
聚类,直觉就能想到kmeans聚类,另外还有一个hierarchical clustering,但是单细胞里面都用得不多,为什么?印象中只有一个scoring model是用kmean进行粗聚类。(10x就是先做PCA,再用kmeans聚类的)












Dimensionality reduction.

Throughout the manuscript we use diffusion maps, a non-linear dimensionality reduction technique37. We calculate a cell-to-cell distance matrix using 1 - Pearson correlation and use the diffuse function of the diffusionMap R package with default parameters to obtain the first 50 DMCs. To determine the significant DMCs, we look at the reduction of eigenvalues associated with DMCs. We determine all dimensions with an eigenvalue of at least 4% relative to the sum of the first 50 eigenvalues as significant, and scale all dimensions to have mean 0 and standard deviation of 1.


Initial clustering of all cells.

To identify contaminating cell populations and assess  overall heterogeneity in the data, we clustered all single cells. We first combined all Drop-seq samples and normalized the data (21,566 cells, 10,791 protein-coding genes detected in at least 3 cells and mean UMI at least 0.005) using regularized negative binomial regression as outlined above (correcting for sequencing depth related factors and cell cycle). We identified 731 highly variable genes; that is, genes for which the z-scored standard deviation was at least 1. We used the variable genes to perform dimensionality reduction using diffusion maps as outlined above (with relative eigenvalue cutoff of 2%), which returned 10 significant dimensions.

For clustering we used a modularity optimization algorithm that finds community structure in the data with Jaccard similarities (neighbourhood size 9, Euclidean distance in diffusion map coordinates) as edge weights between cells38. With the goal of over-clustering the data to identify rare populations, the small neighbourhood size resulted in 15 clusters, of which two were clearly separated from the rest and expressed marker genes expected from contaminating cells (Neurod6 from excitatory neurons, Igfbp7 from epithelial cells). These cells represent rare cellular contaminants in the original sample (2.6% and 1%), and were excluded from further analysis, leaving 20,788 cells.

鉴定出了highly variable genes,还是为了降噪(其实特征选择可以很自由,只是好杂志偏爱这种策略,你要是纯手动选,人家就不乐意了)。


要想鉴定rare populations,就必须over-clustering!!!居然将k设置为15,然后通过marker来筛选出contaminating cells。


# cluster cells and remove contaminating populations
cat('Doing initial clustering\n')
cl <- cluster.the.data.simple(cm, expr, 9, seed=42)
md$init.cluster <- cl$clustering
# detection rate per cluster for some marker genes
goi <- c('Igfbp7', 'Col4a1', 'Neurod2', 'Neurod6')
det.rates <- apply(cm[goi, ] > 0, 1, function(x) aggregate(x, by=list(cl$clustering), FUN=mean)$x)
contam.clusters <- sort(unique(cl$clustering))[apply(det.rates > 1/3, 1, any)]
use.cells <- !(cl$clustering %in% contam.clusters)
cat('Of the', ncol(cm), 'cells', sum(!use.cells), 'are determined to be part of a contaminating cell population.\n')
cm <- cm[, use.cells]
expr <- expr[, use.cells]
md <- md[use.cells, ]


# for clustering
# ev.red.th: relative eigenvalue cutoff of 2%
dim.red <- function(expr, max.dim, ev.red.th, plot.title=NA, do.scale.result=FALSE) {
cat('Dimensionality reduction via diffusion maps using', nrow(expr), 'genes and', ncol(expr), 'cells\n')
if (sum(is.na(expr)) > 0) {
dmat <- 1 - cor(expr, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs')
} else {
# distance 0 <=> correlation 1
dmat <- 1 - cor(expr)
} max.dim <- min(max.dim, nrow(dmat)/2)
dmap <- diffuse(dmat, neigen=max.dim, maxdim=max.dim)
ev <- dmap$eigenvals
# relative eigenvalue cutoff of 2%, something like PCA
ev.red <- ev/sum(ev)
evdim <- rev(which(ev.red > ev.red.th))[1] if (is.character(plot.title)) {
# Eigenvalues, We observe a substantial eigenvalue drop-off after the initial components, demonstrating that the majority of the variance is captured in the first few dimensions.
plot(ev, ylim=c(0, max(ev)), main = plot.title)
abline(v=evdim + 0.5, col='blue')
} evdim <- max(2, evdim, na.rm=TRUE)
cat('Using', evdim, 'significant DM coordinates\n') colnames(dmap$X) <- paste0('DMC', 1:ncol(dmap$X))
res <- dmap$X[, 1:evdim]
if (do.scale.result) {
res <- scale(dmap$X[, 1:evdim])
} # jaccard similarity
# rows in 'mat' are cells
jacc.sim <- function(mat, k) {
# generate a sparse nearest neighbor matrix
nn.indices <- get.knn(mat, k)$nn.index
j <- as.numeric(t(nn.indices))
i <- ((1:length(j))-1) %/% k + 1
nn.mat <- sparseMatrix(i=i, j=j, x=1)
rm(nn.indices, i, j)
# turn nn matrix into SNN matrix and then into Jaccard similarity
snn <- nn.mat %*% t(nn.mat)
snn.summary <- summary(snn)
snn <- sparseMatrix(i=snn.summary$i, j=snn.summary$j, x=snn.summary$x/(2*k-snn.summary$x))
} cluster.the.data.simple <- function(cm, expr, k, sel.g=NA, min.mean=0.001,
min.cells=3, z.th=1, ev.red.th=0.02, seed=NULL,
max.dim=50) {
if (all(is.na(sel.g))) {
# no genes specified, use most variable genes
# filter min.cells and min.mean
# cm only for filtering
goi <- rownames(expr)[apply(cm[rownames(expr), ]>0, 1, sum) >= min.cells & apply(cm[rownames(expr), ], 1, mean) >= min.mean]
# gene sum
sspr <- apply(expr[goi, ]^2, 1, sum)
# scale the expression of all genes, only select the gene above z.th
# need to plot the hist
sel.g <- goi[scale(sqrt(sspr)) > z.th]
cat(sprintf('Selected %d variable genes\n', length(sel.g)))
sel.g <- intersect(sel.g, rownames(expr))
cat(sprintf('%d of these are in expression matrix.\n', length(sel.g))) if (is.numeric(seed)) {
} dm <- dim.red(expr[sel.g, ], max.dim, ev.red.th, do.scale.result = TRUE) sim.mat <- jacc.sim(dm, k) gr <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(sim.mat, mode='undirected', weighted=TRUE, diag=FALSE)
cl <- as.numeric(membership(cluster_louvain(gr))) results <- list()
results$dm <- dm
results$clustering <- cl
results$sel.g <- sel.g
results$sim.mat <- sim.mat
results$gr <- gr
cat('Clustering table\n')



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