


js/jquery.fn.gantt.js 的js ,可以自己去github上搜官方的。



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<title>jQuery.Gantt - Test Suite 01</title>
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body {
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 13px;
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margin: 40px 0 20px 0;
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font-size: 1.5em;
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border-bottom: 1px solid #DDD;
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} table th:first-child {
width: 150px;
<body> <div class="gantt"></div> <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.fn.gantt.js"></script>
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.8.4/moment.min.js"></script>
function addHour(moment) {
return moment.add(12, "hours");
function addHour1(moment) {
return moment.add(6, "hours");
function loadgantt() {
var today = moment();
var andTwoHours = addHour1(moment());
var t1 = "/Date(" + today.valueOf() + ")/";
var t2 = "/Date(" + andTwoHours.valueOf() + ")/";
var t3 = "/Date(" + addHour1(andTwoHours).valueOf() + ")/";
var t4 = "/Date(" + addHour1(addHour1(andTwoHours)).valueOf() + ")/";
source : [ {
name : "Testing",
desc : " ",
values : [ {
from : t1,
to : t2,
label : "Test",
customClass : "ganttRed"
}, {
from : t2,
to : t3,
label : "Test1",
customClass : "ganttGreen"
}, {
from : t3,
to : t4,
label : "Test2",
customClass : "ganttOrange"
} ]
name : "Testing1",
desc : " ",
values : [ {
from : t1,
to : t2,
label : "Test",
customClass : "ganttRed"
}, {
from : t2,
to : t3,
label : "Test1",
customClass : "ganttGreen"
}, {
from : t3,
to : t4,
label : "Test2",
customClass : "ganttOrange"
} ]
} ],
scale : "hours",
minScale : "hours",
navigate : "scroll"
}); }
$(function() {
"use strict";
var today = moment();
var andTwoHours = addHour(moment()); var t1 = "/Date(" + today.valueOf() + ")/";
var t2 = "/Date(" + andTwoHours.valueOf() + ")/";
var t3 = "/Date(" + addHour(andTwoHours).valueOf() + ")/";
var t4 = "/Date(" + addHour(addHour(andTwoHours)).valueOf() + ")/";
source : [ {
name : "Testing",
desc : " ",
values : [ {
from : t1,
to : t2,
label : "Test",
customClass : "ganttRed"
}, {
from : t2,
to : t3,
label : "Test1",
customClass : "ganttGreen"
}, {
from : t3,
to : t4,
label : "Test2",
customClass : "ganttOrange"
} ]
name : "Testing1",
desc : " ",
values : [ {
from : t1,
to : t2,
label : "Test",
customClass : "ganttRed"
}, {
from : t2,
to : t3,
label : "Test1",
customClass : "ganttGreen"
}, {
from : t3,
to : t4,
label : "Test2",
customClass : "ganttOrange"
} ]
} ],
scale : "hours",
minScale : "hours",
navigate : "scroll"
}); });
<input type="button" onclick="loadgantt()" />



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