
一般思路是 n*n*n,优化的话,如下:

先给数排序,然后对第一个数进行遍历 i,第二个数为i+1,第三个数为len-1,看得出的和于target的比较。如果小于target,则第二个数下标++,如果大于target,则第三个数下标--。

class Solution {
int threeSumClosest(vector<int> &num, int target) {
int len = num.size();
return ;
if(len == )
return num[]+num[]+num[]; sort(num.begin(),num.end());
int nearAns = num[]+num[]+num[];
for(int i = ;i<len;i++)
int j = i+;
int k = len-; while(j<k)
int sum = num[i]+num[j]+num[k];
if(sum == target)
return target;
if(abs(target - sum) < abs(target - nearAns))
nearAns = sum;
if(abs(target - sum) < abs(target - nearAns))
nearAns = sum;
return nearAns;

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