Gather Health ⋅ Careers

Careers at Gather

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  1. L295 how to turn down a job but keep a good relationship with the hiring manager

    Let’s say you’re on the hunt for a new job. Three interviews in, you realize it’s not the place for ...

  2. The Process of Google Hiring

    [The Process of Google Hiring] 1.keynote 1: The Google hiring process is designed to hire the most t ...

  3. codeforces 589G G. Hiring(树状数组+二分)

    题目链接: G. Hiring time limit per test 4 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard inp ...

  4. Facebook is Hiring!

    I am a software engineer in Facebook. I joined Facebook a year ago and now doing some iOS stuff. If ...

  5. Amazon Kindle Device is hiring in Beijing Shanghai and Shenzhen!

    This is Angela from recruitment team of Amazon Kindle Device Software & Applications, we are exp ...

  6. We're Hiring A Software Tester

    测试人员的基本修养: 代码编写,不可或缺 乔布斯说:Design is not just what it looks like and feel like,design is how it works ...

  7. Amazon Hiring Campus 2013 - Final 6

    Let's assume that there is a simple market for beans. Every day there is a published bean price in t ...

  8. 转:为什么说招到合适的人比融到钱更加重要 - Hiring Great Talent is More Important Than Fund Raising

    我在猎头行业工作了 20 多年,一直在帮助创业公司招聘优秀的人才.我服务过的客户既有 VC 投资的初创企业,也有即将 IPO 的公司.我和 200 多个 VC 合作过,也见过 300 多个客户失败的案 ...

  9. 【codeforces 589G】Hiring

    [题目链接]: [题意] 有n个人; 每个人每天在开始工作之前,都需要di单位的准备时间,然后才能开始工作; ...


  1. 编译boost python模块遇到的错误:../../libraries/boost_1_44_0/boost/python/detail/wrap_python.hpp:75:24: fatal error: patchlevel.h: No such file or directory

    就是遇到类似标题上面的错误. 原因是没有安装对应python的python-dev依赖,不然编译到boost python模块的时候就会出错. 所以解决方案是sudo apt-get install ...

  2. 八大排序c++可运行精简版,一目了然

    #include <iostream> using namespace std; // 插入排序开始===================== void insert_sort(int a ...

  3. 【Android病毒分析报告】 - ZooTiger “集恶意推广、隐私窃取、恶意吸费于一体”

    本文章由Jack_Jia编写,转载请注明出处.  文章链接: 作者:Jack_Jia    ...

  4. json中换行问题

    json中不能存在换行,但可以进行替换后给服务器 function(text_info) { text_info=text_info.replace(/\r/gm,"<br\>& ...

  5. 见过的最好的Layout讲解,挺全的

    见过的最好的Layout讲解,挺全的 1. ...

  6. 【SDUT 3038】迷之博弈

    action=showproblem&problemid=3038">[SDUT 3038]迷之博弈 简直就是上次省赛的缩减版... 仅仅只是这个是链 省赛是环. ..1 2先 ...

  7. sun.misc.BASE64Encoder找不到包,解决方法

    右键项目->属性->java bulid path->jre System Library->access rules->resolution选择accessible,以 ...

  8. vim中对文本的选择

    本文主要解说vim中对文本的选择,vim中选择文本分为: (1)选择字符  ----  命令行模式下输入小写v (2)选择行     ----  命令行模式下输入大写V (3)选择块     ---- ...

  9. socketpair的使用

    socketpair函数概要例如以下:#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socket.h>int socketpair(int domai ...

  10. 【巧妙的模拟】【UVA 10881】 - Piotr's Ants/Piotr的蚂蚁

    </pre></center><center style="font-family: Simsun;font-size:14px;"><s ...