Secret Research 

At a certain laboratory results of secret research are thoroughly encrypted. A result of a single experiment is stored as an information of its completion:

`positive result',`negative result',`experiment failed' or`experiment not completed'

The encrypted result constitutes a string of digits S, which may take one of the following forms:

positive result S = 1 or S = 4 or S = 78

negative result S = S35

experiment failed S = 9S4

experiment not completed S = 190S

(A sample result S35 means that if we add digits 35 from the right hand side to a digit sequence then we shall get the digit sequence corresponding to a failed experiment)

You are to write a program which decrypts given sequences of digits.


A integer
n stating the number of encrypted results and thenconsecutive
n lines, each containing a sequence of digits given as ASCII strings.


For each analysed sequence of digits the following lines should be sent to output (in separate lines):

+ for a positive result
- for a negative result
* for a failed experiment
? for a not completed experiment

In case the analysed string does not determine the experiment result, a first match from the above list should be outputted.

Sample Input


Sample Output

int main()
int n;
char a[1005]={0};
else if(a[strlen(a)-1]=='5'&&a[strlen(a)-2]=='3')
else if(a[0]=='9'&&a[strlen(a)-1]=='4')
else if(a[0]=='1'&&a[1]=='9'&&a[2]=='0')
return 0;

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