在Oracle EBS Integration Repository中,打开一个Webservice,报了一个警告。
Warning Service Provider Access is not available. You may not be able to see complete information about the service. Please view Service Provider logs for more details 中文: 警告 服务供应商访问权限不可用。您可能无法查看完整的服务信息。有关详情,请查看服务供应商日志
重新生成 WSDL”或者“重新部署”Webservice也都报一个类似的错误。
尝试执行 'GENERATE' 时,服务供应商访问权限导致例外 'oracle.apps.fnd.soa.util.SOAException: SystemError: Error while sending message to server. http://ebsdev.yaic.com.cn:8003/webservices/SOAProvider/EbizAuth?Generate=4449&soa_ticket=43W5Z2tBAjO_aAvxlqQnCA..'。有关详情,请查看服务供应商日志
详见:Doc ID 1079163.1 - HTTP-500 oracle.apps.fnd.soa.util.SOAException.. Error When Trying to Generate a WSDL From iRepository
Cause: The ASADMIN password is out of sync.
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Reset the "ASADMIN" password in the file system, update the file $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config/system-jazn-data.xml as shown below:
<display-name>Default Apps SOA User</display-name>
<description>Used by SOAProvider for DB connection</description>
<credentials>!<NEW PASSWORD></credentials>
NOTE: The password should be preceded by a '!' (Exclamation) so that when OAFM is started, it gets encrypted. For example, if the password is "welcome", then you have to change it to "!welcome".
2. Bounce oafm and retest the issue.
./adoafmctl.sh start/stop

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