In this lesson you will learn to tell the time.  说时间


at       time; at 7:30; at midday; festival at Christmas   # 具体时间

Time < on      on weeks; on Sunday; on Monday morning; My birthday; April 2nd      # 具体某一天,要用on ,example: December 11th

in       month; season; year ;in the Morning ;in the Afternoon ;in the Evening; in a few minutes 几分钟后 # in 什么什么时间以后的也用in

What time do you usual ___?

I usual go home at 9:30 PM.

go home/ leave school   回家;放学

go out for the evening   晚上出去玩

listen to music/ the radio  听音乐

check my email   检查我的邮件

arrive at the office   到达办公室

comb my hair  梳头

have breakfast 吃早餐

get up   起床

get dressed  穿衣服;打板

make up   化妆

wash up 洗漱

have dinner 吃晚餐

do my homework  做作业

go to bed/sleep  睡觉

take a shower 洗一个淋浴

leave the house  离开家

work / study  上班;学习

词汇(Key Word )

busy 忙碌

December 十二月

homework 家庭作业

leave   离开;留下

Monday  星期一

nap [næp] 小睡;打盹儿

November 十一月

oral  口头的,口述的

prepare 准备

Sunday 星期日

thirty  三十

Thursday 星期四

at midnight 在半夜

take a nap  小睡一会


Do you get up early in the morning?

Do you take a nap in the afternoon?

Do you leave the office in the evening?

Do you watch the news at 7 P.M.?

Do you go shopping on the weekend?

Do you eat snacks at 3 P.M.?

Do you go to work on saturday?

Do you stay at home in the evening?


Summary(总结)         # 单词和Summer 夏天 很像

1. 注意三单 go 变 goes

2. 注意句子只要有动词就需要使用助动词do 而不是be动词(am,is,are)

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