
  • Split string into parts based on new line in java

    Solution:   Reference is here.


  • get out of the first part of a string until meet "<"

    Solution:   Reference is public String[] split(String regex).

        1)  s = "boo:and:foo";     String[] result = s.split(":") ; => {"boo", "and", "foo"}

        2)  s = "boo:and:foo";     String[] result = s.split(":", 2) ; => {"boo", "and:foo"}

        3)  s = "boo.and.foo";     String[] result = s.split("\\.", 2) ; => {"boo", "and.foo"}

  • Split string into parts based on new line in java

    Solution:   Reference is here.


String lines[] = string.split("\\r?\\n");
  • Convert Long in int in java



int result = (int) longVar;
  • Copy file to another folder in java

    Solution:    Reference is herecopy(Path source, Path target)


Path source = Paths.get("/Users/apple/Desktop/test.rtf");
Path destination = Paths.get("/Users/apple/Desktop/copied.rtf"); Files.copy(source, destination);
  • File into a String in java

    Solution:    Reference is hereFiles.readAllBytes(Path source)


String filePath = "c:/temp/data.txt";

String content = new String ( Files.readAllBytes( Paths.get(filePath) ) );
  • Path String to File in java



String filePath = "c:/temp/data.txt";

File file = new File (filePath );
  • Join path in java

    Solution:   Reference is here.

        1) Use Paths.get(String parentPath, args)

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
Path currentPath = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
Path filePath = Paths.get(currentPath.toString(), "data", "foo.txt");

output is "



        2) Use File(String parentPath, fileName)

import java.io.File
File file = new File(parentPath, fileName);
  • Get epoch time in java (present a unique Id by numbers if the time is not in the same ms)

    Solution:   Reference is here.


long epoch = System.currentTimeMillis();
String Id = Long.toString(epoch);
  • Create a path from String in java

    Solution:   Reference is here.


import java.nio.file.Paths;
Path path = Paths.get(textPath);

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