


首先我们要知道一个结构的指针,并且 在这个结构体中,第一个结构成员必须也是一个结构体(最好是结构体类型).



/* struct transform for struct point
2 * author lkk
3 * time 2015-5-2
4 * inclcude a struct point
5 */
6 /*
7 * first a main struct vx_image( the key to include sub-struct) point
8 * we need transform the struct type to place first in the main struct
9 * some other struct
10 *
11 */
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 // define vx_ref
15 typedef struct _vx_ref{
16 int a;
17 }vx_ref_t;
18 typedef struct _vx_ref *vx_ref;
19 //define vx_scale
20 typedef struct _vx_scale{
21 int ab;
22 }vx_scale_t;
23 typedef struct _vx_scale *vx_scale;
24 //define vx_image include the two struct vx_ref vx_scale
25 typedef struct _vx_image {
26 vx_ref_t ab;
27 vx_scale_t ac;
28 int b;
29 }vx_image_t;
30 typedef struct _vx_image *vx_image;
31 //the main
32 void main()
33 {
34 vx_image a; //define a point to vx_image pointer
35 a->ab.a = 1;// put to assignment of sub_struct
36 a->ac.ab = 2;
37 printf("********the old value*********\n");
38 printf("the main struct value is %d %d:\n",a->ab.a,a->ac.ab);
39 printf("the transform first structure\n");
40 vx_ref p = (vx_ref)a;// make the main struct pointer point to sub_strcut
41 // printf("the transform second structure\n");
42 printf("the is %d\n",p->a);//output
43 // printf("we try\n");
44 // vx_scale q = (vx_scale)a;
45 // printf("the is %d ",a->ab);//output
47 }
48 // the conclusion
49 //in the main struct include some sub_strcut
50 //we can use first sub_struct pointer to cast(强制转换) the main structure pointer
51 // example : sub_strcut pointer = (sub_struct) (the main structure pointer)
52 //so we get sub_struct pointer.
53 //only by first point


********the old value*********
the main struct value is 1 2:
the transform first structure
the is 1



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