select 'a{c'
- union
- select 'a}c'
- union
- select 'a|c'
- union
- select 'a\c'
- union
- select 'a;c'
- union
- select 'a%c'
- union
- select 'a,c'
- union
- select 'a^c'
- union
- select 'ac'
- )container
- where name like 'a[[]c'
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