
  1. Make variables shouldn't be changed stand out using all caps.
  2. Add constants as static properties to the constructor function.
// constructor

var Widget = function () {

    // implementation...


// constants

Widget.MAX_HEIGHT = 320;

Widget.MAX_WIDTH = 480;
  1. General-purpose constant object
set(name, value) // To define a new constant

 // To check whether a constant exists

 // To get the value of a constant
var constant = (function () {

    var constants = {},

        ownProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,

        allowed = {

            string: 1,

            number: 1,

            boolean: 1


        prefix = (Math.random() + "_").slice(2);

    return {

        set: function (name, value) {

            if (this.isDefined(name)) {

                return false;


            if (!, typeof value)) {

                return false;


            constants[prefix + name] = value;

            return true;


        isDefined: function (name) {

            return, prefix + name);


        get: function (name) {

            if (this.isDefined(name)) {

                return constants[prefix + name];


            return null;




Testing the implementation:

// check if defined

constant.isDefined("maxwidth"); // false

// define

constant.set("maxwidth", 480); // true

// check again

constant.isDefined("maxwidth"); // true

// attempt to redefine

constant.set("maxwidth", 320); // false

// is the value still intact?

constant.get("maxwidth"); //


JavaScript Patterns - by Stoyan Stefanov (O`Reilly)

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