As a excellent obd2 solutions,Heavy Duty Diagnostic CAT Caterpillar ET Diagnostic Adapter features a potent not just can Show “Logged Occasion Codes” to show engine more than speeds,Higher temperatures, fuel consumption but also can view ECM’s existing configuration and adjust user settings,perform diagnostic tests and calibrations, and calibrate.Electro-mechanical and electro-hydraulic elements .

Is the Cat Comm III compatable using the computer software Heavy Duty Diagnostic CAT Caterpillar ET 2011B Is this an actual caterpillar portion or even a knock off? Thanks.Yes, this is really the genuine CAT adapter, It’s also the ONLY advisable adapter for CAT ET, but obviously other ones will perform. It will function fine for the version you may have, and 2011C is actually the newest version.

What exactly is the distinction between a cat comm II & Cat Comm III. Is one just a usb connection and one serial? Also, will this unit perform with my Cat 3126B marine units? Seriel no. 3GS01797 Thanks. CAT Comm II was a serial port model, but since computers are no longer made with serial ports, they changed the design to a USB and called it a CAT Comm III. So you are correct. This unit works with all CAT engines – Marine, on-highway, and off-highway. On Marine units, I’m not sure where they put the plug, but it should be somewhere near the ECM (Typically). It should be either a 6 pin or 9 pin connector.

Does this operate with CAT 3500 natural gas engines and 3600 natural gas engines? Thanks.If those Professional Diagnostic Tools use CAT Electronic Technician (CAT ET) for the application, it’s going to perform. Can the cat communicate 3 also be used to read detroit and cummins engines if I have the correct software? Yes, it reads both J1708 and J1939 so it can read both of those. Keep in mind that this adapter only comes with the J1939 adapter end, so I would recommend purchasing the J1708 adapter end from me as well if you plan on connecting to some older stuff.

More similar items can be found on and any problem please feel free contact us.

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