#include <cstdio>
#include <climits>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string> struct Node {
int value = ;
struct Node *left = nullptr;
struct Node *right = nullptr;
}; void preorder_print_aux(Node *T) {
if (T == nullptr) {
return ;
std::cout << T->value << ' ';
} void preorder_print(Node *T) {
std::cout << std::endl;
} Node *CreateBiTreeAux(Node *&T, std::vector<int>::const_iterator &ite) {
// 按先序次序输入二叉树中结点的值(一个字符),空格字符表示空树,
// 构造二叉链表表示的二叉树T。
int elem = *ite++; if (elem == INT_MIN) {
T = nullptr;
} else {
T = new Node;
T->value = elem; // 生成根结点
CreateBiTreeAux(T->left, ite); // 构造左子树
CreateBiTreeAux(T->right, ite); // 构造右子树
return T;
} Node *create_tree(Node *&T, const std::vector<int> &input) {
std::vector<int>::const_iterator ite = input.begin();
CreateBiTreeAux(T, ite); return T;
} void free(Node *&T)
if (T == nullptr)
return; free(T->left);
delete T;
T = nullptr;
} int sum(struct Node *tree, int *max_sum) {
if (tree->left == nullptr && tree->right == nullptr) {
*max_sum = tree->value;
return tree->value;
} int left_sum = INT_MIN;
int l_max_sum = INT_MIN;
if (nullptr != tree->left) {
left_sum = sum(tree->left, &l_max_sum);
} int right_sum = INT_MIN;
int r_max_sum = INT_MIN;
if (nullptr != tree->right) {
right_sum = sum(tree->right, &r_max_sum);
} int ret = tree->value + left_sum + right_sum;
if (ret < l_max_sum) {
ret = l_max_sum;
if (ret < r_max_sum) {
ret = r_max_sum;
} *max_sum = ret;
return ret;
} void assert_equal(int expect, std::vector<int> tree) {
Node *T = nullptr;
create_tree(T, tree);
int ret = ;
sum(T, &ret);
if (expect != ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "Expect %d, but result is %d.\n", expect, ret);
} int main() {
assert_equal(, {, INT_MIN, INT_MIN});
assert_equal(, {, , INT_MIN, INT_MIN, , INT_MIN, INT_MIN});
assert_equal(, {, -, INT_MIN, INT_MIN, , INT_MIN, INT_MIN});
assert_equal(, {-, , -, INT_MIN, INT_MIN, , INT_MIN, INT_MIN, , INT_MIN, INT_MIN});
assert_equal(, {-, -, -, INT_MIN, INT_MIN, , INT_MIN, INT_MIN, -, INT_MIN, INT_MIN}); std::cout << "OK\n"; return ;
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