

  1. 1位格雷码有两个码字
  2. (n+1)位格雷码中的前2n个码字等于n位格雷码的码字,按顺序书写,加前缀0
  3. (n+1)位格雷码中的后2n个码字等于n位格雷码的码字,按逆序书写,加前缀1

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <Cmath>
    using namespace std; class Solution {
    vector<vector<int> > ans; vector<int> generateGrayCode(int i,int j,int num_bits)
    vector<int> ansTemp;
    if(j == && i == )
    return ansTemp;
    else if(j == && i == )
    return ansTemp;
    } if(i< pow(,(double)num_bits))
    ansTemp = generateGrayCode(i,j-,num_bits-); //顺序
    ansTemp = generateGrayCode( *pow(,(double)num_bits) - i - ,j-,num_bits-); //逆序
    } return ansTemp;
    } vector<int> grayCode(int n) {
    vector<int> answerInt;
    if(n == )
    return answerInt;
    vector<int> onePiece;
    for(int i = ;i< pow(,(double)n);i++)
    onePiece = generateGrayCode(i,n-,n-);
    int i_ans = ; for(int i = ;i< pow(,(double)n) ;i++)
    onePiece = ans[i];
    i_ans = ;
    for(int mm = n-;mm>=;mm--)
    i_ans *=;
    i_ans += onePiece[mm];
    return answerInt;
    }; int main()
    Solution myS;
    return ;

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